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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 49

“Hundreds of years ago, it once burned a continent with a diameter of ten thousand miles! It only took one breath!”

Lin Xi said solemnly


excuse me

Tony Stark is speechless

If it was placed on the original earth, it would be enough to burn the entire surface of the planet.

Really worthy of the name of extinction

“Destroying the Black Dragon Emperor!!”

“It turned out to be such a world-destroying beast, we are finished!”

“It’s dead, the city is over!”

“Why would such a fierce beast in the imperial realm attack the city of heaven!”

“Where’s Emperor Wu! Where’s Emperor War, the powerhouses in the Emperor Realm of our Yan Kingdom, why didn’t they show up!”

From the surrounding city walls, there were shouts of despair, and the strong men of the heavenly city, at the moment when the World Destruction Black Dragon Emperor appeared, all confidence in their hearts were defeated, and they were full of despair.

“It’s over!”

A king-level powerhouse closed his eyes, full of despair

The World Destruction Black Dragon Emperor, this terrifying beast, is also a leader in the emperor realm. The emperor realm powerhouse who has killed humans has a fierce reputation.

Boom! Just when everyone was desperate, a huge phantom appeared in the center of the city wall, about ten thousand feet tall, exuding terrifying coercion, almost comparable to the World Destruction Black Dragon Emperor

“Dragon Emperor, why did you offend my Heavenly City!”

This [-] zhang-sized Emperor Shadow’s mouth has a great majesty, and it spreads all over the surrounding tens of thousands of miles, making a group of crazy beasts uneasy.

“It’s the Emperor of Heaven!”

“It’s the Emperor Realm powerhouse who came out of my city!”

“Great, has the Great Emperor of Heaven appeared!”

When the phantom appeared, the originally desperate people showed surprises.

“The Emperor of Heaven is back”

Lin Xi also showed surprise

“What a strong breath!”

Chi Yuan’s complexion is extremely dignified

“No, it’s just a phantom of him, passed over from a million miles away!”

Ye Qing explained plainly.

When I heard the name of the emperor, there was a flash of disdain in my eyes.

The mere smashed star ants dare to call themselves emperor

“Hand over that thing, as well as our emperor, or else we will flatten the city and destroy your Flame Kingdom!”

The World Destruction Black Dragon Emperor stared and said coldly.

“Dragon Emperor, this Emperor doesn’t know what you want, and I haven’t taken your things, so let’s go!”

The phantom of the Heavenly Capital Emperor frowned and said lightly.

“Retreat to wishful thinking!”

The World Extinguishing Black Dragon Emperor stared coldly at the Heavenly Capital Emperor with a cold tone.

“If you can’t make it, then the city will be destroyed, and then the kingdom of Yan will be pacified!”

After all, the World Destruction Black Dragon Emperor opened a pair of dragon wings that covered the sky, and an unparalleled terrifying aura filled the air, almost as if the world was about to be destroyed, causing changes in the celestial phenomena in a radius of ten thousand miles.

It can be seen that the entire sky is surrounded by endless fire clouds, and the terrifying flame scorches the sky, and the entire sky seems to be burning.

That kind of terrifying power, even across the imperial formation, made the powerhouses in the city tremble.

“Tread the Dragon Emperor of the Yan Kingdom, but don’t forget my saint of the Yan Kingdom!”

Emperor Tiandu frowned and couldn’t help reminding

“Nine One Seven”


This is a powerhouse above the emperor realm, equivalent to the holy realm beasts among the beasts, and its power is far above the emperor realm beasts

The weakest saint can also kill ten strongest beasts in the emperor realm

There is a difference between the two

It is precisely because of the presence of a sage that the Yan Kingdom is the most powerful country in the world, and it has always been a country that ferocious beasts fear.

In the past, there has never been a beast of the Emperor Realm attacking the Kingdom of Yan. It is because of the presence of such a terrifying existence in the Kingdom of Yan. Once there is a beast of the Emperor Realm who dares to attack the Kingdom of Yan, even if it is a million miles away, it will be killed by a sage.

This is the power of the saint

“Hahaha, it’s ridiculous to hold a saint down on me!”

The World Extinguishing Black Dragon Emperor laughed loudly, and the terrifying laughter shook the sky, blowing away thousands of miles of clouds and mist.

“You really think it’s ridiculous that there are no saints in my fierce beast clan. Our clan already has three saints who are ready to be dispatched at any time. Once your saint of Yan kingdom takes action, then the saint of our clan will surely destroy your saint of Yan kingdom, and then step on it. Flame Kingdom!”

The Dragon Emperor’s dragon-like voice resounded across the earth, and everyone who heard the voice turned pale for a while, and their hearts were filled with fear.

The powerhouses in Tiandu, who had hoped because of the appearance of the Great Emperor of Tiandu, fell to the bottom again in their hearts.

three saints

What a terrifying power this is, enough to wipe out the Yan Kingdom

No matter how strong the sages of the Yan Kingdom are, it is impossible for one to defeat three. Once they fight, they will inevitably be defeated.

“Three saints!”

Lin Xi’s eyes widened, her heart trembled.

“The powerhouses that are one level higher than the broken star beasts of the emperor realm are still three Miss Lin Xi, your world is too scary!”

Tony Stark screamed strangely, and everyone was taken aback

Five broken star-level emperor-level beasts are nothing more than

Now three more terrifying holy beasts have popped up

This kind of world is too scary! “Miss Lin Xi, how difficult your world is!”

Chi Yuan’s complex expression showed some sympathy

This surprised Ye Qing and glanced at everyone, a strange feeling in his heart.

In his world, let alone a mere saint, even immortal kings are just cannon fodder in the later stage.

That world is the real horror

“Dragon Emperor! You guys are going to start a holy war! Don’t you think the seal has not been further released!”

Hearing the words of the Dragon Emperor, the Great Emperor Tiandu’s face changed greatly, and he couldn’t help asking.

“Hahaha, you don’t need to think too much about it!”

The World Extinguishing Black Dragon Emperor roared, opened his mouth and spit, a scorching heat to the extreme, as if the dragon breath like the sun was spit out, with a diameter of tens of thousands of feet, like a sun, directly falling on the emperor array

Boom! The terrifying collision exploded, the entire imperial formation trembled, countless ripples appeared, extremely violent, as if it was about to break open, and countless flames shattered and fell on the battlefield

“Roar, Roar, Roar”

In an instant, there were tens of thousands of beasts that could not escape and were wiped out by the flames, and there were no shortage of beasts in the king realm.

In front of the beasts in the imperial realm, the so-called realm of kings are just insignificant ants.

Even the beasts in the imperial realm are just slightly larger ants.

“I want to break the delusion!”

Emperor Tiandu raised his hand and pointed, and a powerful force surged out, reinforcing the emperor formation and resisting the attack of the world-destroying Black Dragon Emperor.

Normally, the Heavenly Capital Emperor, who is only a phantom, could not stop the World Extinguishing Black Dragon Emperor, but with the Emperor Array, it was different, and he barely had the capital to block him.

At least in a short time will not be defeated

“A phantom, also wants to block this emperor! Courting death!”

The World Destruction Black Dragon Emperor roared, and a black claw shot out, like a great mountain, tearing apart the sky, surrounded by the power of terrifying laws, with this slap, even a planet can be smashed in half. 0 Boom! The imperial formation trembled violently, even the entire city of heaven and the earth tens of thousands of miles trembled slightly.

“Emperor Heilong, you are really useless, you can’t even do anything with a mere emperor formation!”

At this moment, a contemptuous sneer came, and a ferocious claw appeared, poking out from the other side of the sky, as large as a mountain, exuding an aura no weaker than that of the Black Dragon Emperor, and slapped heavily on the imperial formation.

Peng! With a terrifying roar, the imperial formation burst apart, and even the phantom with the Emperor Tiandu dissipated together.

No matter how strong the imperial formation is, it is impossible to stop the joint attack of the two powerful emperors

If there is a real Emperor Realm powerhouse presided over, it will be fine, and it can be resisted, but a mere shadow can’t stop it at all.

Therefore, with just one blow, the imperial formation shattered directly, and together with the phantom of Tiandu Great Emperor, it also dissipated.

Along with the shattering of the imperial formation, the city of heaven was also exposed to thousands of beasts.

“It’s over!”

Everyone was pale and full of fear

“My people, go ahead, flatten this city, kill all human races, and then welcome back our emperor!”

Looking at this huge city, the World Destruction Black Dragon Emperor spread his wings and roared.

“Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!”

“Ow, ooh”

One after another terrifying roar resounded, and countless beasts went crazy, rushing towards the city of heaven, and the mighty torrent was like a piece of black.

1 waves can drown everything


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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