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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 73

On the other side, Ye Qing’s deduction also reached a critical point. As the last vision dissipated, Ye Qing opened his eyes, and a dazzling fairy light flashed in his eyes.

“The prototype of the new ancient Tiangong has been initially created. Although it is not perfect, it has been able to replace the Six Paths Reincarnation Tiangong!”

Ye Qing muttered to herself

“Let’s call it Hunyuan Boundless Gong!”

The fourth update, the average chapter is more than [-] words, adding up to [-] words, a lot of scarf

Hunyuan Infinite Power

This is a brand new ancient Tian Gong created by Ye Qing based on the Six Paths Reincarnation Tian Gong and combining many kinds of ancient Tian Gong. It is just a prototype.

However, even in its prototype form, this Heavenly Art is still extremely terrifying, not weaker than the Six Paths Reincarnation Heavenly Art, and has great potential. If it is perfected, it may be possible to achieve the Quasi-immortal Emperor Heavenly Art.

Moreover, unlike the Six Paths Reincarnation Heavenly Art, the Hunyuan Infinite Technique can withstand Ye Qing’s fusion method, and will not collapse like the Six Paths Reincarnation Heavenly Art.

In this way, Ye Qing can run the fusion method for a long time, making his combat power comparable to that of the Immortal King.

“Lord Immortal King, the top forces of the Three Thousand Dao Domains are all here!”

At this time, the Supreme Being of the Immortal Palace came in respectfully, came to Ye Qing, lowered his head, and said with a humble expression on his face, he didn’t even dare to look up at Ye Qing’s face.

“it is good!”

Leaf “One Six Three”

The green light said, surrounded by fairy lights, people could not see his face, but he could faintly feel his horror, it was an aura that was infinitely more vast than the universe.

It’s like facing a big world

Immortal Palace Supreme’s body is trembling, even if Ye Qing did not reveal the slightest power, he was instinctively afraid

It’s uncontrollable fear

“You go back first!”

Ye Qing’s indifferent way

Hearing this, Immortal Palace Supreme breathed a sigh of relief, nodded again and again, and left quickly, not daring to stay at all.

“All the sects are here, do I want to start the live broadcast?”

Ignoring the departed Immortal Palace Supreme, Ye Qing said to himself

In the group task, there is a daily live broadcast task. If you complete a live broadcast every day, you can get [-] points, just like Ye Qing’s first live broadcast before.

It’s just that Ye Qing has not completed the live broadcast mission because he has been in retreat recently.

“open it!”

After thinking for a while, Ye Qing chose to turn it on. After all, this is a thousand points, not too much.

Thinking of this, Ye Qing sank into the chat group and directly called all the members.

The owner of the restricted area “All members, everyone, I plan to start a live broadcast next. If you want to watch the live broadcast, you can come in and have a look!”

As soon as it was finished, the people who had been chatting all of a sudden fell silent, and then the frying pan started again.

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, it turned out to be a live broadcast!! Lord Xianwang hasn’t broadcast live for a long time!”

It’s not a monster idler for a while, right! The content of the first live broadcast really surprised us!”

The star spirit of the sun and the white night “scared you, is it a bad laugh”

Shiroyasha was a little ill-intentioned, and he also made a smirk.

Of course, she’s just joking

Literary girl Kasumigaoka engages in pornography”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said that he was taken aback, this is because Yukinoshita cough is absolutely correct, don’t say nonsense, that is the strength displayed by the Immortal King is too strong, and it shocked us all!”

Eternal Princess “The concubine wants to know what Mr. Wang did on the first live broadcast! He surprised the famous monster sage!”

After getting to know each other’s names, Penglaishan Kaguya also revealed the identity of Yayunzi, who is the monster sage of the land of the East.

Although I was a little surprised at first, but then I think about it. After all, this is the chat group of the heavens. Even the super bosses who destroy the universe have them, and the mere monsters and sages are nothing.

Of course, having said that, but when the two of them chat, there is always a bit of gunpowder in their tone.

It’s not a monster idler, it’s nothing, it’s just casually created thousands of strong men who can destroy the sun, and then grabbed a dozen stars and pinched them into living creatures.”

It’s not an ordinary operation like a monster idler, presumably Princess Kaguya should be commonplace!”

“Eternal Princess”

Literary Girl Kasumi Hill”

“The Witch of the Heavenly Sect”

Forever princess “hit and say goodbye!”

After reading Yakumozi’s words, Penglaishan Huiye was a little speechless, and a look of depression appeared on his flawless face.

commonplace sorry, her family just lives on the moon

Facing this kind of operation to catch the stars, Kaguya has never seen it before, even listening to it.

Even her mother, the king of the Moon City, couldn’t do one-billionth of an operation like this.

Obviously, Yakumo Zi, who knew Hui Ye’s details, was mocking her, but she couldn’t refute it yet.

The Protoss of the Sun and White Night “Catch the stars, this operation is not difficult, but for other members of the group, it is really amazing, no wonder they are shocked!”

Life is not weaker than human beings “What is more interesting is the world of the Immortal King in the beginning, what will it be like, and what kind of splendid it will be in the era of chaos!”

After the conversation with Lin Xi, the Void Emperor also understood the era he was in, and the era in which Ye Qing lived, maybe one era and the previous era, it was the era of chaos

Regarding the chaotic ancient era, the emperor who is as strong as the void is also half-understood, and he does not even know what happened in the chaotic ancient era. For the powerhouses in the ancient era

The Age of Chaos is full of mysteries

I only know that in the chaotic era, it is suspected that immortals have descended

Of course, the current Void Emperor knows that there are not only immortals in the chaotic era, but also supreme immortal kings.

This situation made the Void Emperor more and more curious about the Chaos Ancient Era.

Now that Ye Qing wants to start a live broadcast, he is naturally the one he is looking forward to the most.

The guardian of Shenzhou, “Master Wang is going to live broadcast again. The last live broadcast is really impressive!”

The red kite also appeared

The ancient emperor daughter “This live broadcast, the Immortal King does not know what to do, I am looking forward to it!”

The witch of the Cut Heaven Sect “same too!”

In the small world of the Immortal Temple, the witches who came to participate with the leader of the Jietian Sect were shocked and showed obvious excitement.

She is finally going to meet the mysterious fairy king

I’ve seen it once before, but only 1

7 is seen in the video, but I can’t see its specific appearance at all, which disappointed her for a while

This time I can see it, it is naturally full of expectations

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man and wait and see!”

The old man is a navy hero “Kuhahaha, the old man is catching pirates now, so I may not be able to watch the live broadcast with all my heart!”

The oldest and strongest godslayer “It’s okay, the live broadcast also has two functions, you can choose the other one!”

Ding, the master of the restricted area of ​​the agent group has started the live broadcast

At this time, the prompt of the chat group sounded, but all the online group members clicked in one after another.

Immediately, everyone only felt that a new world appeared in front of them.

This is a palace, aura, rich in incomparable, mist rising

On an imperial chair, Ye Qing sat there, looking at everyone calmly

“Lord Immortal King!”

When they saw Ye Qing, Chi Yuan and others took the lead in salute to show respect, followed by Bai Yasha and others, clasped their fists and saluted, and looked at Ye Qing curiously at the same time.

In their line of sight, Ye Qing’s whole body is shrouded in fairy light, and it is difficult to see its specific appearance, even a powerhouse like the Void Emperor can’t see through it, as if facing a fog

Of course, facing Ye Qing, they did not feel oppressed like the Supreme Being of the Immortal Palace, but felt like a spring breeze, with a sense of comfort like flying immortals

“Don’t be so polite!”

Ye Qing raised his hand and said softly.

Ye Qing can still distinguish the proper attitude towards outsiders and group members, not condescending

“Is this a palace so big!”

Looking around, Kasumigaoka Shiyu exclaimed, because she was watching the live broadcast from the perspective of God, she could “clearly”

I saw how grand the palace in front of me was, it was tens of thousands of feet high and tens of thousands of feet wide. It didn’t look like a palace at all, but like a small world.

Such a huge palace

In reality, it is an impossible miracle

“This is a fantasy world, completely different from the real world, you have to get used to it!”

Lin Xi came to her side, patted her shoulder, blinked with a hint of playfulness


Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shi Yiyu nodded, his face was a little stiff, but he still tried his best to adapt, and the red pupils showed a faint color of excitement.

This kind of magical fantasy world, her heart is also very longing

Although the rest of the people were also surprised, they were not ordinary people themselves, so naturally they would not be too shocked, such as Bai Yasha and Void Emperor, they were even more calm.

It’s not like they haven’t seen palaces that are only ten thousand feet in size. They’ve seen even bigger ones, and even the ancient city built with stars. This is nothing.

“The environment here seems to be familiar!”

The witch blinked and observed the environment in front of her curiously. She always felt a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere. “If you are all here, it’s time to change your place!”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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