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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 68

That is not blood, but the source of the Dao, and it is the most important source of monks

This is the original wound


Ye Qing opened his eyes and let out a breath of fairy air, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Just now, his fusion experiment failed. If he hadn’t retreated in time and didn’t let all the visions explode, at this moment, he was not injured by a little source, but his vitality was greatly injured.

“It’s still too risky!”

Ye Qing raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows, a helpless smile appeared on his face, with his current state, he was not qualified to integrate so many Dafa.

The Dafa mastered by the master of the restricted area is all the unique skills of the immortal king. The combination of dozens of immortal king skills is the avenue of dozens of immortal kings.

With the strength of the quasi-immortal king realm, it is lucky to forcibly integrate the avenues of dozens of immortal kings, and the terrifying anti-shock force did not shock him directly to death.

“It seems that we will have to wait until it returns to its heyday before considering the road to integration!”

Ye Qing said to himself, through this failure, he also understood the difficulty and gained some experience.

Moreover, this time he failed, he is not without gain

At the very least, Ye Qing has already mastered the methods of mastering several treasures.

Using the Six Ways of Reincarnation to control six peerless treasures at the same time, and fuse them together, it can burst into shocking power in a short period of time.

Ye Qing estimates that the power has completely surpassed the

Xu is not as exaggerated as the Immortal King, but it is enough to kill a quasi Immortal King with one blow! Such power is not worth his injuries.

Boom! Ye Qing’s body glowed, and the power of the quasi-immortal king level automatically revolved. In an instant, a trace of the original injury was repaired. The power was surging and returned to its peak state.

“I don’t know what happened to that old fellow at the Immortal Palace!”

Ye Qing murmured, he is not afraid of the other party running away, with his strength, even if the old supreme run to the end of the world, he can catch up with one step, and then slap to death

Unless he is a true immortal-level powerhouse, he can use his immortal qi to cover his own celestial secret, which can stop Ye Qing’s deduction.

Immortal Dao and Human Dao are two levels

“Ding! Since there are more than fifteen people in the chat group, a new function is now open!”

At this moment, a familiar mechanical sound resounded in Ye Qing’s mind, making him slightly startled.

“First, open the star rating function! Each group member can click the star rating function to evaluate their star strength. The rated star strength will be displayed next to their group nickname. At the same time, the star rating Group members with less than five stars will get 9 points reward every month, group members with five stars to nine stars and nine stars will get [-] points per month, and group members with more than ten stars will get [-] points per month. reward!”

“Second, the group store function has been further opened. Group members can upload items for sale, and they can also sell the items they own directly to the store to earn points! Note, the sale is limited to five times a month. If you sell directly, the store will Half of the points are drawn, and the agent group owner has the privilege to be exempted from the draw, but the number is limited to ten times!”

“Thirdly, the function of the training room will be turned on. The training room can meet any requirements of the practitioners, such as opening the gravity environment, the flame environment, etc., and the time flow rate will be 365, the training room will be one year, and the outside world will be one day.

It takes [-] points to open the training room for one day, [-] points for ten days, and so on! Note that any group member has the opportunity to open a day for free!”

“The above is the new function of chat group opening”

“The group members have broken five or fifteen people, and so many functions have been opened”

After hearing what the system said, Ye Qing was a little surprised.

Although he has been in retreat for three months, the other worlds have only passed a day or two. After only a day or two, new members of the chat group have come in.

“Well, among these functions, except for the mall function, the others are not very useful to me, especially the first and third functions, which should be used to cultivate those ordinary members of the group!”

Ye Qing thought about it

The first function, to be honest, is a bit tasteless for Ye Qing. Although he is a super [-]-star powerhouse, he can get [-] points for free in a month and more than [-] points in a year. It looks pretty good, but This is actually calculated by the time flow rate of the chat group

Regardless of

How long has passed in Ye Qing’s world, as long as the time in other worlds does not pass quickly, Ye Qing will not be able to get too many points

For example, in the past ten years in Ye Qing’s world and one year in Yukino Yukino’s world, then Ye Qing’s reward points will be calculated based on Yukino Yukino’s world, not his world.

Ye Qing believes that this is a means of balance

After all, the speed of the world is different, it is impossible to calculate with Ye Qing’s world.

And in this way, it can also make the low-star group members have the hope of catching up with the middle-star members, so that the gap will not get wider and wider.

As for the ten-star and above, it is not possible to catch up with just a few points.

However, the second store function is very useful to Ye Qing. He can sell a lot of exercises and the like to the store to get points. Of course, the ten-time limit and half of the points draw can be understood as a black-hearted chat group system. to make money

But Ye Qing doesn’t care, he is the acting group owner, he has the privileges of the group owner and will not be deducted

As for the third function, it is even more useless for Ye Qing, one day is one hundred points, one hundred days is ten thousand, he may retreat for hundreds or thousands of years, and all of a sudden, tens of thousands of points are gone, how can Ye Qing go A chat room retreat, it’s not worth it at all

But in general, the opening of the function this time is still very useful for Ye Qing.

“Well, first go to the chat group to see the new group members!”

Ye Qing murmured, and immediately entered a wisp of consciousness into the chat group, and began to watch the chat records. As he watched the chat records, Ye Qing’s face gradually became a little weird.

“Emperor Void, Bai Yasha, Penglai Mountain Kaguya, Shiyu of the Hill of Xia, and the Witch, these are all acquaintances!”

Two of them are still in the same world as him

“It seems that in the future chat group, besides me, there will also be one or two strong people!”

Ye Qing said to herself

The existence of the single-level, in Ye Qing’s opinion, can barely be regarded as a powerhouse

The owner of the restricted area “Interesting, I didn’t expect it to be so lively in the group not long ago!”

Thinking like this, Ye Qing also said something along the way.

The owner of the restricted area “Although I know new people, let me announce the newly opened chat group function first!”

After speaking, Ye Qing released a group announcement, which explained the new functions in detail.

A reader reminded the author that the author knew that the Void Emperor only lived less than 3 years ago. This is the author’s negligence, because Zhetian was a work I read a few years ago, and I can’t remember some details now, I’m sorry! Now The age of the Void Emperor has been changed to more than [-] years old! Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man. There are new functions in the chat group! A lot, there are three new functions!”

The oldest and strongest godslayer “star evaluation function means that we can all know the division of our own strength”

The sharp-eyed Marquis of Woban locked the star-level function at first sight, and was overjoyed. In this way, they would not be confused about their own strength positioning.

You must know that in the past, they never knew what their own strength was. Now they can know their star strength, and they have a clear position.

Needless to say, we are not monster idlers, we are at least five-star powerhouses!”

The old man is a naval hero. “Kuhahaha, the old man also wants to know if his current strength can be regarded as a few-star powerhouse in the heavens and the world!”

The guardian of Shenzhou, “Knowing how the star is evaluated, Lord Xianwang seems to be a super-ten-star powerhouse!”

It’s not Mary Sue “Come and see, it seems to be a star review in the backstage of the group!”

Absolutely right Yukinoshita didn’t know how many stars I could have!”

Yukinoshita Yukino was a little nervous in her heart. Although she also has a lot of strength, she doesn’t have much experience, for fear that she will get a low-star evaluation.

The oldest queen “Hum, this king is at least a five-star powerhouse!”

“Don’t be too complacent, I have absorbed enough Honkai energy now, although I haven’t transformed into a complete Herrscher, but it’s not much worse, and I have also practiced the cultivation method of Lord Immortal King. , Now my strength is not weaker than that of a real Herrscher, I am definitely stronger than you!”

In the Babylon laboratory, Xilin looked proud. She has not left yet, and is still staying in the experiment, but compared to hiding herself carefully before, now Xilin has walked in the laboratory openly, not afraid to expose herself at all.

The current Xilin, because of her fellow practitioners Hunyuan Innate Technique and Spiritual Meditation, not only made up for the defects of the physical body, but also the soul has been greatly strengthened. It can be said that there are not many defects in all aspects.

Although he is not yet a real lawyer, his strength is not bad.

Guardian of Shenzhou “Lin is so cute, she must be very powerful, and her star rating will definitely not be low, touch her head!”

Xilin No. [-] in the world “Hehe Xie Chiyuan sister praised! Blushing!

Eternal Princess “The star is also very interested in evaluating concubines, I don’t know how many concubines can rank in this group!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, wonder why there are so many points for low and high stars, but few stars in the middle”

Tony Stark says he found his blind spot

The owner of the restricted area “This is a balance. People with low star ratings are too weak and need more points to catch up with other group members. For high star group members, a mere [-] points are useless for them, they can only It’s optional, so it doesn’t matter how much, only medium-star, with enough strength, and able to obtain points with their own background, so the points are the lowest!”

It’s true that Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man! But in this case, the middle-star group members are too miserable.”

It’s not Mary Sue, “Heart, you will definitely not be a mid-star group member!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man”

Tony Stark said, this is too heart-wrenching! But he really can’t refute, after all, his strength is really not strong, and he may not be able to reach the middle star

Literary girl Kasumigaoka wow, I’m just an ordinary person, I don’t even have a star! It seems that I don’t have any benefits at all! This is too miserable!”

The owner of the restricted area “For ordinary people, you can get points by signing in every day. There are also exercises I uploaded in the group, which are easy to understand and can be learned by anyone, and you can upload some things for free to get points. Every newcomer, There are several chances to upload!”

This is also the benefit of the chat group for newcomers. These group members from the ordinary world can’t see any hope of improvement. At the same time, Ye Qing also secretly wondered whether to upload some small stores.

Similar to Reiki, Crystallization

All can be sold at a low price, as a benefit to some ordinary members

Literary Girl Kasumigaoka But I’m just an ordinary person, and I have nothing to make the group members excited!”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s complexion collapsed, she is an ordinary person, and there is nothing good at all, upload

The owner of the restricted area, “Aren’t you writing novels? You can upload them. Although the members of the group are bigwigs from all walks of life, many of them are quite busy and don’t mind two more novels to pass the time!”

Is it true that the literary girl Kasumigaoka! Thank you very much for the suggestion from the Immortal King, thank you!”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s face brightened, in this case, she can not only get points, but also let other world’s bosses read the novels she wrote, which is a kind of honor

Literary Girl Xia Zhigao But, my grades in novels are very poor, I guess no one will like to read them, I am afraid that other members of the group will not like it!”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu thought of his achievements again, and his face was full of loss

The owner of the restricted area “You have to believe in yourself! People who can be selected by the chat group have extraordinary talents themselves, and there is no need to feel inferior for this!”

Ye Qing is not wrong to say so! So far, the people who have been pulled in by the chat group are either the protagonists of the world or important supporting roles. They have great luck and are naturally not ordinary people! Literary girl Xia Zhiqiu Well, thank you, Lord Xianwang, Before, I thought Lord Immortal King would be difficult to get in touch with, but I didn’t expect to be so approachable!”

Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart was full of gratitude.

Not for anything else, just because of this sound of encouragement

This is the encouragement of the Immortal King, which is thousands of times better than ordinary people, which fills her heart with great courage

The guardian of Shenzhou “Oh, Lord Xianwang has always been very kind, newcomers, don’t be nervous!”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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