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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 75

If Shiroyasha can take off the collar, with her potential and the help of the chat group, her future achievements are limitless, even Ye Qing is looking forward to it

But, all of this establishes the premise that she can take off the collar

‘By the way, I’m not… the founder of the Immortal Palace, this power is just a temporary use for me, don’t get me wrong!’ At the same time, Ye Qing’s words echoed in the minds of everyone, making them startled, then immediately. are a little surprised

The fairy palace was not a force created by the fairy king, and the witch also showed shock. The fairy palace was not a force created by the fairy king, but a temporary plaything. Although Lin Xi was also a little surprised, he quickly calmed down.

After all, in the original book, the Immortal Palace may be one of the villain forces, how could the Immortal King be related to the Immortal Palace?

at the same time

Sendai Quartet, many great power masters are silent, their eyes are looking at Sendai in the center, with disbelief and fear, because they see the old Supreme of the Immortal Palace standing respectfully to the side, on the seat, there is a winding line The figure of Xianguang sits there

That is a supreme, and in the supreme are all strong

Such a powerful being, standing by the side respectfully, like a servant

That… the figure of the immortal light, who is it? Could it be the true immortal of the Immortal Hall? Many of the sect masters who are present are all old antiques that have lived for millions of years, even millions of years, some of them are even supreme , also accompanied Kunpeng in ambush with the real immortals of the Immortal Palace, and gave the ten evil Kunpeng a fatal spell to break the immortals.

It can be said that the sect masters present are all old antiques, which almost symbolize the history of the Three Thousand Dao Domain. Everyone knows that there is a true immortal in the Immortal Hall.

Could it be that this one is the true immortal, who is as deep as the ocean, as vast as the universe, is this an immortal? On the Immortal Terrace of the Heavenly Sect, the mysterious supreme being shrouded in chaotic energy is extremely fearful, because he found that he could feel it at all. The strength of the shadow of Xianguang

Just sensing a little breath, like the vast ocean, or even the vast universe, made his heart tremble.

This is absolutely invincible at the level of immortality

It’s even possible”

Senior, I don’t know if you asked me to wait, is there something to discuss or is there a big problem with Zhao Hao and Zhao Bianhuang?”

In the end, it was the Lord of Sword Valley who spoke first, breaking the peace.

This is a kendo giant, famous for its kendo, a leader-level giant in the Three Thousand Dao Domain, known as a sword that shocked the world and cut into a star sea of ​​kendo giants

At the same time, this is also a force that is very close to the Immortal Temple.

The Lord of the Sword Valley was the first to speak, and the other leaders were also a little uneasy. The divine light flashed in his pupils, and it was uncertain, symbolizing an unsettled heart.

The rest of the Supreme also looked over

Of course, they didn’t dare to look at Ye Qing, they just looked at the Immortal Palace Supreme, as if they were waiting for his answer.

Immortal Palace Supreme did not speak, Ye Qing did not speak, he did not dare to answer

“This seat asked you to come!”

At this time, Ye Qing spoke, his voice was very calm, but with an indescribable rhyme, the hearts of the sect masters couldn’t help beating violently for a few times, even the supreme ones were no exception.

it shocked them

What kind of existence is this Song

Is this the true immortal?

This is the most terrifying existence they have encountered since they became enlightened, far surpassing the supreme powerhouse, but the invincible person in the realm of immortality

The existence of a suspected immortal

Facing them is like looking down at a group of ants

“This time let you come, in addition to clearing up some causes and effects, there are still some things for you to do!”

Ye Qing said softly, very plain, but when it fell into the ears of the sect masters, it exploded like thunder, and some sect masters’ minds went blank.

Clearing the cause and effect is what to do. A true immortal-level existence wants to clear the cause and effect with them. Many masters of the great forces are a little restless.

Two or three of the Supremes of the Imperial Clan were trembling at this time, because their power was somewhat different from the Immortal Palace, and they were not the same people. This time, are they going to be used for surgery? Could it be that the True Immortals of the Immortal Palace regained their strength? So I wanted to use this to unify the faces of many people in the Three Thousand Dao Regions with ugly faces, and when their minds turned, they couldn’t help but feel awe-inspiring.

It is estimated that many of the forces present will be destroyed

If this is the case, it will be a catastrophe, and the pattern of the entire Three Thousand Dao Domain will be changed as a result.

But some people are worried, some people are happy

Some of the major forces that are close to the Immortal Temple, such as Jiangu, Luofu Zhengu, Huoyundong, Butianjiao, Tianchan clan and other top-level forces are showing obvious joy.

Because they are very close to the Immortal Palace, they can be regarded as the same faction.

In particular, the ancestor of the Tianchan clan was a supreme powerhouse. He was once invited by the supreme of the Immortal Palace to besiege the old supreme of the supreme palace.

In the face of a true immortal, no one can be calm, and the Supreme Being is no exception

If you can escape the liquidation, that’s the best

“I don’t know this weapon, but you know it”

Just when everyone was worried and happy, Ye Qing raised his hand, and three halberds appeared, surrounding him. They can be merged together and turned into unparalleled warriors that crush the universe

“Heavenly waste!!”

“Tianhuang, Kunpeng’s weapon!”

“How is that possible, wasn’t that Kunpeng brought to the lower realm?”

“This one, could it be Kunpeng!!”

At the moment when the deserted day appeared, all the sect master-level powerhouses changed color and couldn’t help losing their voices. Some sect masters and supreme beings who had surrounded and killed Kunpeng were even more shocked, full of disbelief.

Tianhuang, shouldn’t it be left in the lower realm and disappear with the fall of Kunpeng? Why does it still appear? Could it be that this person is not the true immortal of the Immortal Palace, but Kunpeng himself. Alive, this person is definitely not her!’ A supreme roared in his heart, he saw with his own eyes that Kunpeng was taken down

Now that millions of years have passed, Kunpeng cannot be alive

There is no solution to the curse of immortality, enough to obliterate all true immortals

As long as it is not the Immortal King, then it is impossible to undo the Immortal Destruction Curse, and it is destined to be wiped out by the Immortal Destruction Curse.

Moreover, although Kunpeng is powerful and his combat power is comparable to that of the Immortal King, he was fatally injured and was hit by the Immortal Destruction Curse, so it is impossible to resolve the Immortal Destruction Curse.

This person is definitely not Kunpeng

Not only the sect masters, but the mysterious supreme being is not calm anymore, his eyes spurted out divine light, and a powerful aura leaked out faintly, as if it could collapse the universe as terrifying.

Of course, everyone present at the moment did not pay attention to him, but focused on Tianhuang.

This weapon has a lot of history

So big that many hierarchs are restless

“Tianhuang is the three cut halberds, isn’t it very powerful, and everyone else looks shocked!”

Kasumi Hill Shiyu asked in a low voice to the witch beside him

Others are also curious

“Tianhuang, the weapon that ranks in the top ten in the ancient times is the weapon of Kunpeng, one of the ten murderers!”

The witch explained in a low voice, this is the information she already knew

“Kunpeng is really a familiar name!”

Hearing this, Chi Yuan murmured, a little nostalgia on her beautiful face.

In her world, there is also Kunpeng

It’s just that Kunpeng is a Honkai Beast, a very terrifying trial-level Honkai Beast, not worse than Chiyou, but she was eventually killed by her and other friends.

Of course, Chiyuan also knows that these two Kunpeng are definitely not the same thing.

Boom! As soon as Tianhuang appeared, it was calm at first, but after sensing a few familiar breaths, it suddenly shook, and a terrifying killing intent erupted. This killing intent swept the entire small world in an instant, with the breath of Kunpeng , as if the rebirth of Kunpeng

Above, hundreds of millions of stars trembled, and countless stars collapsed under this terrifying killing intent, turning into cosmic dust

These are the real stars, which were created by the powerhouses of the Immortal Palace. They are usually hung above the small world to decorate the cosmic starry sky. But at this moment, these stars are all shattered, and there are as many as trillions of stars, which is equivalent to the sky above the sky. billions of galaxies shattered

This is caused by the killing intent

It is simply that God blocks and kills God, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha

The sect masters who were locked by this breath changed their faces even more.

“This seat has something to do with Kunpeng. I got her inheritance before. Although the cause and effect have been understood, this seat also intends to clear up some of the cause and effect for her together!”

Ye Qing explained lightly.

Boom! As soon as Ye Qing’s words fell, nearly ten figures rose into the sky, exuding a terrifying aura that could easily be smashed into galaxies.

That is the leader-level giant, and the powerhouse who once surrounded Kunpeng

After hearing Ye Qing’s words, these ten 10-level sect masters rose to the sky almost instantly, wanting to tear apart the space and escape from the Immortal Palace.

They are not fools, they know the consequences of staying here

Once left, almost certain death

The inheritors of Kunpeng are suspected to exist at the true immortal level. At this moment, they have to settle the cause and effect with them. They can’t fight at all. They can only escape.

“So strong, with top three-digit strength!”

Bai Yasha’s eyes were slightly condensed, and he felt the breath of this group of strong men, and his heart was full of shock.

Almost ten, one top, three digits, this lineup is enough to directly destroy a top group of gods, and it is impossible to resist without two digits.

“Want to go delusional!”

Ye Qing said indifferently, then raised his hand and pointed, the sky around him rose into the sky, quickly assembled together, turned into a real Tianhuang halberd, and the terrifying suffocating energy rushed into the night.

Boom! Tianhuang rushed out, shot out at an extremely fast speed, and slashed towards a silver figure, the one who confronted the leader of the Jietian Cult before.

Pfft! Qi Yan’s blood rushed up, fell from the sky, and tore it apart


The silver figure screamed, and he was almost split in half by the Great Halberd. Silver blood splashed out, carrying monstrous divine power, which shattered the space in an instant.

If you are not in a small world, but in the outside world, with this blood alone, you can destroy endless mountains and the earth, causing unimaginable catastrophe.


The sect leader roared, the terrifying divine power surged, and the body that was split in half merged together, he reorganized his body with great magical power, and then wanted to rush out of this small world.

“Silver blood! Is that a god!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s face turned pale. It was the first time she had seen such a shocking scene. A strong man like a god was split in half in front of her. Not only did he not die, but he could also reorganize his body.

Especially the silver blood made her heart tremble.

Humans have absolutely no such blood


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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