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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 55

Ye Qing commented lightly, and then pointed it out, a finger supporting the sky stuck out, surrounded by the laws of immortality, like a Optimus Prime, shattering the universe and suppressing it.

Bang! The big hand was shattered, smashed and crushed, and then the giant finger quickly pointed out, straddling the cosmic channel with unrivaled power, and pointed at the opponent.

Boom! As strong as the master, he is an unparalleled powerhouse comparable to the Great Emperor Realm. At this moment, he was also directed to fly to his imperial palace and fell to the end of the great universe. all broken

cosmic tremor

09 Countless creatures looked at the end of the universe in amazement, their eyes filled with shock, especially the rest of the masters, who also looked over in amazement, revealing a hint of surprise.

“That guy Taixuan actually suffered a loss”

“What’s the matter, is there a ruler who crosses the border?”

“That guy Taixuan was actually knocked into the air. Could it be that there really is an unparalleled powerhouse?”

The other rulers of the universe were shocked, and strands of spiritual thoughts came across the starry sky, and when they saw the embarrassed Taixuan, they all showed shock.

This is the master of the generation

Sweeping the sky and the ground, the invincible supreme power in the universe

It turned out to be knocked into the air by an unknown opponent. What happened! The rest of the masters were dignified


In the depths of the distant cosmos, an angry roar resounded, and a figure that lifted the sky appeared, with a body that was extremely large, and the galaxies were swirling in the hair.

“Come soldiers!”

The figure of Qingtian snorted coldly, and a soldier shot up into the sky, its edge shot the universe, and it showed extreme coercion.


With a roar, he took a step forward, traversing countless star fields, and came to the imperial palace in one step. The soldiers were soaring to the sky, carrying the power of immeasurable laws, and stabbed into the cosmic passage with one blow, vowing to kill Ye Qing.

Infinite murderous surging

“You still don’t understand the difference!”

Ye Qing shook his head in disappointment and pointed out again.

This time, it was still a giant finger to support the sky, but it was even more terrifying. With a touch of real immortal murderous intent, it crossed to the end of the cosmic passage, and hit the soldier with a single blow, destroying it with the force of destruction. After that, the remaining momentum did not change, and a finger slammed on the figure of Qingtian.

Boom! The blood exploded

Under one finger, the figure exploded directly. The body of the immortal ruler could not bear the power of this finger. Even the soul of the ruler was shattered, and the source was destroyed.

“Well, I need that cosmic power system!”

Ye Qing whispered softly, and with a backhand probe, turned into a big hand and grabbed the master who was killed, shattered his consciousness, and then pinched it into a ball of origin.

A master was killed at will

Meanwhile, at the other end of the cosmic channel

sky cosmic tremor

Countless visions have emerged, one day weeping, there are gods weeping blood, and even more lamentation and other visions appear, covering the entire universe.

In particular, the top powerhouses in the Tiancang cosmos sensed that one of the avenues that dominated the Tiancang cosmos was broken.

A master has fallen! The whole beings of the universe, including the rest of the masters, have raised this idea

“One by one, the rulers have fallen!”

“How is it possible! How is it possible!”

“It killed the master with one blow, how could there be such a terrifying existence!”

The masters of the sky and the universe roared, and their faces were full of fear.

they are afraid

In the face of a supreme being that can raise his hand to kill the master, these masters are all terrified

They didn’t even dare to find out who did it! “Go to Supreme Heavenly Venerate and ask him to do it!”

At this time, one of the masters spoke, and the rest of the masters also seemed to remember something and walked out of their imperial palaces towards a mystery in the universe.

As for the other creatures in the universe, they are caught in endless fear. The fall of a master is no less than the collapse of the sky for the creatures in the universe.

Especially the creatures ruled by the master of Taixuan, they are even more frightened to the extreme. They who have lost the Optimus Prime are destined to be unable to keep their status, and will inevitably fall to the altar.

But all of this has nothing to do with Ye Qing. After killing the Master, Ye Qing left the Shenmie forbidden area.

Ye Qing has no idea of ​​exploring the universe. Now is not the time. Ye Qing doesn’t want to take risks. After all, he is just an obsession.

After all, as a big universe, Tiancang Cosmos may not have born a powerhouse that surpassed the master. Ye Qing has no idea of ​​​​matching that kind of powerhouse.

What’s more, killing a master is enough to make the most powerful people in the sky, and in a short time, they don’t dare to do anything to this universe.

At the same time, just as Ye Qing was attacking the Master, the battlefield on the other side was

A disparity in the number of Emperor Realm battle also broke out

The Great Emperor of Tiandu and another Emperor Realm powerhouse descended, but they were ambushed by the Five Emperor Realm beasts.

If this is the case, even if the two powerful emperors are defeated, they can still retreat.

After all, it is not so easy to kill a strong person in the emperor realm, especially the emperor realm of the human race.

But the five beasts of the emperor realm dared to ambush the emperor realm of the human race, and they were naturally fully prepared. They brought a holy soldier, which can temporarily stimulate the power of the holy realm.

One holy soldier, five beasts of the emperor realm

The battle was instantly unbalanced, and the two powerful emperors were severely injured in an instant, and they were almost killed.


With a loud bang, Emperor Tiandu smashed onto the city wall of Tiandu City, and the body of the tens of thousands of feet was covered with terrifying scars. Another Emperor Realm powerhouse was not much better. almost dying

“Hahaha, I didn’t expect the plan to go so well this time, to ambushed two human emperors!”

The world-destroying Black Dragon Emperor came, and the dragon body of ten thousand feet was filled with mighty power. Just the sweep of the dragon wings blew away a large number of human warriors, just like a world-destroying dragon.

“It’s time to pacify the city!”

The final crocodile also appeared, looking at Tiandu with cold eyes, shining with cruel light

“It’s just a celestial city, it’s not too easy to step down!”

The three-headed Heavenly Snake Emperor also appeared, with a winding snake body circling, a pair of icy snake eyes blinking, and icy scales shimmering in the sunlight.


The other two beasts of the Emperor Realm also descended, their eyes full of coldness and cruelty, admiring the despairing expressions of everyone.

“Look, this emperor likes to see the despair of these humble ants!”

The black gold devil eagle sneered

“It’s over! It’s really over this time!”

“Five beasts of the emperor realm, no one can save us this time”

“woohoo, I don’t want to die”

The intense despair spread among the remaining Heavenly Capital warriors. Everyone was desperate, and even gave up resistance, kneeling on the ground, and some even cried bitterly.

no one wants to die

Especially in the face of this doomed ending

Some warriors with a slightly worse mentality collapsed directly

No one will blame them, everyone is silent, even the two powerful emperors are no exception

seems to have accepted the ending

The beasts also stopped attacking, squatting quietly on the ground, waiting for the order of the beasts of the emperor realm, they were about to rush into the heavenly city in one fell swoop, slaughtering all the living beings.

“After all, it’s time for 317!”

Chiyuan stopped attacking, looked at the five beasts of the emperor realm that came, and sighed softly, feeling a little weak.

“Still too weak!”

she whispered

If she is strong enough, she only needs to use her fists to kill the five beasts of the emperor realm. Why should I watch them show their power? It reminds her of the last battle of the last era.

Facing the world-destroying Herrscher, she is also so powerless, all her attacks are useless against Herrscher, and she can only watch her companions die at the hands of Herrscher.

‘I want to become stronger!’ Chi Yuan whispered in her heart, full of firmness

“Tsk, what a hassle!”

On the other side, Yakumo Zi snorted softly, a little disgusted, but she also stopped, she didn’t dare to continue.

If it attracts the attention of the beasts of the emperor realm and gives her a paw, then she will suffer.

Others such as Yamamoto Yuanliuzhai, Marquis Woban, Lin Xi, Niang Shuang, Gu Xun’er, Garp, Tony Stark and others also stopped and looked at the five beasts of the emperor realm with some fear.

But they have no fear

Because compared to the other desperate people, behind them stood an Immortal King who was able to suppress everything

“Women of the human race, you were the one who killed the beasts of the imperial realm before.”

At this time, the World Extinguishing Black Dragon Emperor set his sights on Chi Yuan, and asked the question knowingly.


Chi Yuan nodded slightly and admitted directly.

“You know, that is the subordinate of this emperor”

The world-destroying Black Dragon Emperor said coldly, that the Vajra Demon Ape is one of the subordinates it values.

“Then how do you know who I am!”

Chi Yuan asked indifferently

Hearing this, Yakumo Zi and the others all smiled knowingly.

“who are you”

Hearing Chi Yuan say this, the World Destruction Black Dragon Emperor was stunned, and subconsciously asked back.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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