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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 79

Meng Tianzheng also bowed his hands and said, although he really wanted to invite Ye Qing to sit in the Nine Heavens, but considering the situation that haste is not enough, he still did not do so, but planned to meet Ye Qing’s request, and then mention it again. this matter

In a short time, the originally lively small world quickly disappeared, leaving only the empty small world, along with Ye Qing, Chi Yuan, and Yakumo Zi and the others.

“You also leave!”

Ye Qing glanced at the Immortal Palace Supreme, who was standing by the side respectfully, and said lightly.


Immortal Palace Supreme lowered his head, replied respectfully, and then stepped back cautiously, his posture was as humble as a dog

In front of Ye Qing, he is as strong as a supreme and as humble as a dog

This made Ye Qing secretly shake his head

The environment is different, the strong people are also different

If it is replaced by the Great Emperor of the Sky Covering Era, no matter how strong the enemy is, he will never be so servile, even if he dies because of this, they will respect the strong, but they will never be as humble as a dog.

This is the result of different environments

“Everyone, the live broadcast is coming to an end!”

When the Immortal Hall Supreme retreated, Ye Qing looked at everyone and said with a light smile, not as indifferent and majestic as before, but very gentle, making people feel like a spring breeze

Seeing this, the others breathed a sigh of relief

Ye Qing’s indifferent attitude just now really brought a lot of pressure to them, but seeing Ye Qing’s gentle appearance immediately relieved their pressure.

Now that the live broadcast of the Immortal King is over, we should retire too!”

Tony Stark’s first speech

“This live broadcast allowed me to see a lot of magical things, thank you, Immortal King!”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu folded his hands together, bowed to Ye Qing, and said with a smile on his face.

“We don’t have much to say, this time the live broadcast is very exciting, we have seen a lot of strong people, thank you!”

Bai Yasha put away the folding fan and looked at Ye Qing seriously

“If you have a chance, come and play in our world!”

“Although your posture is also very good, I want to see the rebellious White Night King, and I hope that when we meet, I can see that… posture!”

Ye Qing showed a strange look, glanced at her up and down, and then said playfully.

“That… attitude is not easy to handle!”

Hearing this, Bai Yesha’s face changed, and she said helplessly, she can’t just return to her original state, so if Buddhism finds out, she will be the ruler of the class.

“What’s there to worry about, it’s just that your strength is not strong enough, you can become more powerful, so strong that all the gods are not your opponents, then you can do whatever you want. !”

Seeing Bai Yasha like this, Ye Qing frowned, and said that he hated iron.

It makes him very unhappy that a two-digit top powerhouse is so humble.

“Blindly give in, but you can’t protect what you want to protect. I really think that you can do what you want by tying your hands and feet!”

“If you still insist on this idea, go to Lin Xi and ask for information about your world. After reading it, you will seriously consider whether your practice is worth it!”

Ye Qing waved his hand

“All right!”

Bai Yasha opened his mouth, then nodded with a complicated expression on his face.

Although she didn’t make up her mind, she still obeyed Ye Qing and planned to ask Lin Xi for information about her world

“Lord Immortal King, we will retreat first!”

Others also opened their mouths one after another, and then withdrew from the live broadcast interstitial.

“Ding, congratulations on your completion of the live broadcast, rewarded with a thousand points!”

When Ye Qing closed the live broadcast room, the sound of the system also sounded.

“One thousand points, plus the remaining fifteen hundred points, I still have two thousand five hundred points!”

After receiving the reward points for the live broadcast, Ye Qing glanced at her points and muttered.

Not too much, even very little, at least not enough to open the Shengsheng Creation Pool

“By the way, the chat group also opened a new store function before, I can try it!”

Ye Qing remembered the new functions that had been opened before, and her eyes flashed slightly, revealing a little bit of anticipation.

Sales function

This is a further open function of the group store. You can directly sell the items you own, such as materials, weapons, exercises, etc., to the store, and you can get a lot of points.

And this, once sold, is equivalent to losing the item forever

For example, in Tianhuang, if Ye Qing sells Tianhuang to a store, although he can get points, he will also lose Tianhuang permanently unless Ye Qing spends his points to buy it again.

In the same way, the exercises are also the same

Once sold, Ye Qing will also lose this exercise permanently, and he will never be able to recall it, nor will he be able to practice it. This is also the price of direct selling.

Pros and cons

But for Ye Qing, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Because the exercises he has mastered are simply not too many. If he takes out any one, he can sell a lot of points.

And compared to a practice method, 39 points is obviously more in line with Ye Qing’s needs at this time

After all, there are still four shortages of the Life and Creation Pool, which is a full [-] points. Even if Ye Qing wants to collect it, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time.

Sacrificing a few exercises can return to peak state, this is not too profitable for Ye Qing

“I don’t know how many points a Gutian function can exchange for!”

Ye Qing said to himself, of course, Ye Qing didn’t plan to sell the most precious Immortal King-level Heavenly Art at first, because he still needs to use the Ancient Heavenly Art of the Immortal-king Level, so he can only use the True Immortal-level Heavenly Art to exchange for points

“System, how many points does a True Immortal Heaven function sell!”

Thinking like this, Ye Qing’s consciousness entered the chat group, directly into the group store, and began to communicate with the system

“Back to the agent group owner, the price recovered by the store is [-] points for a true immortal-level celestial art!”

The cold mechanical sound soon sounded

“What about the Heavenly Power of the Immortal King?”

Ye Qing asked again

“[-] points!”

Hearing this, Ye Qing frowned slightly and said, “So much difference”

The [-] points are much less than he expected, and the gap between the Immortal King-level Heavenly Art and the True Immortal-level Heavenly Art was a bit surprising to him, it was a full five times the gap

However, considering the level of the two, Ye Qing was a little relieved.

After all, the difference in strength between true immortals and immortal kings is equally terrifying. It is only natural that the price gap is so large.

“In this case, I can’t sell the True Immortal Grade Heavenly Art, the price is too low, I can only choose one Immortal King Grade Heavenly Art to sell!”

Ye Qing murmured, although it was a little unexpected, but Ye Qing only lost an Immortal King-level Heavenly Art, and he could still afford it.

Moreover, the [-] points in exchange can allow him to use the Life and Creation Pool twice, not to mention returning to the peak, but it can also restore his state to a level, at least to the level of the ten evils, Ye Qing’s battle Strength can be raised again

At that time, Ye Qing will be able to be fearless even if he is confronted with a strong immortal king.

“System, if I want to sell an Immortal King-level Heavenly Art, I will use Wuji to create Heavenly Art!”

This is an Immortal King-level Ancient Heaven Art mastered by Ye Qing. It is not a top-notch Ancient Heaven Art. It was created by an ordinary Immortal King. Not much help

Therefore, Ye Qing is not very distressed.

“Ding, recover a piece of Wuji Good Fortune, the price is [-], points!”

Soon, Ye Qing also felt that he had lost the memory of Wuji Good Fortune, and he couldn’t even remember the slightest bit.

But unfortunately, he still remembers this exercise

In this regard, Ye Qing can only attribute it to the power of the chat group

“[-], isn’t it [-]?”

Ye Qing frowned and said, a little puzzled, how did the price become lower?

“Because the agent group owner sells ordinary Immortal King-level Tiangong, the price is slightly lower. The price of [-] yuan is the price of the top-level ancient Tiangong!”

system explained


Ye Qing is a little speechless, why does it feel that the chat group is still a little profiteer?

“[-], just [-], right!”

Although he was a little speechless, Ye Qing was not going to bargain with the system for the mere [-] points.

Now, he is a super rich man with [-] points. His confidence is completely different from before.

“It’s a pity it can only be sold once a month!”

Ye Qing is a bit unfortunate, otherwise he would sell two Immortal King-level Ancient Heaven Techniques, and he would immediately collect points for recovery, and he would be back at his peak in no time.

But even so, with more than [-] points, Ye Qing’s strength can be greatly restored.

“Ding, congratulations on getting [-] points!”

Soon, Ye Qing received the points transferred from the system. The points that were originally four-digit numbers soared to six-digit numbers. It can be said that they became rich instantly.

“You can continue to open the Shengsheng Creation Pool!”

Ye Qing smiled when he saw the points received, so that his strength could continue to recover.

“The time is only three days, and the normal retreat is definitely not enough. Let’s open the training room!”

Ye Qing murmured

The time in the training room is 35, one year inside, one day outside, one year, enough for Ye Qing to use up the Shengsheng Good Fortune Pool twice, so as not to waste so much time


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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