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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 82


Hongyi opened her eyes and looked at Lin Xi who was far away, showing some doubts, but she quickly closed it again and continued to practice, while murmuring in her mouth.

“It seems to be breaking through Juyuan”

Lin Xi, who had just walked outside the door, heard this sentence and almost fell down. She hurriedly walked out of the training room with a depressed look on her face.

This is too perverted

“Who is this blood-clothed ruler?”

Not long after Lin Xi left, Hongyi opened her eyes again, and muttered in her mouth, her face was blank, her scarlet pupils flashed red, revealing a terrifying suffocating aura, as if a killing god was recovering.

In the deepest part of his pupils, a terrifying picture can be vaguely seen. In the blood-colored world, a blood lotus that penetrates the sky and the ground is rooted in a corpse that is larger than the sea of ​​​​stars. The blood-colored rhizomes are flowing with light , seems to be absorbing the power of the corpse

However, the picture disappeared in a flash, and soon disappeared. The pupils were still the usual scarlet color, as if the picture just now was just an illusion.

However, the aura of the red clothes quickly became stronger, and soon reached the Primordial Gathering Realm, and was still climbing rapidly. In just a short time, he had surpassed Lin Xi and reached the amazing Imperial Realm. promote

In just a short period of time, he has soared from an ordinary person to the level of an emperor. If this is spread, it will be enough to scare countless people, even if the gods come, they will be horrified.

Because this is not cultivation at all, it is like restoring strength

I want to know who has 23 reminder tickets, I’m scared “Didi”

After walking out of the training room, before going too far, a smart watch on Lin Xi’s right hand rang.


Seeing this, Lin Xi couldn’t help but stop, then pressed a button on the watch, and soon, a virtual image appeared, this was a beautiful woman

“Miss Lin Xi, the items you ordered from Tianlong Chamber of Commerce have arrived at the branch of Tiandu City. Do you want us to deliver them to your home, or do you come and pick them up yourself?”

The woman showed a sweet smile and asked in a respectful tone

Tianlong Chamber of Commerce

This is the largest chamber of commerce in the Yan Kingdom. Its branches cover most of the cities of human civilization. It was jointly founded by three powerful emperors. Behind it is the sage of the Yan Kingdom. great reputation

This time, Lin Xi also ordered the things he needed from the Tianlong Chamber of Commerce, such as the dragon blood and core technology that Tony Stark needed, the martial skills that Chiyuan needed, and the treasures that Yayunzi wanted, etc.

When the Tianlong Chamber of Commerce learned that the items ordered by Lin Xi were what Ye Qing and the others needed, the emperor-level powerhouses of the Tianlong Chamber of Commerce directly ordered to give Lin Xi a [-]% discount, and put the treasured emperor-level dragon blood, even the The core technology and martial arts are all taken out

That is the most cutting-edge technology that can make emperor-level mechas, which shows the importance attached by the Tianlong Chamber of Commerce, or, in other words, the importance of Ye Qing, a…

Yes, Ye Qing is already a mysterious powerhouse in the eyes of the strong in the Yan Kingdom. The official of the Yan Kingdom has even listed a brand new list on top of the holy list, the god list.

Ye Qing is the first and only one on the list of gods

“So fast”

Lin Xi showed a look of surprise. It had only been a few days, and the Tianlong Chamber of Commerce had done it. You must know that the things she wanted were all the most precious treasures, and there was not even a lack of what the emperor realm craved. Elixir

Even for the emperor realm powerhouse, it takes a lot of time to get it, and some people can’t even get it. As a result, the Tianlong Chamber of Commerce got it for her in a few days.

It is indeed the largest chamber of commerce in the Yan Kingdom

Lin Xi sighed in his heart

“Yes, Miss Lin Xi, all the things you want have been prepared. This was prepared by Emperor Yanwu himself. There is absolutely no problem!”

The woman said with a smile, she was very respectful to Lin Xi’s attitude

Although I don’t know Lin Xi’s identity, but having Emperor Yanwu prepare things for him personally, it shows that Lin Xi’s background is absolutely terrifying, and she can’t help being disrespectful.

“Then let someone bring it over!”

Lin Xidao, since she was ready, she didn’t bother to go, and directly asked the powerhouse of the Tianlong Chamber of Commerce to send it over.

“Okay, let me send you over here!”

The woman, smiled, and then the image disappeared, obviously preparing

“In that case, I’ll just wait at home for a while, it’s nothing anyway!”

Seeing that the video was closed, Lin Xi muttered and walked back to the living room.

There is something I said before, of course, it is used to fool the red clothes

With her current strength, she doesn’t need to go to the academy at all. The fierce beasts outside, because of a beast tide, have basically been slaughtered, and there is no place for her to experience.

It can be said that she is currently in a state of doing nothing, and she said that before, just to avoid the cultivation of red clothes, so as not to be hit by the terrifying progress of red clothes.


Not long after, a roar sounded, and outside Xi’s house, an aircraft full of sci-fi atmosphere landed on the street, and a middle-aged man walked out, full of breath.

Lin Xi also sensed the movement and walked out of the room

“Miss Lin Xi, what you ordered is over!”

Seeing Lin Xi coming out, the middle-aged man greeted him with enthusiasm and said with a smile.

‘A heavenly king!’ Lin Xi’s expression did not change when he sensed the breath of the incoming person, but his heart was faintly shocked.

This is a king

In the king’s realm, they are all top powerhouses. Even the current Lin Xi is facing the last heavenly king, and the outcome is still unknown, which shows the strength of the heavenly king.

But it was such a heavenly king who actually delivered to her personally, which surprised Lin Xi

She knew that with her strength, there was definitely no such treatment. The reason why the Heavenly King would deliver the goods was naturally because of the Immortal King’s face. Lin Xi knew this very well.

“Well, give it to me!”

Lin Xi said with a light smile, although she was surprised, she didn’t show it on her face. It was just a heavenly king. Although she was powerful, it wouldn’t make her lose her temper.

“Please keep it!”

The middle-aged man said, and immediately handed a ring to Lin Xi. The ring was not big, but it was exquisite and shone brightly.

This is the space ring

Lin Xi was not surprised when he saw this, because this kind of precious thing cannot be packaged in an ordinary box. Naturally, it must be placed in a space ring to ensure safety.

“Lin Xi, in the next generation of Emperor Yanwu, say hello to the gods!”

Seeing Lin Xi accepting the ring, the middle-aged man bowed again and said with a serious face.

“Who is that, Lord God?”

A look of doubt appeared on Lin Xi’s face, but she still didn’t react.

“Naturally, it refers to the lord who took action to resolve the crisis in Tiancheng a few days ago and raised his hand to kill the orc saint. On that day, Lord Yan Sheng specially opened a new god list for that lord. Now That lord is already the entire Yan Nation, even the world’s number one powerhouse, and the only god-level powerhouse!”

middle-aged man smiling and explaining

“Spirit of the Gods”

Lin Xi muttered to herself, her face was a little weird, she didn’t know what to say for a while

The mere gods can’t be used to describe the Immortal King. They are obviously not qualified. The so-called god list is not qualified to evaluate the strength of the Immortal King. However, considering that the strong people of the Yan Kingdom do not understand the power of the Immortal King, Lin Xi can also understand

I can’t promise you about this matter, that adult is very honorable, and I can’t disturb him because of this trivial matter!”

Lin Xi shook her head and refused.

It is impossible for her to go to Ye Qing for this trivial matter

“Okay! Then I’ll retire first!”

The middle-aged man clearly showed disappointment, but he nodded, and then turned to the aircraft. With a roar, the aircraft vacated and left.

“God List”

Back in the room, Lin Xi logged on to the World Martial Arts website and opened the latest martial artist list. Sure enough, he found the god list. This list is above the holy list. It has nine sacred aperture symbols and looks extremely noble.

And this list is only one

Sword God! Because they don’t know Ye Qing’s name, the powerhouses of the Yan Kingdom can only define Ye Qing’s title with the sky-reaching sword qi of Ye Qing’s shot to kill orc saints.

The supreme god of kendo

This is recognized as the world’s first powerhouse

Lin Xi clicked into the list, and could see the comments of martial artists from all over the world, none of them questioned or belittled, all of them were full of fanatical worship.

“Lord Immortal King is famous all over the world!”

Lin Xi glanced at some of the comments, and her face couldn’t help being a little subtle, because these were all dog-licking comments, all praising Ye Qing’s strength.

It can be said that Ye Qing has already made a name for himself in this world, and his prestige even surpasses that of Yan Sheng.

“I don’t know if anyone else…is on the list!”

Lin Xi muttered, and began to check other lists, and sure enough, she found other people’s names.

Chi Yuan, Gu Xun’er are on the King List, Yamamoto Yuanliuzhai, Niang Shining, Marquis of Woban, Yakumo Zi and others are on the King List, as for Karp, Tony Stark, they don’t have a good record, they can only Ranked in the list of great masters

But even so, it’s pretty amazing

“It’s become famous overnight, Li!”

After reading all the lists, Lin Xi couldn’t help but sigh

Cultivation space, a year passes quietly

On this day, Ye Qing woke up from the pool of self-birth and creation, and slowly opened his eyes. In his eyes, there was an infinite universe of life and death. A supreme ruler who looks down on the heavens

Boom! The cultivation space oscillated, and strands of Immortal King Qi emanated from Ye Qing’s body, shaking the entire cultivation space, causing the entire space to shake.

If this was in the outside world, it would be enough to tear the universe apart and shake the entire Nine Heavens Realm. Even the rulers of the major restricted areas would be awakened from their deep sleep.

Because this is the real Immortal King Qi Machine, not the quasi Immortal King, but the real Immortal King

“The state has recovered three-fifths, and if the realm is real, it has returned to the realm of the Immortal King, but there are still flaws, about the level of ten evils!”

Ye Qing’s eyes flickered, and he muttered in his mouth.

Ye Qing now only feels that he is extremely powerful, as if he can kill a quasi-immortal king just by raising his hand, his strength is almost limitless

This is a ten evil level comparable to the fairy king

Ten Fierce, the ten strongest beasts of the ancient times, and the top ten races that are famous in the heavens and the world. They may not be the ten strongest races, but they can definitely be included in the strongest list.

And the ten villains, which symbolize a field, are the flawed fairy 643 Wang Daoguo. They are not complete fairy kings, but their combat power is comparable to the real fairy kings.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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