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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 74

Seeing that everyone was almost there, Ye Qing smiled lightly, and then stood up. With a thought, everyone just felt a flash in front of their eyes, the stars shifted, and they appeared in a new place in a blink of an eye.

a new world

Above is the misty Xinghe, the stars that were out of reach in the past are now like, within reach, hanging in the sky above the head, the stars rotate, and the bright starlight surrounds them, forming a beautiful galaxy

On the ground, there is a haze of mist, almost to the knees, aura, pervading, like a fairyland

In the surrounding sky, there are a lot of Sendai surrounded, like a cluster of stars, distributed in the surrounding space, each Sendai has a few people sitting, everyone is very powerful, filled with a terrible atmosphere, symbolizing a top power

Similar Sendai, there are nearly seventy, that is to say, there are only more than seventy of the three thousand Daoyu that meet the requirements of the top forces.

But don’t think it’s too little! In the Three Thousand Dao Domain, the so-called top-level forces must have a strong person who has escaped from the realm to be qualified to be called a top-level force.

A force similar to this, even in the Nine Heavens, is definitely a powerful force, and there cannot be too many

Therefore, there are more than [-] top-level forces in the Three Thousand Dao Domain, which is not bad.

Among these many forces, there are seven or eight, each of which is extremely powerful, and all of them have real supreme powers sitting in town, surrounded by chaotic energy, and their invisible power overwhelms all the powerhouses present.

Supreme! This is the powerhouse of the Supreme Realm. There are about seven or eight people, all from the most terrifying forces in the Thousand Dao Region, and they are all invited by the Supreme Immortal Palace at this moment.

“Is this a world!”

“Is there a galaxy above it? How come the stars are so close!”

“A lot of people, a lot of Sendai, is this the fairy palace of the gods?”

A group of people such as Chi Yuan, Tony Stark, Yakumo Zi and others stood in the surrounding sky. They entered here with consciousness and could appear anywhere freely without needing a place to stand.

At this moment, seeing the magical world in front of them, everyone could not help exclaiming, even someone with a noble and well-informed identity like Penglai Shan Hui Ye was a little surprised.

“The legendary Asgard is just like that!”

Chi Yuan couldn’t help but sigh.

The Void Emperor also looked slightly stern. He felt nearly ten terrifying breaths, each of which was extremely powerful. Although it was not as good as the real emperor, it was not weaker than the ancient supreme, and one of them was even more powerful. make him cool

Great Emperor

With so many supreme powerhouses, he came to a restricted area of ​​life. The Void Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at the many immortals present, sensed the breath in them, and became more and more shocked in his heart.

“There are too many strong people!”

Shiroyasha whispered, trembling in his heart.

Just the breath she senses, there are nearly ten strands stronger than her, so strong that it is almost comparable to the Void Emperor.

This is the world of the Immortal King. This is too terrifying. With such a large number of powerhouses, they have been able to flatten the small garden.

Ye Qing didn’t care about the shock of the crowd. He was located in the center of Sendai, like a star holding the moon.

Great show, it’s on


At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from the direction of Jie Tianjiao, which led the resting power of many forces to the past, and looked at the past, each of them was a leader giant who escaped, and some god-level gods. The strong, add up to more than one hundred

So many sights, even if they are not malicious, just simply look at the past, but also bring an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

The gaze of the supreme powerhouse, even if it is just looking directly at it, can kill all living beings

Boom! The void trembled, and the rays of light in the eyes were like a peerless attack, pressing the space to tremble, almost bursting open.


The face of the leader of the Jietian Sect changed slightly, and a powerful breath rushed out, cutting off all eyes, protecting the strong men of the Jietian Sect, and at the same time looking at everyone coldly

“I don’t know what you mean”

Jietian Sect leader said coldly, even in the face of many top forces, he is not afraid at all.

“Jietian sect master, remember not to bring a little baby over next time, so as not to drag you down!”

A silver-robed man said lightly, his entire body was shrouded in dazzling silver light, extremely dazzling, and at the same time filled with terrifying chaotic energy, like a god king.

“Why, fellow Daoist, do you still want to be angry with a junior?”

Jietian sect master responded coldly, with a tough attitude, seeing this, the sect masters also withdrew their gazes, it was just a teenage baby, and it was not worth their glance.

The silver-robed man frowned slightly, but he also knew that the Cult Master Jietian was not easy to provoke, and he was even more disdainful of taking 150 shots on a junior, so he also withdrew his gaze and ignored it.

“Yuan’er, what’s wrong with you!”

Seeing all the sect masters withdrew their gazes, the sect master Jietian raised his hand and squeezed the seal, waved a magical power to isolate the sound here, and then frowned and looked at the witch beside him

“Grandpa, the leader, I’m fine!”

The witch shook her head, her delicate and charming face turned pale, she was obviously frightened by the gazes of the sect masters, but at the same time, her eyes also shone, as if she had discovered something, full of shock and joy

‘Lord Immortal King, it’s actually in the same world as me, and it’s in the Three Thousand Dao Realm!’ The witch muttered to herself, full of shock and excitement, her eyes almost narrowed into crescent moons, and her face was filled with a strong expression. joy

Such a big movement naturally also alarmed Chi Yuan and the others. They looked over and saw the witch Zi Yuan sitting in the direction of the Tiantian Sect, and couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“Is that you, Shion?”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu exclaimed, blinked, looked at the witch beside her, and pointed to another witch in the distance in disbelief, asking with a shocked expression on her face.

“Well, it’s me!”

The witch nodded with a weird expression. She also felt weird about the current situation. Is she watching the live broadcast from the perspective of God? But, she can see all this from another perspective.

It’s like seeing the world from two perspectives

“How is this going”

Chi Yuan came over and asked softly

“Lord Immortal King, may be the ruler of the Immortal Palace, and our forces were invited by the powerhouses of the Immortal Palace!”

The witch hesitated for a moment, then said

“Fairy Temple”

Everyone was a little surprised

People are a little confused

They are not from this world, so naturally they don’t know what the Immortal Palace is. Even Lin Xi is a little confused. She only read the first part of the original work, and only has a general impression of the Immortal Palace.

Just know that it is a very powerful force

Could it be that the Immortal Palace is really related to the Immortal King? After all, the name of the Immortal Palace begins with Immortal, and perhaps its founder is the Immortal King.

Lin Xi secretly guessed in his heart.

“Is the Immortal Palace strong?”

Yakumo Zi asked the witch beside him

“Very strong, one of the strongest forces in the Three Thousand Dao Domain, its ruler on the bright side is a supreme, who once fought over the Three Thousand Dao Domain and was invincible!”

The witch nodded and said solemnly

“Is that the old man really strong, and we are not his opponent!”

Bai Yasha swayed the folding fan in his hand, and looked at the old supreme being standing beside Ye Qing with a solemn face, his golden pupils were full of fear.

“It’s really strong, not weaker than the ancient supreme!”

The Void Emperor also commented that at this moment, his manifested body did not permeate the chaotic energy, but restrained his strength, like an ordinary middle-aged man with a plain face and an ordinary look.

When ordinary people see it, they will definitely not think that this will be a great emperor of the Megatron universe.

“You two, one is a little loli and the other is a middle-aged uncle, you can’t see the appearance of an unparalleled powerhouse at all!”

Tony Stark walked over and looked at the two with a subtle expression on his face.

Bai Yasha is a little loli in a kimono with silver hair and golden eyes. It looks like she is only about ten years old at most. It is said that the loli have been lifted up. , like an ordinary middle-aged man

This disappointed Tony Stark, who was looking forward to the faces of the two

The expressions of the other people were also a little strange, because the real appearance of the two of them was too different from what they imagined.

“Boy, are you looking for death?”

Hearing this, Bai Yasha’s face turned black, the fan in his hand folded with a snap, and at the same time looked at Tony Stark with a bad face, an invisible sense of oppression permeated

“Feel sorry

! “

Tony Stark confessed

“The reason why we are like this is because we have degraded our spiritual status and accepted the Buddhist Yaksha Godhead, and we will become like this. As long as we return the Godhead, we will immediately return to the form of the White Night King. That… appearance is ours. real body!”

Seeing this, Bai Yasha’s face softened, and he explained it immediately.

For ordinary powerhouses, the fusion of the godhead will usher in an increase in strength, but for the born star spirit, Shiroyasha, who is incarnated in the same place, is equivalent to devaluing her spirit level, and will forcefully She descended from White Night King to White Yaksha

Change to a common metaphor

It is from the weak monomer of the universe truth level all the way to the planet level. If converted into the immortal ancient system, it is from the supreme realm to the god fire realm.

This is why Shiroyasha is a little loli

“Why suppress yourself”

Aside, the Void Emperor asked

“For convenience!”

Bai Yasha sighed, knowing what the Void Emperor was, but didn’t explain anything

If she doesn’t devalue herself, how can the gods and Buddhas of Hako Garden make her a class ruler or even allow her to go down to the realm?

“What is the difference between you and the beast wearing a collar!”

At this time, a dull voice sounded in Bai Yasha’s mind, causing her to be stunned for a moment, then she looked at Ye Qing at Sendai, and saw the other party looking at her.

He couldn’t help but opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he closed his mouth with a complicated expression on his face.

After all, she is not the time of dawn, the…lawless White Night King who ravaged Little Garden.

‘The White Night King, only when you take off your collar can you hope to reach higher realms

Glancing at Bai Yasha, Ye Qing said silently in his heart.

Otherwise, even with the power of points, Shiroyasha can only reach ten stars at most, and it is difficult to hit eleven stars, let alone twelve stars.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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