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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 53

Di Yandi Crocodile asked, its body was snow-white, and at this time it was entrenched in a mountain range.

too large

“Shooting a few ants is not worthy of the Emperor!”

The World Extinguishing Black Dragon Emperor snorted coldly, it is a generation of beasts in the emperor realm, and the mere imperial realm is not enough for him to do it.

Although the emperor’s realm is strong, in the eyes of the emperor’s realm powerhouse, it is just an ant. It can be killed in seconds with a flick of a finger. It is not worth doing it yourself, even if the other party is slaughtering his own subordinates.

“But if it goes on like this, the loss of our people may be a little big!”

The Black Gold Devil Emperor Eagle reminded that this fierce bird did not fly into the sky at this time, but landed on a mountain. The body of thousands of feet was like a magic mountain, and the terrifying atmosphere permeated the air.

At this moment, it is watching the battlefield from a distance, and seeing a group of powerful beasts being slaughtered constantly, it is inevitably a little unhappy.

Those are its subordinates. Although they are not of the same race, they can also be regarded as their subjects. Now they are slaughtered like this, naturally it is not what it wants to see.

“What are some low-level vicious beasts? They are just ants. Our real purpose is to get those things and welcome back our emperor!”

The World Extinguishing Black Dragon Emperor sneered with disdain, apparently just treating the beasts as cannon fodder

“Furthermore, Lord Saint has an order to let us weaken the power of the human race as much as possible. This time we threaten the city of heaven, and there will definitely be one or two emperors from the Flame Kingdom coming to help!”

“When the time comes, it’s time for Emperor Tu!”

The World Destruction Black Dragon Emperor sneered.

This is their purpose, otherwise why do they need to dispatch five beasts of the emperor realm, it is the emperor realm powerhouse who wants to kill the Yan Kingdom

There are such existences as the emperor realm powerhouse, any one is the Optimus Prime of the human race, and it is the existence of the Dinghai God Needle. Once one falls, for the human race, it will be a disaster like the sky is falling and the earth is falling.

For the Yan Kingdom, it would be even worse.

Destroying an emperor of a human race will greatly reduce the pressure on the beast clan.

“If you want to make a move, go ahead, but if you let the plan of the sage fail, you will be punished!”

The World Destruction Black Dragon Emperor smiled coldly.

Hearing this, the Black Gold Devil Emperor Eagle fell silent.

Saint, that is far beyond the existence of emperor realm

A saint, that is a race’s Dinghai Shenpin, is a benchmark among all races in the universe, and races are rated as superior races

Only the races with saints are qualified to be called superior races, otherwise they are indigenous or slave races

Because only saints can travel through the stars and strike across the stars. Only with such strength can other races be fearful and awe-inspiring.

It is precisely because of this that the Black Gold Devil Emperor Eagle does not dare to disobey the orders of the saint. Once its unauthorized action causes the failure of the saint’s plan, even if the saint directly crushes it, no one dares to object.

“All right!”

The Black Gold Devil Emperor Eagle sighed and gave up the plan to shoot.

“Why didn’t Lord Saint take the opportunity to destroy the Yan Kingdom!”

The other beast of the Emperor Realm, the three Heavenly Serpent Emperor asked, this is a new beast of the Emperor Realm, its strength and qualifications are not as strong as that of the Black Dragon Emperor, they have a long history.

“That’s because it’s not easy to mess with!”

The world-destroying Black Dragon Emperor said indifferently

“Why are there three saints in our clan now that have recovered? If Lei Ting makes a move, he will definitely be able to kill that saint of the Flame Kingdom!”

The three-headed snake emperor said in amazement

“And then the three saints were also dragged and buried together!”

The cold way of the world destroyer Heilongdi

“How is it possible, it’s just a saint, how can it be possible to drag the three adults to die together!”

The three-headed snake emperor can’t believe it, who can be a saint with one enemy and three

No matter how you think about it, it’s impossible!” That human sage mastered the power of the ancients, and once he tried his best, he was enough to go with the three adults, and now the seal of the ancient saints has not been cracked, so too much power is not allowed to appear, once the three adults If you take action, even if you can destroy the saint of the human race, it will inevitably cause the seal to rebound!”

“By that time, my fierce beast clan will be greatly injured, and even lose the land that they have finally occupied!”

The World Extinguishing Black Dragon Emperor slowly explained that this is the secret of the beasts of the emperor realm.

“Because of this, the three adults want to slowly consume the top power of the human race, rather than start a decisive battle in one breath, which is too unfavorable for our clan!”

“I see!”

The three-headed snake emperor suddenly realized, the three three-headed snakes nodded heavily, indicating that they understood


“Imperial beasts took action and wiped out the ants of the human race!”

At this time, the crocodile of the final emperor suddenly roared, and the sound shook tens of thousands of miles, full of terrifying majesty.

“If we don’t make a move, we can also let the imperial realm beasts make a move!”

Seeing the suspicious eyes of the other beasts in the imperial realm, the final emperor crocodile said lightly.

Hearing this, the beasts no longer pay attention

“Follow the Emperor’s order!”

In the distant battlefield, a group of beasts in the imperial realm roared excitedly, all of them shot, a total of more than ten vicious beasts in the imperial realm shot, it was absolutely shocking, it broke the balance of the battlefield in an instant, and the vicious beasts in the imperial realm ran rampant. When the claws go down, a large number of human warriors will be killed, and the earth will sink.

“The old man fought with you!”

An old true king of the human race roared, holding a double hammer, looking at the tragic state of the battlefield, with red eyes trying to fight with the beast of the imperial realm, but before he could make a move, a huge claw slapped him down, killing him directly. not even struggling

The king’s realm and the emperor’s realm are also very different

“Roar, ants, die!”

A group of imperial beasts roared, arrogantly, easily swept away a large number of human warriors, and did not kill them directly, but toyed with human warriors in a playful manner


The emperor’s eyes were red, seeing this tragic situation, he couldn’t help roaring, his heart was full of anger

But unfortunately, he was entangled by the three imperial beasts. The thousand-zhang-sized dharma image was broken more than once, and he was seriously injured.

0 Otherwise, he would have died long ago! Now, even if he sees the battlefield being crushed, he can’t do anything.

“You are too much!”

Seeing this scene, Chi Yuan, who was fighting the King Kong Demon Ape, couldn’t help sighing, and there was a flash of compassion in her eyes.

With a kind-hearted nature, she couldn’t sit back and watch the tragedy in front of her continue, but with her strength, it was already the limit to fight one beast of the imperial realm independently, and it was difficult to fight against the second one. feel powerless

‘The strength is still not enough!’ “The mere human ants, die!”

The King Kong Demon Ape roared, slapped it with a slap, and the violent power surged, shrouding the earth in it, and the endless pressure crushed it down.

“But the ants in your eyes can defeat you!”

A stern look flashed in Chiyuan’s eyes, she raised her hand and patted it, and the ink surging, turned into a yin and yang taiji map, and blocked the blow, and at the same time deceived her body, the strongest martial arts broke out

fist, palm, leg, inch strength

All kinds of terrifying moves were madly blasted like a gust of wind and rain, hitting the body of the King Kong Demon Ape, and the violent force beat it to the point of spitting blood, only to feel that the bones of the whole body would be shattered.

“The inch of strength is open to the sky!”

With a loud shout, the strong punch of the strong blasted out, as if breaking the sky, the violent air wave blew away the fire clouds in the sky, and all the flames were blown away.

Bang! The King Kong Demon Ape fell to the ground, no breath

A fierce beast in the imperial realm was beaten to death by Chiyuan


Chi Yuan let out a sigh of relief, her face was exhausted, and she felt some regret in her heart. She was still a little reluctant to kill a beast of the imperial realm. At this moment, her power had already consumed most of it, and she did not have the strength to kill another beast of the imperial realm.

But as everyone knows, her record has shocked all the powerhouses present, even the beasts of the emperor realm aloof, all turned their attention to

This is the first imperial beast that has fallen since the outbreak of the battle

Or killed by a strong human race

“Human, amazing, ah!”

The world-destroying Black Dragon Emperor’s eyes turned cold, and his terrifying killing intent boiled over

Obviously, the fall of a beast in the imperial realm angered the ancient dragon emperor

“Dragon Emperor, don’t try to be ruthless!”

At this time, in the distant sky, a loud shout came. It was the Great Emperor of Tiandu. In addition, there was another terrifying aura, which was the fluctuation of the emperor realm powerhouse.

Two powerful emperors have come

“Hahaha, the plan was successful!”

Hearing the words, the World-Destroying Black Dragon Emperor laughed instead of startled, full of joy

The five beasts of the emperor realm are here, even if there are two human emperor realm descendants, what will happen today, the emperor will be slaughtered! “Boom!”

Before the human race warriors were happy because of the arrival of the emperor realm powerhouse, five terrifying qi bursts instantly.

“The emperor realm of the human race has been waiting for you for a long time!”

The indifferent voice of the Black Dragon Emperor sounded, causing all the strong people of the race to show despair

Everyone realizes that

“There is a beast in the imperial realm that died, and one of my prey was snatched away. It seems that the divine sense has to be shot!”

On the other side, Ye Qing, who came to the Shenyun restricted area, moved slightly, sensed the movement of the battlefield, and couldn’t help but feel a little helpless, and then used a ray of spiritual sense left behind.

“Godfall forbidden area!”

After doing all this, Ye Qing looked at the restricted area in front of him, showing a look of interest

What is the forbidden area of ​​​​Godfall! This is a forbidden area for life that makes all warriors on earth fear, and even fear

Restricted area similar to Ye Qing World

Of course, the power level is not comparable.

A perfect forbidden area of ​​life, any one has multiple true immortals, and there is an immortal immortal king, which is a terrorist force that can survive forever.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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