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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 57

This is the grass word sword art! Boom! “No!”

The sword energy swept across, slashing open the sky, accompanied by a desperate roar, the orc saint was beheaded, and endless blood rained, dyeing the earth red.

Heaven and earth are silent

Everyone was stunned, including the sage of the Yan Kingdom

A powerful saint was beheaded like this

This is something no one thought of

“Chiyuan, you will destroy all the beast leaders under the imperial realm! Leave the imperial realm to me!”

Killing the orc saints at will, Ye Qing moved towards Chi Yuan and the others.


Everyone responded, at the same time, Ye Qing’s thoughts moved, and the sword qi was horizontal, and all the beasts in the imperial realm were beheaded, and the rest of the beasts, under the siege and suppression of Chi Yuan and others, will be annihilated sooner or later.

The aggressive tide of beasts ends here

Between the heavens and the earth, there is only a figure shrouded in fairy light standing

The name of the immortal king in the beginning

will resound the world

The sixth update is, Zuo is going to have some supper and take a bath. The seventh update may be a little late. By the way, please subscribe for support. When everything is over, everyone will return to Tiancheng.

Chi Yuan, Lin Xi and others were treated with the highest standards. The top powerhouses in Tiandu held a celebration banquet and invited all the warriors who participated in the war to celebrate their achievements.

On that day, the sage of the Yan Kingdom came directly, bringing a number of emperor realm powerhouses to see Ye Qing, but Ye Qing refused, he was too lazy to see these people

Although he regretted not seeing Ye Qing, the sage of Yan Kingdom still warmly entertained Chi Yuan and others.

At night, when Chi Yuan and others were attending the banquet, Ye Qing left alone.

He did not go to the banquet, but sat cross-legged on the bed in a room, a mass of origin appeared in the palm of his hand, filled with a terrifying aura, as if he was an unparalleled emperor, extremely terrifying

This is the origin of the master of Taixuan

After being killed by Ye Qing with one finger, he was photographed together with the source, and wanted to use this to study the power system of this world.


Ye Qing’s spiritual sense reached out and fell into the source, and began to probe the memory of the master of Taixuan to understand the system of this world.

Boom! Countless memories came rushing in, recording the memories of the master of Taixuan rising from a weak childhood to the time when he was the master of proving the Tao, which lasted for millions of years.

However, all these memories have been deleted, leaving only some related to the cultivation system and various cultivation experiences.

Soon, a system was sorted out by Ye Qing

Body Refinement, Qi Sea, Ju Yuan, Shrine, King Realm, Emperor Realm, Holy Realm, Emperor Realm, God Realm Triple, King, Master, and the legendary realm of the Supreme Heavenly Venerate

This whole is the cultivation system of the Tiancang universe, and it is also the cultivation system of this world. It may be a little different, but it is basically the same.

This system is similar to the Immortal Ancient System. It is all about cultivating outsiders and comprehending the laws of the great world. From the holy realm, practitioners must start to integrate the laws of the world step by step, and finally merge with the cosmic avenue to achieve the realm of domination.

Only when you reach the realm of Heavenly Venerate can you be detached from this, eternal and immortal.

In this realm, in the memory of the master of Taixuan, there is only one, and that is the Supreme Heavenly Venerate of the Heavenly Cang Universe.

It is the invincible powerhouse of Tianzun realm

“Is it comparable to the existence of a true fairy!”

Ye Qing said to himself, in his speculation, the Celestial Venerable Realm is probably equivalent to the True Immortal, and the combat power of the two is not much different.

But he is not worried, what about the real immortal, as long as it is not the real immortal king coming, he is not afraid

Ordinary real fairy, just slap to death

“This system extracts its essence, refer to practice!”

Ye Qing’s eyes flickered, and with the combination of the laws of heaven and earth, Ye Qing naturally couldn’t go, it was useless, but he could try to practice the cultivation of qi and blood.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t have a physical body yet, so he can’t cultivate for the time being.

“This source has to be put away for the time being!”

Looking at the source of the master in his hand, Ye Qing sighed softly, turned his hand and put it away, and at the same time, with a thought, his figure disappeared quietly and appeared on the roof of a high-rise building outside.

Ye Qing sat in a random place, leaning on the stone pillar lazily, looking at the moon in the sky with lazy eyes

Above the starry sky, the cold moon hangs high, with soft moonlight falling, which is very beautiful and makes people feel calm.

This made Ye Qing gradually immersed in the beautiful moonlight, and a fairy mist gradually filled his body, ethereal like a fairy.

Since he became an Immortal King and had a chat group, he has not enjoyed the moon so calmly anymore.

I do not know how long it has been

A slender figure appeared, the moment she saw Ye Qing, she was slightly taken aback, and was about to turn around and leave

“Why go and sit together!”

Ye Qing spoke indifferently, he didn’t open his eyes, but he still knew who was coming! “I’m afraid to disturb the Qing Ning of the Immortal King!”

A cold voice sounded, and the person who came was Chi Yuan. After obeying Ye Qing’s words, she sat down beside her.

“Qingning will not!”

Ye Qing opened her eyes and looked at Chi

Delicate and beautiful face, let him a little trance

This face, in the previous life, he could only see through the phone screen

But in this life, he was able to witness, touch, and even embrace it with his own eyes.

“Why not continue participating”

Ye Qing asked with a smile

“I don’t like to be noisy!”

Chiyuan shook her head, and then asked, “Then why did the Immortal King not participate?”

Saying that, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Ye Qing, her feet were hanging, and she shook slightly.

“me too!”

Ye Qing said lightly

It’s not that Ye Qing doesn’t like liveliness, but he’s not used to being with too many strangers. He doesn’t like it, so he naturally avoids it.

“Without the participation of the Immortal King, the banquet this time has lost a lot of color!”

Chi Yuan whispered

“You seem to have something on your mind!”

Ye Qing did not respond, but changed the subject and asked

“I still can’t hide it from the Immortal King!”

Chi Yuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly, looked up at the bright moon in the starry sky, and looked a little lonely.

“I just think of my former companion!”

Hearing this, Ye Qing’s expression was calm, but she understood in her heart, this is a feeling of sadness.

The weakness in the daytime reminded Chiyuan of the weakness she once fought against the Herrscher of the End, and the lost companions.

Ying, Cang Xuan, Dan Zhu, Ji Lin, these familiar names and familiar figures, have all disappeared in the long river of history, and when she thinks about it now, it still makes her heart aches.

For a long time, Chiyuan thought that her heart would not hurt anymore

Unexpectedly still

Chi Yuan is a little self-deprecating

“Do you miss them?”

Ye Qing asked abruptly, looking at the bright eyes, there seemed to be countless brilliance flashing, each symbolizing a kind of future, making Chi Yuan slightly dazed

“Hmm! I really want to!”

For a long time, Chi Yuan nodded heavily, her expression a little sad

“But, they are all dead!”

How can you see the dead! Even if you want to see them again, there is nothing you can do

“Who said I can’t see you!”

Ye Qing said lightly, the voice was not loud, but it resounded in Chi Yuan’s heart like a thunderbolt, which made her show an incredible color.


Chiyuan tilted her head slightly, as if she couldn’t react.

“If you want to see it, just reverse the time and space and fish them out of the long river of time!”

Ye Qing said lightly

“how can that be!”

Chi Yuan widened her eyes and laughed dumbly.

Reversing time and space, how powerful is this, and how could she be able to reach it! Perhaps only the Immortal King can do it! “You can!”

Ye Qing said calmly

“As long as you step into the Escape Realm and gain a time ability, you can reverse the time and space of the entire earth, and even interfere with countless timelines to change the world you want to change!”

“By then, if you want to save your friend, it won’t be a difficult thing!”

Hearing this, Chi Yuan was in a daze! “I can do that kind of thing”

Chi Yuan exclaimed incredulously. Although she didn’t know all the cultivation systems, she probably learned about the realm before the God Realm through the Primordial Innate Technique uploaded by Ye Qing.

Even if you don’t know what the realm is, you can probably guess that it is a realm far beyond the realm of the gods.

And she is now even a little worse at the Venerable Realm, let alone escaped, it is a gap of [-] miles.

“I believe you can!”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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