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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 84

They are the powerhouses of the longevity family. Their ancestors are true immortals. The inheritance in the clan comes from the ancients. They know many secrets and understand the vision in front of them.

Understand all this, many people are overjoyed, this means that there is an invincible person in the Nine Heavens Realm, and the future is no longer despair, but there is real hope.

“This is the Qi of the Immortal King! An invincible is feeding back the Nine Heavens”

“It’s unbelievable that there are still Immortal Kings in the Nine Heavens Realm. This great realm is really an evil sect!”

“This breath is exactly the same as before, and it has a familiar feeling. Is it an old friend from the past, but it is not like those people in the Immortal Ancient Era!”

Among the several forbidden areas in the Nine Heavens Realm, there are invincibles who have recovered from their deep sleep. They are the invincibles of the Immortal King Realm.

Stronger than the Immortal King, they are shaking for the changes in the Nine Heavens Realm

All of this has nothing to do with Ye Qing. At this moment, he is immersed in the ten thousand ways and ten thousand ways of the Nine Heavens Realm.

I would like to thank some book friends for their urging votes, but it is still not recommended to vote, because if the author cannot complete the urging votes, I don’t know if these urging votes can be returned to you. If not, it will be a waste of pills.

Three Thousand Dao Domain, Immortal Palace

Ye Qing’s eyes were tightly closed. At this moment, he was immersed in the myriad ways and laws that were constantly returning to the Nine Heavens Realm.

There is the sound of the avenues constantly ringing, as if there is a supreme being sitting cross-legged in front of eternity, chanting sutras, the breath of the avenue is lingering.

If there is a supreme being here, you only need to look at Ye Qing, and you will be able to fall into the epiphany, comprehend the Dao, comprehend the law, and the cultivation base will be able to advance by leaps and bounds, and even hope for the immortal Dao.

At this moment, Ye Qing is the incarnation of Dao

There are ten thousand ways and ten thousand ways, constantly flowing through Ye Qing’s heart. It is a gift from the Nine Heavens Realm. It is far more terrifying than the Immortal King’s Avenue. If you fully understand it, it can even make Ye Qing’s strength skyrocket by more than one level.

How terrifying was the peak period of the Nine Heavens Realm? From ancient times to the present, there have been more than twenty strong immortal kings born, and their immortal kings were imprinted in the Nine Heavens Realm.

The power has reached a peak, and the background is extremely rich, far exceeding the ordinary great world.

If you can comprehend the ten thousand ways and ten thousand laws of the Nine Heavens Realm, it is equivalent to having more than twenty Immortal Kings and a Dao of the Great Realm, which can elevate the Taoism of an Immortal King to a rather terrifying level.

In general, that’s not possible

In normal times, the myriad ways and laws of the Nine Heavens Realm are hidden, and even the Immortal Kings can only slowly comprehend it, and the practice of feeding back the Great Realm makes many Immortal Kings strong taboos, and under normal circumstances they will not. do this

Moreover, even if it is to feed back the Great Realm, it will not be able to make the return of all ways and all methods.

For example, the Dao of the Nine Heavens Realm is incomplete. When all the ways and methods are broken, it is possible to feed back the entire Great Realm, and then it is possible to get the feedback from the Great Realm, so that all the ways and methods can flow back.

Of course, this situation is unknown, and it may not be realized. It depends on luck whether it can make all ways and laws return.

In other words, look at the face

Ye Qing is obviously very lucky. While feeding back the Nine Heavens, he is also lucky to get the feedback from the Nine Heavens. The return of the myriad ways and methods contains the avenues of many immortal kings, and even the myriad ways and methods of the entire Nine Heavens.

This is a huge amount of “resources”

, If all of them are absorbed and digested, Ye Qing’s Taoist method will expand to a terrifying level, all the way up to the level of the Immortal King

Because this is the whole background of a great world


Ye Qing’s mind is completely immersed in the avenues of the Nine Heavens Realm. At this moment, he seems to be sitting in the sea of ​​the avenues. , make itself stronger

If there is an Immortal King here, they will be shocked to find that Ye Qing’s aura has been getting stronger all the time.

Although the improvement is not large, it has been improving, and it is improving every minute and every second. This improvement speed is enough to make any immortal king jealous.

Immortal king powerhouses are already at the top of the world, and the higher level is the realm of emperors. If a powerhouse at this level wants to progress, even if it is only a front line, it will take millions of years, tens of thousands of years, at every turn. even an epoch to count

For some immortal kings, even if one epoch or even several epochs have passed, they have not made much progress. It is because the Taoism of immortal kings is too difficult to improve, and it is extremely difficult to improve.

But now, Ye Qing is getting stronger and stronger at a speed that any immortal king would be jealous of

This is because Ye Qing has obtained the Nine Heavens Realm, which is equivalent to having the Dao of the entire Nine Heavens Realm, and even the Dao of more than [-] Immortal Kings, so there is such a terrifying progress.

However, under normal circumstances, when an Immortal King powerhouse obtains such a terrifying gift, it is not an increase in strength, but rather that his own avenues become chaotic, refuted, and even collapsed.

Because even the Immortal King cannot withstand the influx of so many Immortal Dao, plus a Myriad Dao and Myriad Laws of the Nine Heavens Realm, collapse is an inevitable situation

Only Ye Qing can bear it, because he has already embarked on the road of fusion, able to integrate the myriad ways and methods, fuse the many immortal kings avenues with the heaven and earth, and take the essence and remove the dross to enrich his own immortal king. avenue


A steady stream of power poured out from Ye Qing’s body, nourishing the entire world, and at the same time, the myriad ways and methods of the Nine Heavens continued to flow back, feeding Ye Qing back, and the two reached a balance.

Time is passing, this vision, a full three days have passed

During these three days, the environment of the Nine Heavens Realm has become stronger and stronger day by day. times more than

The essence of heaven and earth is being nurtured, the cosmic starry sky is also being repaired, the once shattered universe is being restored, the boundary wall is stronger, and it exudes an indestructible atmosphere.

The environment of the entire Nine Heavens Realm has improved several times more than before. Although it is still impossible to compare to the ancients, the environment has changed greatly, and it can even make people become immortals.

At least, becoming immortal is no longer out of reach

Some amazing geniuses, such as Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, etc., all have the hope of becoming immortals.

“It is terrifying to nourish the entire Nine Heavens World for three days and three nights with one’s own strength, and ordinary Immortal Kings simply can’t do it!”

“This Immortal King is at least a top-level king!”

“Which Immortal King survived, the True Dragon Immortal Immortal Phoenix, the Immortal Monk King, or the Six Path Immortal Kings?”

In the major restricted areas of the Nine Heavens Realm, there are Immortal Kings who pay close attention to the changes in the Nine Heavens Realm, and they are all amazed by the power of this Immortal King. If it was them, they would not be able to be the same Immortal King at all, and there are also high and low points.

Among the immortal kings, they are only the lowest existence

Of course, no matter how low-level, it is also a strong immortal king, an invincible one who is aloof.

“Hey, a supreme Immortal King survived from Immortal Ancient. It is estimated that some people will be liquidated strongly. Some big figures in Immortal Realm, their hands and feet were not clean back then!”

In a certain restricted area, there was a sneer, it was an immortal king whispering, and there was gloating.

“I really hope that this one can kill the Immortal Realm forcefully and make some high-ranking bigwigs pay the price.”

This Immortal King didn’t know that his joke was actually realized one day.

At the same time, in the boundless fairyland

In the major immortal king territories, many immortal kings were disturbed, and they all sensed the changes coming from the Nine Heavens Realm, and they all looked at the Nine Heavens Realm, and their eyes flashed with surprise.

“What’s going on, how is the environment of the Nine Heavens recovering?”

“Strange, it stands to reason that the Nine Heavens Realm is about to enter the era of the end of the law, why is it recovering? Is it a return to light, or a new immortal king is born?”


Among the ancient realms of several immortal kings, there were several voices, some surprised, some doubted, some indifferent, and so on, representing five

3 Attitudes of several immortal kings

Although the Immortal King is strong, it is impossible to perceive the specific changes of the Nine Heavens through the Immortal Domain.

In other words, it can be perceived under normal circumstances, but now that a new Immortal King is born in the Nine Heavens Realm, the avenue of the Immortal Kings automatically blocks the secrets of the Nine Heavens Realm, making it impossible for other Immortal Kings to sense the situation in the Nine Heavens Realm.

However, the Immortal Kings are all ancient invincibles. How keen their minds are, they all speculate that an astonishing change has occurred in the Nine Heavens Realm. Immediately, the strong members of the clan are dispatched to investigate the specific situation of the Nine Heavens Realm.

On this day, the major immortal kings in the immortal realm are not calm anymore. There are strong people who want to open the gate of the realm and come to the Nine Heavens Realm.

Of course, it is not so simple to want to come. It takes a lot of time to open the gate of the realm. Even the powerhouse of the immortal realm will not be able to do it immediately.


In the Nine Heavens Realm, Ye Qing also woke up from his enlightenment, and the power in his body no longer poured into the Nine Heavens Realm, but regained his restraint.



Ye Qing sighed softly and opened his eyes, the aura of the Great Dao lingered in his eyes, which was extremely mysterious. Just a glance could make the most powerful people in a trance, involuntarily sinking into it.

The aura around the body is even more unfathomable, like an ancient and powerful world, extremely thick and shocking.

“The real realm of the fairy king!”

Ye Qing raised his right hand and squeezed his fist slightly. He could sense the surging boundless power in his body. This was the real state of the Immortal King, not the level of the ten evils before.

The Myriad Dao and Myriad Laws presented by the Nine Heavens Realm have brought Ye Qing’s Dao Law to a higher level, and his realm has completely recovered to the realm of the Immortal King. Once Ye Qing’s state returns to the peak, then his combat power will be higher than that of the peak state. In the realm of giants, it has to be stronger by another grade, comparable to the supreme giants

At that point, Ye Qing would dare to venture out even if it was Jie Hai.

Moreover, Ye Qing has not fully comprehended and digested the myriad ways of the Nine Heavens Realm, as well as the avenues of many immortal kings. He has only comprehended a part of it, and there is still a long way to go before he fully comprehends it.

Once he fully understands it, that’s when Ye Qing ascends to the extreme realm of the Immortal King and begins to evolve the Light of Quasi Immortal Emperor.

That step is no weaker than that of Mrs. Tu 21 and others.

“The avenues of the Nine Heavens Realm have recovered a lot. It seems that this time the feedback has made the Nine Heavens Realm a lot more prosperous!”

Ye Qing put down his hand and looked at the top of the Nine Heavens. He could clearly sense the avenues of the Nine Heavens. It was much stronger than before, and the laws were also repaired.

The origin of the entire great world has become stronger, and even the essence and spiritual energy of the great world has become many times thicker, becoming more suitable for cultivation, and immortality is also hopeful.

“But unfortunately, this world is doomed to be crippled!”

Soon, Ye Qing shook his head again, showing a pity

Although Jiutianjie has his feedback, it is much better than the original era of the end of the law, but once the giants of the world return, under the war of kings, Jiutianjie is destined to be crippled and cannot be intact.

Even Ye Qing can’t stop it

Or rather, don’t want to stop

Jiutianjie is destined to be maimed. This is an inevitable result. It is related to the cause and effect of many quasi-immortal emperors. Ye Qing will not stop it, and even contribute to the flames.

Only then will the future trio emerge


Thinking like this, Ye Qing took a step forward, the scene changed, he left the immortal hall, and came to the top of a Lingshan Mountain, located on the top of ten thousand feet, overlooking the vast land.

“It’s time to deal with those few remnants!”

Looking at the [-] Dao Realm, which is more than ten thousand times larger than the original, a strange color flashed in Ye Qing’s eyes, and then there was a hint of coldness and murderous intent.

In addition to some sect masters, there are three 3 Daoyu three disabled immortals. They are one of the murderers who once murdered Kunpeng. They were beaten and disabled by Kunpeng in the ancient times, and now they are all cultivated in the Sanqiandaoyu

As for the immortals of the Immortal Palace, they have long since escaped from the starry sky, hiding in the depths of a broken cosmic starry sky. Under normal circumstances, they cannot be found at all.

But that was before, the current Ye Qing, his strength has returned to the realm of the Immortal King, and he can sweep the infinite universe with a single thought. Even if the world is vast and endless, Ye Qing can sweep across it with a single thought, and find the position of the immortal palace.

Boom! Together with the murderous intentions of the Immortal King, the entire Great World has a sense. Heaven, all parts of the universe, and all the ancient worlds, there are terrifying murderous auras appearing at this moment, permeating the sky and the earth, causing the entire world to fall into the realm of winter


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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