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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 72

“The quasi-immortal king can’t stand my finger!”

Ye Qing whispered, in this state, he has the strength of the Immortal King

It can be said that he is invincible in nine days and ten places.

Even if other restricted area lords appear, they are not afraid, enough to defeat them in one battle.

Boom! At this time, the six 66 worlds shook, seemingly unbearable, and many shocking cracks appeared, as if they could explode at any time.

Seeing this, Ye Qing frowned, and immediately withdrew his strength. The six 66 worlds disappeared, and Ye Qing also quit this state.

“The limitations of the Six Paths Reincarnation Tiangong? It seems that a stronger Tiangong has to be created!”

After thinking for a while, Ye Qing understood the cause and effect, and then murmured

In the final analysis, the Six Paths Reincarnation Heavenly Art is the Heavenly Art created by the Six Paths Immortal King. Although it is powerful, it cannot fit him completely, and the level is not enough to withstand such terrifying power.

Therefore, Ye Qing needs to create a more powerful heavenly power

“There should be a little more time, so let’s take this opportunity to comprehend it!”

Ye Qing looked into the distance, and after seeing the journey of the Immortal Palace Supreme, his eyes flickered slightly, then he closed his eyes again and began to deduce the new Gu Tian Gong.

A hazy fairy energy appeared, covering Ye Qing’s body, and there was immeasurable fairy light lingering around, filled with a terrifying aura, like a supreme ancient god.

Time is passing

Zero four gas for a long time three! Homophonic translation is enough

“It turns out that there is an immortal king in the Three Thousand Dao Domain. If it is really the invincible in my realm, then there is hope in the Nine Heaven Realm!”

After listening to the words of the mysterious Supreme, the leader of Jietian Sect couldn’t help showing a deep joy.

He is also the leader of the Three Thousand Dao Territory. He has existed for a long time, knows many great secrets, and also knows the situation of the borderlands.

There are secrets about the ancient times, and I also know some

It is because of this that he can understand how important an Immortal King is to today’s Nine Heavens Realm

It can even be said that this is the hope of bringing the Nine Heavens Realm back to life

Although it is impossible to confront the other world head-on, at least he has the confidence to deal with it. An immortal king, no matter how bad it is, can make the immortal king of the other world a little bit more afraid and dare not go too far.

The rest of the powerhouses listened to the conversation between the two, some were at a loss, some were thoughtful, not all powerhouses could know this great secret, so they didn’t understand the meaning of the two, but some of the same old age. The strong can understand the importance of it

‘Immortal King, I don’t know how it compares to the one in the group!’ Seeing everyone talking, the little witch who had withdrawn her consciousness from the chat group muttered in her heart.

Both are Immortal Kings, she is curious about which is stronger and which is weaker between the two

However, she remembered Lin Xi’s previous words, and she was a little muttered in her heart. The immortal king in the group seems to be in her world, and she doesn’t know if it has anything to do with this immortal king.

“It would be nice if it had something to do with it!”

The witch whispered, if the two were the same person, then she would have a huge backer, and no one would dare to provoke her in the entire Three Thousand Dao Region.

The witch’s words were small, but everyone present was the strongest, the weakest, and the gods. Their senses were so sharp that they heard the witch’s words, and the mysterious Supreme looked over.


Suddenly sensing the eyes of everyone, the witch couldn’t help but startled, and there was a hint of timidity on her face.

She is still young and has not grown up with a black belly and cunning. At this moment, seeing the mysterious Supreme looking at her, she was almost scared to cry, and her face turned pale.

“Your Majesty, this is the saint of this religion! It’s called Shion!”

Seeing Mysterious Supreme looking at the witch, the leader of Jietian Sect was startled, for fear of Mysterious Supreme being angry, he quickly explained

“Good talent!”

Mysterious Supreme took a deep look at the witch and smiled lightly.

I didn’t care about the witch’s voice just now, which made everyone heave a sigh of relief.

“Fellow Daoist, I want to use the power of Jietian Sect!”

Mysterious Supreme retracted his gaze, looked at the leader of the Jietian Sect, and said in a solemn tone.

The Three Thousand Dao Territory is very large. With the power of the mysterious supreme, it is a bit slow to find the Immortal King. He wants to use the power of the Jietian Sect to find the Immortal King.

Of course, this is not to say that the Divine Sense of the Mysterious Supreme cannot cover the Three Thousand Dao Realm. It is not difficult to do this, and it can even be done easily.

But considering that the Immortal King may be in the Three Thousand Dao Realm, if it is shrouded in Spiritual Mind, it may offend the Immortal King

After all, how can the immortal king and even the high-strength tolerate the ants who use their spiritual sense to peep into anger once they get angry, but the gains will outweigh the losses.

That’s why he planned to use the power of Jietian Sect to find

“it is good!”

The leader of Jietian Sect nodded and did not refuse

Or rather, dare not refuse

Time passed, and a day later, a violent storm swept across the Three Thousand Dao Domain, causing shocks from the top sects of all parties.

The master of the Immortal Hall, the old supreme who had beaten the invincible hands of the [-] Dao Domain, even invited the leaders of all the top sects of the [-] Dao Domain to go to the Immortal Hall to attend the meeting.

If you don’t go, the Immortal Palace Supreme will visit

It’s a blatant threat

All the leaders of the top sects understand the meaning

But they dare not refuse

Because this is a threat to a generation of supreme beings, no one can do it, not even the imperial clan of the [-] Dao Domain.

And this is not an ordinary Supreme, but the old Supreme of the Immortal Palace, which represents the will of the Immortal Palace, and there is a true immortal standing behind it. All the masters of the top powers know this information. In this case down, who dares to ignore no one dares

Of course, although all the invited hierarchs chose to go there, everyone felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

I don’t understand why the Supreme Being of the Immortal Palace suddenly summoned so many forces. Could it be that something big is going to happen in the Three Thousand Dao Region?

The leader of Jietian Sect frowned deeply, with some doubts and dissatisfaction in his heart.

Gein Immortal Palace Supreme is too domineering

This strong threatening tone made him very dissatisfied

Of course, although dissatisfied, but if you should go, you have to go

“The Supreme Being of the Immortal Palace is that old guy! I didn’t expect him to be alive!”

In the Taoist Palace, the mysterious Supreme heard the news, and his face couldn’t help showing a strange look.

This Immortal Palace Supreme, he knows, and has dealt with, and has had ‘discussion’! Well, unilaterally beat the other party

“Two days after gathering all the forces to arrive at the Immortal Palace, it seems that I can join in the fun and see what this old guy wants to do!”

Mysterious Supreme Whisper, with his understanding of Immortal Palace Supreme, the other party definitely has a purpose for doing so.

Thinking of the immortal king’s breath that broke out before, the mysterious supreme is thoughtful

Is it also to find the trace of the Immortal King?

What does the Mysterious Supreme think? All the great sects who have received invitations have chosen to go there, and the Heavenly Sect and some hidden inheritances are no exception.

For a time, the situation in the Three Thousand Dao Regions changed, and one after another terrifying figure came out of the retreat, each of them was surrounded by chaotic energy, the eyes were flickering, and there was a terrifying scene in the eyes of the star field.

Any one of these people is the supreme leader, who has existed for millions of years, and is a real giant-level powerhouse

Flowers, some hidden ancient inheritances or imperial clans, all have ancient chariots driving out of the secret place, and sitting in the middle of them is the immeasurable powerhouse, exuding a breath as vast as the universe

this is supreme

two days later

In the immortal hall, a stream of light descended, each symbolizing a top power, driving a chariot or a divine boat, all with a group of strong men, coming to the immortal hall powerfully.

Outside the palace of the Immortal Hall, there are already strong men of the Immortal Hall ready to meet

A sect leader was brought into the palace, ready to wait for the appearance of the Immortal Palace Supreme.

Boom! A chariot filled with chaotic energy descends, pulling the chariot with the pure-blooded beings of the Nine-headed Heavenly God Realm, and descends strongly into the fairy hall

“Hey, the chariot of the Emperor’s Clan!”

“The pure-blooded fierce guard of the Nine-headed Heavenly God Realm, what a great skill!”

“This is definitely a supreme!”

Some hierarchs who had just arrived gasped in air, their hearts filled with shock

At this time, another chariot fell. It was the chariot of the Jietian Sect. Among them, there were several people who stepped down, including the head of Jietian Sect and a few veteran gods, and a small figure, it was the witch. In addition, there is a figure lingering in chaos

It is the Mysterious Supreme

“It turns out that there is another fellow!”

In the imperial chariot, a calm voice came out, with no gender, with a rhythm of Taoism.

“Dao friendly!”

Mysterious Supreme heard the words and nodded slightly.

This conversation made several hierarchs even more shocked

It is only possible to be the supreme being of the imperial clan as a strong man of the same path.

In one day, two Supremes appeared, and there may be more Supremes in the future.

Thinking of this, several sect masters were shocked.

As expected of the Immortal Palace, it can even bring together several supreme beings. This kind of face is really full.

“Let’s go!”

Mysterious Supreme said again, under the leadership of the immortal hall powerhouse, several people walked into a palace, the palace is very big, it is a small world, the top is the starry sky, surrounded by stars, the number is infinite, the bottom is aura, permeating

The small world is so big that you can’t see the edge

In the surrounding sky, there are Sendai, tables and chairs, spirit fruits, ancient tea, etc., such as stars scattered in the sky, obviously for the preparation of various forces

At this moment, many forces have arrived

Under the arrangement of the powerhouses of the Immortal Hall, the leader of the Jietian Sect has achieved a first place.

time goes by


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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