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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 60

Only a few days have passed in other worlds, this world has passed two years

The flow rate of one day in the sky and one year in the ground, here, has an alternative embodiment

The wilderness is endless, ferocious beasts emerge in an endless stream, there are ancient relics rampant, and the mountains and forests roar proudly, showing the ancient wild scene.

Ye Qing stood on a mountain peak, overlooking the vast wasteland


At this moment, in the distant sky, a terrifying cry resounded, accompanied by terrifying fluctuations, a five-colored peacock spread its wings, surrounded by five-colored divine light, and shattered mountains and forests just by waving its wings, and the mountains were covered by the gods. light collapse


The five-colored peacock was extremely angry, and the powerful aura shook the mountain range. Many beasts were extremely frightened, and some weak immemorial relics were also uneasy, with fear.

This is a five-colored peacock king. Among the ancient relics, they are all extremely strong, comparable to the existence of a prince. At this moment, when he is angry, his power is like a tsunami and a landslide. The five-colored divine light flashes, and it can make a piece of great mountains. crumble

“Why does this scene feel a little familiar!”

Ye Qing’s expression was strange, his mind moved, and then he looked into the world, and soon saw a small figure, holding a colorful bird egg running wildly, and muttering frantically in his mouth

“This little guy!”

Ye Qing couldn’t help laughing, the little figure being chased was No. 1 who hadn’t seen for two years.

As in the original book, he was hunted down for stealing the eggs of the Five-color Peacock King, but what surprised him was that Zhu Yan did not follow Ten No. The Peacock King’s eggs are only very fast, Ye Qing understands what’s going on

On No. 1’s body, a small pangolin drilled out. It was covered with black and gold scales and ruby-like scales on its head. It looked small, only about a foot.

“It turned out to be a treasure hunt armor!”

Ye Qing knew it

This is a kind of ancient relic. It is not strong in frontal combat, but it has an extraordinary perception of treasures. It can find all kinds of precious treasures, and it can also escape through mountains and freely enter and exit various formations and restrictions. is an extremely rare relic

Ten No. 1 Although there is no Zhu Yan to follow, but with the treasure hunt armor, the effect is similar

It should be said, worthy of being the “protagonist” of destiny

Even if there is no Zhu Yan, there is also a treasure hunt armor instead

“Since it’s an experience, let him hone it alone!”

Ye Qing’s eyes flickered when he was being hunted down, but in the end he didn’t choose to help

Anyway, with the ability of No. 1 on the tenth, he is completely capable of evading the pursuit and killing, and completing the experience, he does not need to do this.

“Let’s go back to the restricted area first!”

Ye Qing waved his sleeves, took a step forward, and the stars moved, and in an instant, he crossed the boundless land and returned directly to the restricted area of ​​​​the beginning of time.


When Ye Qing appeared, two rays of immortal light immediately fell, a man and a woman appeared, salute Ye Qing, it was Qingfeng and Mingyue


Ye Qing nodded and didn’t say anything, but went directly to a main hall, ready to start practicing

In this mission, he got a lot of points, just in time to try to repair his state

If he can be reborn and have a body again, Ye Qing is sure to return to the peak state in the shortest time.

Of course, with tens of thousands of points, it is impossible for him to regain his status as an immortal king. This is unrealistic! “System, how many points do I have now?”

Ye Qing asked the chat group, as the agent group owner, he has more privileges than other group members, such as consulting the chat group system at any time

“Ding, the deputy group leader, you have a total of [-], [-] points!”

Hearing this, Ye Qing was slightly taken aback.

Before he knew it, he had so many points.

But it’s no wonder that this time the group was appointed by five emperor realm beasts, so he provided him with [-] points, a total of sixteen emperor realm beasts, except for the one killed by Chiyuan, the remaining ten If all five heads were killed by him, that would be [-] points

There are also points for task rewards. Ye Qing contributed the most and also got [-] points.

In this way, the total is [-]. The points, the points saved before going up, have nearly [-] points.

I have to say, it’s a huge amount of money

“Lord Acting Group Leader, I suggest that you collect [-] points and open the Life and Creation Pool, which can help you recover to the greatest extent!”

At this time, the voice of the chat group system sounded again, making Ye Qing slightly startled.

“What is the Shengsheng Creation Pool!”

Ye Qing asked in a deep voice

“Life and Creation Pool, this is one of the unique functions of the chat group. It has many functions, which can restore the origin, reshape the body, and also reshape the body and condense it to a strong physique. It can be resurrected with the help of the Shengsheng Creation Pool!”

chat group system explained

“Speaking like this against the sky, I can be resurrected directly and return to the peak”

Ye Qing said in surprise

If this is the case, then this function is against the sky! “No, because the acting group owner is too powerful, even the Shengsheng Good Fortune Pool cannot restore you at one time, at least five times!”

The chat group system rejected the road

“I see!”

Ye Qing is thoughtful

Although it takes five births to restore the good fortune pool, it is actually very good.

After all, he is an Immortal King, with such a powerful cultivation base, with only [-] points, it is naturally impossible for him to recover directly. Even if he recovers only one-fifth, the effect is quite amazing.

“But I’m still missing two hundred points!”

Ye Qing pondered for a while, and his consciousness entered the chat group. He uploaded a treasure skill, which was not very strong, but it was only a heaven-level treasure skill, but in the chat group, it was already extremely amazing.

Ding, Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man to receive your magic

Ding, absolutely right, Yukinoshita has received your treasure

Ding, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai received your precious art

Soon, after everyone in the group had claimed it, Ye Qing also credited nearly [-] points again.

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man in the world!!”

Absolutely correct, Yukinoshita, congratulations on the triumphant return of the Immortal King!”

Xilin No. [-] in the world “His Immortal King has returned triumphantly!”

The guardian priestess of the Jade of Four Souls “Congratulations to the Immortal King on his triumphant return!”

As soon as Ye Qing appeared, Xuenai and others congratulated each other, making Ye Qing a little dumbfounded.

This can also be called the master of the triumphant restricted area “just a minor task, far from being a triumph!”

In fact, if the Lord of the Sky Cang Universe hadn’t appeared and made Ye Qing move a little bit, this time would not even be a mission.

Just a play

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man wow!! Xiaoyue is too much, obviously my performance is also good, why don’t you tell me a triumph!”

Absolutely correct, Yukinoshita, Mr. Stark is doing very well. Sorry, I didn’t see you. If you don’t say it, I almost thought you didn’t go! No 863 expression on your face

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man”

Tony Stark said, “It’s heartbreaking! The same male group members, why is the gap so big? Is it possible to do whatever you want if you are handsome? It’s not a monster idler. This is completely the reason why Mr. Stark is too weak, and he has no sense of existence at all. No!”

The oldest and strongest godslayer “This old man agrees, you can’t even kill a kingly beast, you’re so rude, Tony!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, please, I’m not bad at all, it’s just that you didn’t see it!”

The oldest and strongest godslayer “So you are brave”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, I’m super brave!”

The owner of the restricted area “Ye Qing’s face is a little subtle, why does this line feel a little familiar

The oldest and strongest godslayer “Come on, go to the duel, let the old man ‘see’ how brave you are!”

Tony doesn’t want to bother being the richest man, goodbye!”

The guardian priestess of the Jade of Four Souls “Mr. Stark is so miserable, he has been targeted!”

It’s not a monster idler, it’s just that he jumps too much!”

The oldest queen “Just a clown!”

The number one leader of the Soul Society “This time, Mr. Stark really did not show much!”

Xilin No. [-] in the world “Haha, even the old man Yamamoto said so, that idiot Stark is really weak!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man”

Seeing everyone chatting without a word, Ye Qing smiled slightly, and then left the chat group. His points have been collected, and now it is time to open the Shengsheng Fortune Pool. “System, open the Shengsheng Fortune Pool!”

Sitting cross-legged on a futon, Ye Qing said solemnly.

“Follow your orders!”

“Ding, deduct [-] points and open the pool of good fortune!”

Soon, in front of Ye Qing, a pond with a length of [-] feet appeared out of thin air. Immortal springs flowed in the pond, filled with rich vitality, like the condensation of a big world, with the laws of good fortune permeating.

Just take a breath, and the strands of the law of creation can transform the body, make people reborn, transform from silkworm to butterfly, and transform into a monster with peerless talent.

“This is the pool of good fortune! What an amazing power of good fortune!”

Ye Qing’s eyes flickered, sensing the power of fortune contained in it, and couldn’t help but be startled.

That is a very high level of fortune power, far beyond the level of the fairy king, is a power beyond the level of the world, so it can reverse life and death, rebuild the universe

Even an immortal king like Ye Qing can be saved

Such power, searching the whole perfect world, may not be able to find many comparable


Thinking in his heart, Ye Qing’s thoughts moved, and a snow-white skull appeared, which was Ye Qing’s body, the only remaining skull of the master of the restricted area.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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