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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 52

But it didn’t take long for it to turn into a pillar of salt

At the same time, the beasts in the sight of Marquis Vauban turned into pillars of salt and died.

This is the power of power

The power of plundering the self-defeating body, strange and powerful

“Hey, at a glance, it turns into a pillar of salt, what kind of ability is this?”

“So terrifying, so strange, this old man is definitely a powerful awakener, and his ability is at least at the peak of the king’s rank!”

“It’s so strong, how could there be such an awakened person in Tiandu!”

Nearby, some warriors who noticed the movement of 590 here were all astonished.


This is another system that is different from martial arts practitioners. After the recovery of spiritual energy, some lucky people with physical changes have awakened innate abilities. They have various abilities, but most of them are powerful. The awakening ratio is about [-] to [-].

Of course, after the later emperor realm powerhouses joined forces and studied the awakened people together, it was discovered that this was not a so-called body mutation at all, but that the ancient blood in the body was activated.

It can be said that every Awakened is the proud son of heaven

The level of the awakened person is similar to that of the martial artist. The master is the king, the emperor, the emperor, the holy, and the god. There are five 55 levels.

There is only one awakened person in the world who can reach the emperor level, the rest are all emperors, kings, but more are below the kings

This has also led to the fact that any king-level awakened person is very precious, and his status is much higher than that of ordinary peers.

Therefore, the power of the Marquis of Vauban shocked everyone so much.

“That woman is really powerful!”

The Marquis of Woban, who killed the flame bird at a glance, was also startled by the momentum caused by the red kite, and then sneered, with a strong fighting intent in his eyes.

The stronger the companion, the more excited he is

Because only in this way, can he be qualified to be parallel with his wolf king

Wild dogs! are not qualified! “Wolf of greed!”

The Marquis of Woban waved his hand again, and once again exerted a kind of power, an incomparably ferocious gray wolf appeared, even bigger than a calf, there were hundreds of them, each exuding a strong aura.

Intensified by points

The power of the Marquis of Vauban has also become more powerful

“Come on, old man’s servants!”

Marquis Woban waved his hand, and the wolves instantly slaughtered out, staring at the commander-level beast. At the same time, Marquis Woban also rode the wind and thunder to kill the king-level beast.

His goal is very simple, that is, commander-level and king-level beasts

In his eyes, the task this time is very simple, that is, try to kill as many commander-level beasts and king-level beasts as possible, so as to maximize the points.

As for the imperial realm and the imperial realm, it is not in his consideration.

Boom! On the other side, the soaring flames burst

Covering the entire kilometer of land, the crimson flames were burning, the super high temperature of [-] degrees, and the powerful beasts burned the city! Blast directly, one blow can burn thousands of meters of land

If it weren’t for Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai’s careful control of his power, I’m afraid even the human warriors would be burned out together.

“Stay away from my flames and be careful not to burn out!”

Shirtless, his body was covered with terrifying scars, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai held a flowing blade like fire, surrounded by extremely terrifying spiritual pressure, and his eyes were extremely cold.

At this moment, the power of the strongest god of death in the millennium was truly revealed, killing thousands of beasts with one blow, including even king-level beasts.

Strong strength is evident


The nearby warriors were all stunned. If they hadn’t moved away in time, they would have been burned by the terrifying flames. Even so, they felt the heat was unbearable, and they only felt that the blood in their bodies would be burned to nothing.

it shocked them

Who is this, so powerful

“The guardian of Shenzhou is so powerful!”

Suddenly, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai felt something, looked up and saw ink washes swept up to the sky in the distance, an ethereal fairy shadow was fighting with a powerful emperor, and the terrifying power shook the entire battlefield.

“So powerful, that old man can’t show weakness!”

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai whispered, then looked up at another king-level battlefield, where there were many powerful king-level beasts

“Behead, start!”

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai disappeared instantly.

Boom! In the next second, a terrifying flame erupted in the distance, and a powerful king-level beast was slashed by Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai with a sword, and the terrifying explosion burned it directly, leaving no slag.

“Hahaha! Bastards, bow down to the glory of this king!”

On the other side, Niang Twinkle was sitting on the Vimalakirti, laughing wildly, and the king’s treasure madly shot out powerful treasures, all of which were treasures, pinning all the beasts to the ground.


I saw that many warriors had numb scalps

The rest of the people, such as Tony Stark, Garp, and Lin Xi, also performed very well. Wherever the three of them passed, they slaughtered head-to-head beasts one after another, which greatly eased the fear of the warriors in Tiancheng. pressure

However, the most eye-catching is Gu Xun’er, and even Chi Yuan has been slightly concealed.

I saw Gu Xun’er, who was only more than ten years old, like a young god, walking in the void on foot, tearing apart the space where he passed, and killing king-level beasts one after another by terrifying cracks. If you slap it with the palm of your hand, even the Heavenly King-level fierce beast can’t hold it, and is directly slapped to death by the palm of your hand.

Such a powerful strength makes everyone’s scalp numb

“This woman is definitely an emperor!”

“And it is by no means weak among the emperors!”

“There is such a young emperor in Yan Kingdom”

When a group of warriors were fighting, when they saw this scene, they exclaimed in disbelief.

“Idiot, this is definitely an old monster with good looks. Although he looks young, his real age is estimated to be seventy or eighty years old, or even hundreds of years old!”

An old master scolded

“It turns out that I am stupid!”

The man woke up like a dream, suddenly realized the way

“It’s disgusting

, They are only eleven years old, how can they be so old!”

Gu Xun’er, who was killing the beasts at will, couldn’t help but frown slightly. She is now a strong fighting saint, comparable to the existence of the emperor, how can she not hear other people’s comments

When I heard others say that she was at least seventy or eighty years old, I couldn’t help but feel a little depressed, but I couldn’t punish them, so I could only put my anger on the beast, and swiped the palm of my hand, and photographed it one after another. beast killing

“Roar, the powerful people in the imperial realm of the human race, don’t want to be ruthless!”

At this time, an extremely powerful imperial beast rushed forward. It was a golden lion. It was nearly a hundred feet long and covered in golden hair, like a god.

“Compared to the beasts of fighting saints!”

Seeing the golden lion, Gu Xun’er frowned slightly, revealing a hint of fear

To be honest, she doesn’t want to run into a beast of this level.

Not only because she is very difficult to deal with, but also because she is a Dou Sheng who has been empowered, and is a parallel importer. Even if she has the bloodline of the emperor, her combat power is far superior to her peers, but she may not be able to stabilize the beasts of the imperial realm.

After all, the difference between the use of power and the comparison of combat experience is really too big.

Once confronted with the beasts in the imperial realm, I am afraid that it will be half a catty and eight taels, and it will be indistinguishable.

This is definitely a waste of time

“no solution anymore!”

Gu Xun’er sighed, then turned around and left, tearing apart the space and descending on another battlefield

“The emperor of the human race, are you so timid? Fight this emperor!”

Such a move made the golden lion stunned for a moment, and then he was furious.

“Hmph, only a fool will fight you!”

Gu Xun’er hummed disdainfully, raised his hand and slapped the beasts of the king realm to death, even the heavenly king level couldn’t bear it

Under the combat power of the Dou Sheng level, the mere king level is simply vulnerable to a single blow.

That ferocious attitude made many strong men secretly stunned

worthy of the king

“When did I have so many strong people in the city?”

At the same time, the emperor, who was fighting hard with one enemy against three, also discovered the achievements of others, and was a little shocked in his heart.

With his strength, he can naturally understand the strength of everyone

Two emperors, the others are kings, even top kings

Such a powerful existence, why is the nameless name a strong man supported by other cities “Hey, the strong man of the human race still exists in the imperial realm!”

Not only the Emperor Hun had noticed it, but even other vicious beasts in the imperial realm, and even the vicious beasts in the imperial realm in the distance, especially the World Destroying Black Dragon Emperor, put his gaze over, revealing traces of traces of it. surprise

“It’s not a martial arts system, it’s a more weird power. Could it be a strong person from another world or someone from another major force?”

The World Extinguishing Black Dragon Emperor whispered softly, with doubts

It is [-] words long, please subscribe to the big guys!!! At the same time, I recommend a book “The Herrscher of the Sky” in the outskirts of Tiandu City. Located here, like five terrifying magic mountains, it just blocked the only way to the entrance of Tiandu.

The five beasts in the imperial realm are the World-Destroying Black Dragon Emperor, a black giant dragon, a final emperor crocodile, and a prehistoric emperor crocodile. The two have extraordinary bloodlines and are extremely powerful.

Previously, it was the two of them who shot together and destroyed the imperial formation in Tiandu City. In addition to these two beasts in the imperial realm, there were also the Black Gold Devil Emperor Eagle, the Wan-footed Centipede Emperor, and the Three-Headed Heavenly Serpent Emperor.

These five beasts of the emperor realm are all famous, and they are the most vicious emperor realm beasts in the Shenzhou area.

At this moment, seeing the strange power of the Chiyuan people, not only was the World Destruction Black Dragon Emperor surprised, but the rest of the Emperor Realm beasts were also a little puzzled.

They have never seen such power

“Dragon Emperor, are you going to make a move?”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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