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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 4

The owner of the restricted area: “Probably just blow up a few universes at will!”

Everyone: “…”


ps: If you have any characters you want to join, you can also mention them in the comment area. You can consider joining them at your own discretion. By the way, the authors of Super God and Fox Demon have not read it.

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Immediately rush to recharge (event time: April 4th to April 4th)

Chapter [-]: The universe between the fingers, the bow of the Marquis of Vauban (the first)

ps: In the picture above, there is only a little gap between me and the boss.

Not long after Ye Qing finished speaking, the entire group fell silent, and rows of question marks appeared.

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man: “???”

The old man is a marquis: “???”

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “???”

Not a monster idler: “???”

This once again shows that the essence of human beings is a repeater.

Oh no, even the monsters are the same.

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “Am I right? Just blow up…how many…how many universes???”

Not only the words, but even in the real world, Yukinoshita Yukino had a look of shock on his face, and his small mouth opened into an O shape, which could almost fit an egg.

The delicate little face has lost the coldness of the past, no longer like an iceberg, but like a… sand sculpture?

But this cannot be blamed on Yukino, as a modern person, she is more aware of how vast the universe is.

Is the earth big?

It is very large, with a diameter of 12756 kilometers.

Six billion human beings live on this beautiful planet.

The star of the solar system, the sun, has a diameter of 105 kilometers, 130 times the diameter of the earth, and [-] million times the volume of the earth.

Such a star, which is unattainable in the eyes of human beings, is as small as dust in the boundless universe. There are more than [-] billion stars in the Milky Way alone.

The Milky Way is also extremely small to the universe. There are trillions of similar galaxies that can be observed by humans alone.

This is the vast and endless universe.

But the lord of the restricted area, the self-proclaimed immortal king in the beginning, or an immortal?He even claimed to be able to blow up several universes at will.

This is like Yukino Yukino who said that the sun is going to explode tomorrow, and all human beings will be giggled. It’s hard to believe, or rather, can’t believe it?

Is this the so-called only a little bit stronger?

Is this a little bit?

I’m afraid it’s not the universe between your fingers!

No, even the universe between the fingers can’t compare to this, this is the universe between the fingers!

The old man is a naval hero: “The universe? Is it very big? Why do you all seem to be unbelievable?”

Garp is a person from the pirate world. The technology is not very developed, and he does not understand the universe. Naturally, he does not know how amazing this is!

It’s not a monster idler: “It’s really amazing, no, it’s not just amazing, how can such a supreme, such a great existence be comparable to a mere god king? Even the so-called dragon god, the so-called eight million gods and In comparison, they are as small as dust!”

Even a monster sage like Yakumo Zi, who has lived for thousands of years, has a tingling scalp at this moment, his mind is in a trance, and he is full of inconceivable, like a mortal who has seen a great sacredness.

Logically speaking, as a monster sage, she should not know the knowledge of the universe, but she has been to the Moon City and obtained some information about the Moon City, so she has learned a little about the vastness of the universe.

The more you understand, the more you can understand how terrifying such existence is.

Tony didn’t want to be the richest man: “Miss administrator, is this true? It’s not that I don’t believe the words of the Immortal King in the early days, but I just think… this is just incredible!”

Tony Stark said cautiously.

At this moment, even if he was as arrogant as him, he didn’t dare to be arrogant in front of Ye Qing, his tone was considered, and he was full of respect.

After all, this one, but the super boss who claims to be able to explode several universes at will, if it is true, and if he accidentally offends him, it will be sad.

Although the members of the group cannot hurt each other, he cannot be targeted by a super-universe-level boss.

It’s not Mary Sue: “It’s probably true!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man: “…”

The oldest and strongest godslayer: “…”

Marquis Vauban opened his mouth, only to feel that the corners of his mouth were dry, and his whole body trembled a little. This was fear, facing an unprecedented monster, and fear.

Because of understanding, so fear, so fear.

In the face of the gods, he dared to rush forward to fight, dare to fight with the gods.

But facing Ye Qing, he was silent.

In the face of such a terrifying existence, is it really necessary to challenge?Or, do you have the courage to challenge?

For the first time, the Marquis of Vauban doubted his own beliefs.

The owner of the restricted area: “Are you surprised? This is just a little trick, it’s nothing!”

Not Mary Sue: “…”

If she hadn’t known that this was a super boss, she couldn’t help but want to complain.

This is also called a small trick?

Is it a small trick to blow up a few universes at will?

So what are they?

Little ant?

The oldest and strongest godslayer: “Perhaps, for the Immortal King in the early days, this is a small trick!”

The oldest and strongest godslayer: “Although you haven’t shown your power yet, I apologize for your previous arrogance!”

The oldest and strongest godslayer: “My long career as a demon king has made me lose my reverence for the unknown. Even a great being like you dares to provoke. This is too arrogant and too selfish!”

Not only that, the Marquis of Vauban also uploaded a photo of an old gentleman in a suit, bending over to apologize.

This is an apology to Ye Qing.

The crowd was moved.

Tony didn’t want to be the richest man: “I read that right, that proud old man actually bowed his head!”

This is a mighty demon king, a ruthless man who dares to kill even gods, and now he bows his head to a newcomer. Although this newcomer’s background is super big, it also makes him feel incredible!

The old man is a naval hero: “It seems that the Immortal King in the early days is really super scary, even the marquis bowed his head!”

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “Isn’t it normal to bow your head in the face of this kind of existence? After all, this is the Marquis’s provocation first, provoking a great existence, and an apology is inevitable!”

Yukino Yukino sighed.

The oldest queen: “Hey, how long are you ignoring this king?!”

At this time, Niang Twinkle, who had been ignored by everyone for a long time, finally couldn’t help but speak.

The words were filled with anger.


ps: This book is updated five or six every day, because the author has another new fantasy book to be updated, so there is no way to focus on this book, and in addition to updating two books, the author has to consider supplementary Some fans have come to join the plot characters, so they will be very busy, and the update is not particularly fast, please bear with me!

Also, the author did not add the characters of the Great Wilderness. After all, this theme is inherently at odds with fantasy. Once it is added, someone will definitely tear it up, so in order to avoid it, the author will not arrange it, at most add the magic boy Nezhali characters.

I will not add some particularly strong ones, such as the Holy King, the power system is too perverted, can’t write it down, and it will collapse when added.

If the big guys in the book review area recommend something unpopular, just give a full name, so that the author can find it,

Also, ask for flowers and a reward.

Qingming recharge event, recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately rush to recharge (event time: April 4th to April 4th)

Chapter [-] Niang Twinkle: “Are you teaching me to do things?” (Second)

ps: Originally there was a nice picture of Niang Twinkle, but I couldn’t find it. After looking through the gallery for half an hour, I couldn’t find it. I could only find one on the Internet. The picture is a bit blurry!

The oldest and strongest godslayer: “Gilgamesh? You are still here!”

The oldest and strongest godslayer: “Although the old man really wants to teach you a profound lesson, in front of the Immortal King, the old man will not show off his power!”

The oldest and strongest godslayer: “Be happy for this!”

In fact, if it wasn’t for Ye Qing’s appearance, Marquis Vauban would definitely teach Gilgamesh a lesson.

A mere king, even the oldest king of heroes, would not be afraid.

He even dared to kill a god, let alone a king.

It’s just that now because of Ye Qing’s appearance, facing such a great Immortal King, Marquis Woban, who feels insignificant, will restrain his fighting spirit and give up teaching Gilgamesh a lesson.

The oldest queen: “Immortal King? It’s ridiculous, a guy who hides his head and shows his tail only uses a few words to make you so afraid, pretending that you call yourself a demon king, the so-called god-killer, so timid?”

The oldest queen: “It’s ridiculous, you don’t deserve to be called a king!”

The oldest queen: “Destroy the universe at will? What a ridiculous statement, even the goddess of creation, it is impossible to have such power, a mere immortal king… hum!”

Regarding Ye Qing’s remarks, Niang Twinkle didn’t believe it at all.

Although Niang Twinkle is an ancient person of more than [-] years, she is also a heroic spirit. She obtained the knowledge bestowed by the Holy Grail when she was in this world. At the same time, she has the star of omniscience and has a certain understanding of the universe.

Although Xingyue’s universe is a bit strange, it is only the size of the Milky Way, but this does not hinder Niang Twinkle’s cognition of the universe.

In her opinion, how could such a vast and endless universe be destroyed by someone, even the so-called Immortal King.

Tony didn’t want to be the richest man: “Cough cough… I admire Miss Gilgamesh’s courage, even the Immortal King dares to provoke her!”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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