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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 46

Even the War God Temple, the Temple of Gods and other forces with emperor-level powerhouses will not work, and they will be directly destroyed.

In a mere celestial city, even if there is an emperor-level formation, it is useless. It is estimated that it will be destroyed in a short time, and it will be a disaster by then.

Aren’t you monsters, idlers, and beasts of the emperor realm very strong?”

The oldest and strongest godslayer “how is it compared to this old man”

Absolutely correct, seeing Miss Lin Xi so dreadful under the snow, I’m afraid it’s really scary!”

Regarding the background of Lin Xi’s world, Xuenai, the group members who joined the group early, have already understood it. It is a world of spiritual energy and recovery. The enemies of human beings are beasts from other worlds, extremely powerful, and they almost once killed human beings. destruction

But fortunately, with the re-emergence of the martial arts handed down from ancient times, human beings have reluctantly defeated the beasts and established powerful base cities one after another.

But even so, human beings are still far behind

It’s not Mary Su’s realm beasts, they are the overlords second only to holy-level beasts and god-level beasts, any one has the terrifying power to tear apart the earth with a single blow, and destroy a continent with a single blow! “

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man”

Absolutely correct under the snow”

The number one leader in the corpse and soul world “”

The oldest and strongest godslayer “”

It’s not a monster idler, Miss Lin Xi, and it’s dangerous!”

Yakumo Zi couldn’t help but complained that she could tear apart a thousand-mile beast with one blow, and this kind of terrifying beast could kill her with a single slap.

And such a level of beasts, there are actually five of them attacking the city of heaven.

It’s lucky that Tiancheng still exists

At present, in this group, except Ye Qing, no one is the opponent of the beast.

Ancient Clan Emperor Girl “I’m afraid that even my father is no match for such a big beast. The beast of the Emperor Realm is worthy of being in the Emperor Realm. I’m afraid only Emperor Dou can deal with it!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, Miss Lin Xi’s planet is so big that she can afford the toss of such a monster!”

Tony Stark couldn’t help but sigh

One blow tore through the earth, such a terrifying force, even if it is to destroy a planet, it will not be difficult, a few attacks can blow up a planet

How big is the planet where Lin Xi is located so that it can withstand the tossing of such a level of beasts?

It’s not Mary Su” After the Qi recovery, many ancient formations were lifted, the volume of the earth skyrocketed, and it became many times larger. Than a 1 star!”

How can Tony not want to be the richest man! Such a huge planet, with such a huge mass, is impossible for human beings to survive, and the incomparably huge gravity should directly reduce the entire planet to a death star, this is unscientific!”

Absolutely correct, under the snow and such a huge planet, it should also disrupt the balance of the entire solar system, at least eight planets will de-orbit!”

Not only Tony Stark doesn’t believe it, even Yukino doesn’t quite believe it

Because this is so magical, it completely subverts their three views, the Lord of the Restricted Area “That is because the entire solar system has also grown larger, no, it should not have grown bigger, but returned to its original appearance, it was just sealed before! “

Lord of the Restricted Area “As for learning, Tony, can you explain the existence of Reiki? It is a Reiki, a world of rejuvenation, and cannot be defined by conventional physical laws! It can only be attributed to the differences in the laws of the world!”

The Lord of the Restricted Area, “My world also has huge ancient stars of life, which are hundreds of millions of miles in size, many times larger than Miss Lin Xi’s earth, and even have super continents comparable to the size of a galaxy, or even the size of the universe!”

The Lord of the Restricted Area “How to Explain This”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, well, I shouldn’t try to use my shallow knowledge to understand this fantasy world!”

Tony Stark was a little ashamed, this kind of world is so unreasonable, there is no way to use the existing science to explain the master of the 0 restricted area “Now let’s discuss Lin Xi’s problem!”

It’s not Mary Su, “What can I do, that’s the beast of the Emperor Realm!”

Absolutely correct, although the beasts of the Emperor Realm are strong under the snow, can they still be as strong as the Immortal King?”

The number one leader in the soul world “Although that… the beast of the imperial realm is indeed powerful, it will never be the opponent of the Immortal King!”

It’s not Mary Sue, “Lord Wang, please help me!”

Ding, it’s not that Mary Su has encountered an irresistible danger when the administrator is detected, and the first large-scale group mission starts

The group task helps Lin Xi solve this crisis

Number of Participants 10 Missions 5

3. The reward is [-] points. The points will be distributed according to the role of the group members. Killing rewards will be rewarded with [-] points for each kill of the leader-level beast, [-] points for the king-level beast, [-] points for the emperor-level beast, and [-] points for the emperor-level beast. Five thousand points

Note that only the beasts who participated in the siege have points reward “There is a group of missions!”

Ye Qing showed a surprised look, and couldn’t help but feel a little moved.

The reward this time is very rich! Not only [-] points, but also points for killing beasts

Although I don’t know how many other beasts there are, but there are five beasts in the emperor realm, that is [-] points, plus the task reward, Ye Qing can at least get tens of thousands of points

Tens of thousands of points, not to mention that it can bring him back to life, but it can also restore a lot of his strength. Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, this is a large group mission!”

It’s not a monster idler, it’s worthy of being an administrator, crying, and even the chat group system has come forward to maintain it! I’m so envious!”

Absolutely right, Mr. Yukinoshita Stark should be super envious right now!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, I’m not only very envious, but also very jealous, when I think of the future… purple potato essence, I shudder, and I also want to start a large group mission!”

The guardian of Shenzhou “thinks that every group member should be treated equally, no matter who encounters irresistible danger, the chat group will issue this kind of task!”

The old man is a naval hero. “It is very possible that the chat group should not be so partial. If Tony boy really meets that… purple potato essence, maybe he will also start a large group mission!”

The ancient emperor’s daughter “I think so too!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man maybe!”

Hearing this, Tony Stark also felt a little more balanced. The reason why he lost his temper was because he was disturbed by future enemies.

After all, the current Tony Stark is not the one from the future… Iron Man, who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods in mortal body, he is still very immature.

The oldest and strongest godslayer. “Speaking of which, the old man saw that… points? The quest rewards a total of 10 points, and ten people divide it out of [-]. The one who contributed the least has one thousand points, and there are points for killing beasts. award!”

The oldest and strongest godslayer, “This time, as long as the group members with some strength can get thousands of points, I don’t know how strong the commander-level beast is!”

It’s not Mary Su. “The leader-level beasts are not very strong, and they are probably equivalent to Stark’s level. The king-level beasts are the real qualitative changes, and the weakest can be comparable to generals!”

This old man is a naval hero, “Only the commander level is equivalent to that old man like Tony, who can punch one at a time. Even if it is a general-level king-level beast, this old man can easily kill it!”

Karp is full of self-confidence. He is not… the one he used to be… a naval hero. After many times of strengthening and practicing the exercises uploaded by Ye Qing, his strength has skyrocketed many times.

At present, in the entire pirate world, Garp is the most well-deserved strongest, and the four emperors are not necessarily opponents.

The oldest and strongest godslayer “If the commander-level beast is just like Tony’s level, the old man can crush a lot of people with one power, it’s not worth mentioning!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man”

I’ve actually become a unit of measurement, Tony Stark said! Absolutely correct, Mr. Stark under the snow is really unlucky! The dignified Iron Man has become a unit of measurement!”

It’s not a monster idler, ah, if it’s Stark, we can also wave our hands and slap a group to death!”

Guardian of China, “You should be able to get a lot of points this time!”

It’s not Mary Su’s position, the king beast is just a piece of cake, the real king level, the heavenly king level, and even the beasts above the emperor’s realm, are the truly terrifying existences! And the emperor is terrifying!”

Between the king and the emperor, there are also grades, each level is big, and the emperor-level fierce beasts have the terrifying power to destroy the surface of the planet.

As for the imperial realm

When I think of the terrifying beast of the emperor realm, I shudder for a while.

That’s the real broken star monster

Any beast in the imperial realm can slap a planet with a few slaps

The owner of the restricted area, “Imperial Realm Emperor Realm, leave it to me to solve it!”

Ye Qing is also interested in the beasts in the imperial realm.

Of course, it’s not strength, but kill rewards

This time the reward is quite generous, it is a rare opportunity to get rich, Ye Qing will not let it go

The number one leader in the soul world, “With the immortal king taking action, the so-called beasts in the emperor realm are just ants!”

The ancient emperor daughter “Now it’s time to decide the group members who will participate in the mission. Although there are ten people in the mission, there are more than ten people here.”

Hearing this, everyone came back to their senses, only to find that the number of group members exceeded the task limit.

If Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, he can only exclude some members of the group!”

The number of group members, including Ye Qing, was thirteen, but the number of group members participating in the mission was only ten. Obviously, a few members of the group could not participate.

However, for those who do not participate in the instructions, such a large-scale group task is a good opportunity to earn points. Whoever is willing to let whoever speaks first may offend other group members

Absolutely correct, I will not go under the snow, although I have been strengthened and my strength has become stronger, but I can barely deal with a commander-level beast, and I am not even an opponent, this situation will be a hindrance!”

The guardian priestess of the Jade of Four Souls “Me too, my spiritual power is only aimed at monsters, not necessarily useful for beasts, and my strength is also very weak, not suitable for participation!”

Xilin No. [-] in the world “Let’s quit too, I just got the core of the Herrscher not long ago, and I haven’t become a complete Herrscher. If my strength is not enough, I won’t participate in this mission!”

Soon, Xuenuo, Kikyo, and Xilin three people quit this group mission one after another. Everyone can understand when they see this.

First of all, Yukino was originally an ordinary person. Even if he obtained powerful power, he could not master it quickly, and he did not have enough fighting experience.

As for Kikyo and Xilin, they are not strong enough to participate in this group mission.

In this case, it is better to give the opportunity to others

The Lord of the Restricted Area “Since this is the case, then the group members of this group mission are determined to be Tony Stark, Yakumo Zi, Marquis of Woban, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, Niang Sparkle, Garp, Gu Xun’er, Chi Yuan, Lin Xi, 92 and me, 10 of ten people in total!”

It’s not Mary Sue, “Of course you’ve decided, so let’s get the quest directly!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, I just want to see the beasts of another world, and my Iron Man armor can’t wait to show its power!”

The oldest and strongest godslayer “Kid Tony, don’t forget that your current combat power is only equal to the weakest commander level. In other words, you are a cannon fodder, be careful to be shot to death by the passing king realm beasts!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man”

It’s not Mary Su, “If you still have extra points in your hand, let’s hurry up and use them to strengthen your strength. In this way, you will have enough strength to hunt beasts!”

It’s not Mary Su, “The emperor’s daughter of the ancient clan, sister Xun’er, you should be only ten years old now, you are not strong enough, can you really participate in the war?”

Lin Xi was a little worried. According to her strength, Gu Xun’er was the weakest person in this group. She was only about ten years old, and her strength was at the level of a fighter at most.

In front of the commander-level beast, that is a dish

The ancient emperor daughter, “I have already told my father about this matter, he will come over soon, and then give me the empowerment to improve my strength in a short time!”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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