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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 92

A ruined ancient world, even the avenues are incomplete. Even if an immortal king is born, what qualifications are there to provoke him? He is Ao Sheng, one of the ancient immortal kings, who once killed the immortal king.

“This is just to get back some interest. You have done something to Nirvana’s ancestors, and you have also blocked Jiutian’s powerhouse. This time I do it, just to ask for some interest!”

Ye Qing said lightly, and at the same time, his big hand returned quickly, trying to capture the fragments of the avenue back to the Nine Heavens Realm

“What if I did it, I am the Immortal King, I should do whatever I want, and a ruined ancient world is not qualified to sit with me. As for you, discuss interest!”

Ao Sheng sneered, looking at Ye Qing with coldness and disdain in his eyes

“Be careful with yourself!”

After that, Ao Sheng started again

Boom! On his face, it seems to be covered with a layer of splendid wings, with countless feathers, each feather is a powerful fairy sword, even more terrifying than a fairy weapon, and countless feathers are combined together. , is the real magic weapon of the fairy king

That is Jianyi, Ao Sheng’s magic weapon of the Immortal King. It is extremely powerful. It has killed the real king and dyed the blood of the king.

At this moment, Ao Sheng gave a slight shock, urging the magic weapon of the Immortal King, countless feathers glowed, bursting with the strongest sword energy, countless beams of light shot up at night, all of them were sword energy, densely packed, and each of them could destroy 16 people. big universe

But now, countless swords of light are slashed together, and that kind of power can shatter everything in the heavens, break eternity, and make a great world eclipsed.

If these sword lights were not controlled by Ao Sheng and all hit Ye Qing, I am afraid that the entire Immortal King Domain would be shattered, and countless universes would be destroyed.

“Looks like I need to show my muscles!”

Ye Qing said lightly, he opened his hands, squeezed the seal, and a strong wave bloomed. It was the boundless power of Hunyuan. This heavenly power created by him, for the first time, bloomed its due power for the first time.

More than [-] kinds of Immortal King Dafa were all fused together by him, and they operated in a mysterious and incomparable way. Immediately, an immeasurable and terrifying might erupted, surpassing the top Immortal Kings.

This is giant power

Boom! Ye Qing shot out with a palm, this power turned into a big hand that covered the sky, shot into the Immortal Realm from a distance, and crushed Immortal King Ao Sheng with a domineering attitude. Wherever he passed, all the sword lights destroyed, crushed, like weeds

Then this big hand, under the shocked eyes of countless powerhouses, slapped Immortal King Ao Sheng with a slap, and slapped him out of the air with a slap.

Peng! In the distant immortal realm, in an uninhabited cosmic sea, Immortal King Ao Sheng’s body smashed down, instantly smashing this cosmic sea to smithereens, the immeasurable mighty power surged, almost shattering everything.

All beings are horrified

“What did I see! Immortal King Ao Sheng was slapped flying!!”

“That is the supreme immortal king, the unparalleled powerhouse who has been in the immortal realm for more than one era, the fierce man who once killed the immortal king, was defeated by someone’s palm!”

“That… Who is the Immortal King who is the newly born Immortal King in the Nine Heavens Realm, but why is he so powerful!”

Everywhere in the Immortal Realm, the countless powerhouses who are watching here are stunned, their hearts are shaken, they can’t be calm, no matter what.

Whether it was a true immortal or a quasi-immortal king, they all stared at the direction of the Nine Heavens Realm, horrified in their hearts.

The kings also became solemn, they sensed the terrifying energy from that palm, which made their hearts heavy for a while.

“This is a giant!”

An Immortal King spoke up, his tone a little dignified

An immortal king giant, even in the immortal realm, is the top-ranked unparalleled powerhouse, much more terrifying than the top immortal kings such as Ao Sheng.

As strong as the kings of the fairyland, and do not want to offend a giant

“This is by no means a newly born Immortal King, it is very likely that an old guy from the Immortal Ancient Era has survived!”

“Whether it is no end, six paths, or real dragons”

“I don’t know, maybe it’s someone we can’t think of!”

The kings are communicating with each other. Even if they are separated by many Immortal King Domains, they cannot stop their spiritual thoughts. With a sweep, they can cross many Immortal King Domains and conduct indiscriminate conversations.

“Are you going to shoot? Ao Sheng is not an opponent!”

Another Immortal King opened his mouth, it was Taishi Immortal King, this is also a top Immortal King, not weaker than Ao Sheng, and also an Immortal King of the same camp as Ao Sheng, hostile to the Nine Heavens Realm

“This is a giant!”

King Pan opened his mouth with a cold tone, but the implication made the kings tremble in their hearts, and they were a little wary.

An immortal king giant, even they don’t want to offend, this level of terrifying existence, has the strength to easily kill ordinary immortal kings, even if it is a top immortal king, just two or three people, teaming up is not an opponent.

And they, the strongest are only the supreme immortal king. The immortal king giants are all in retreat and practice.

Moreover, these giants are extremely difficult to kill, even if they can jointly suppress them, it is impossible to kill them, and they may even escape, offend an immortal king giant, and let them escape, that kind of… serious The consequences, even the kings are unwilling to bear

The most important thing is that their relationship with Immortal King Ao Sheng is not very good, there is no need to fight against a giant for him.

Therefore, when Pan Wang opened his mouth, some immortal kings who were just about to move were silent at the moment, no one wanted to offend a giant, and this matter was also Ao Sheng’s fault.

Tai Chi is also silent


In the depths of the fairyland, in the broken universe sea, Ao Sheng roared, the law minister stood up, stood on the ground, opened the boundless universe, and looked at Ye Qing coldly, full of boundless killing intent

At this moment, his dharma image is covered with terrifying scars, and there is blood overflowing from the corners of his mouth. Although he is not seriously injured and dying, it is not uncomfortable. The blow of a giant directly wounded him.

“Do you still want to come? If you continue, I don’t mind suppressing you!”

Looking at Ao Sheng from a distance, Ye Qing was indifferent, his hand had returned, grabbed the fragments of the avenue, and the rich light of the avenue diffused out, almost illuminating the entire world

The familiar aura of the avenue did not frighten the rulers of the major restricted areas to death.

This is directly tearing down the avenues of Ao Sheng’s Immortal King’s Domain! The heart of the masters of the major restricted areas, the first is Ye Qing’s power and domineering

“This matter, I have recorded it!”

Hearing this, Ao Sheng’s eyes were extremely cold, filled with terrifying killing intent, but in the end he forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and calmed himself down.

With his strength, he is not a giant’s opponent at all, and other immortal kings in Xianyu have no idea of ​​making a move. If he continues to fight like this, not only will he not be able to take back the fragments of the avenue, he may also be suppressed.

In that case, you’re humiliating yourself.

Therefore, even though he was extremely angry, Ao Sheng forced himself to calm down and waited for the opportunity to seek revenge in the future.

In the past, in his day, he did the same, ruthlessly rising over the corpses of his enemies

No matter how powerful the existence is, there will always be a time when it will show its flaws. At that time, it is time for him to take action.

Of course, in other words, Ao Sheng confessed

“No fun!”

Seeing Ao Sheng admitting his counsel, Ye Qing flashed a trace of fear in his eyes, but his mouth was still contemptuous, and then he withdrew his strength. The barrier of the Immortal Realm that had been torn apart by him was also recovering quickly. On, the two worlds are separated again

“Ao Sheng, is a character!”

Ye Qing murmured that he was still able to endure such humiliation, which shows that his city is definitely not ordinary. Such people are truly terrible opponents.

Of course, even so, Ye Qing is not afraid

He won’t have a chance to let him succeed if his subordinates are defeated. If he has a chance next time, he will just kill him directly.

“Enough material!”

Ye Qing turned his gaze to the fragments of the avenues to the side. There were a total of about ten feet in size. It was a group of light that surrounded the infinite law. There were ten thousand Taos manifesting in it.

This one seems to be the avenue itself

In fact, this is indeed the Great Dao, and it is the Great Dao of the Immortal King’s Domain. It will not be worse than the Great Dao of a Great Realm. Now it has been torn off by Ye Qing.

This part is enough to make Tianhuang stronger

Boom! Ye Qing shot, burned with the real fire of the avenue, erased the mark about Ao Sheng in the source of the avenue, and then injected the traces of his own avenue, and then broke the source of the avenue into the wilderness.

In an instant, the infinite divine light swept through the night, the Heavenly Desolation was bathed in the true fire of the Great Dao, the halberd’s body circulated divine light, undergoing an inexplicable transformation, and its breath became stronger step by step.

Time is passing, the real fire of the avenue illuminates the whole sea of ​​​​cosmic

Before you know it, half a year has passed

Boom! On this day, the divine light swept through the night, and a brand-new sky appeared, with the color of black gold, immortal light lingering, and breath-taking breath, as if it could pierce a great world, which was amazing.

“A good halberd, it is no weaker than the real magic weapon of the Immortal King!”

“Smelting part of the avenues of Wang Nuo in the Immortal King Domain of Ao Sheng, the power will naturally increase exponentially, which is extremely terrifying!”

“Tear apart the avenues of the Immortal King Domain, raise his hand to repel Ao Sheng, this Immortal King is really terrifying, he is definitely a giant!”

In the restricted areas of the Nine Heavens Realm, there are sighing sounds, which are the voices of the masters of the major restricted areas, with strong shock and admiration.

“Follow me to fight in the future!”

Ye Qing held Tianhuang in his hand, and couldn’t help showing a smile, Tianhuang also trembled, as if responding

“Congratulations sir!”

Cailing, who is guarding the side, congratulates

“Let’s go back!”

Putting away Tianhuang, Ye Qing said softly, and then returned to the Immortal Hall with Cailing. He did not immediately go to the Heaven-Mending Sect. The reason for this was because he had not been in the chat group for a long time.

Now that I’m free, it’s natural to go online with a wave of madness

Thinking like this, Ye Qing sneaked a wisp of consciousness into the chat group.

Soon, a large wave of information bombardment appeared

As soon as he entered the group, Ye Qing saw the news on the screen.

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man. After watching Hakoba, I have to sigh at the vastness of the heavens and the world, and even have such a world. The ultimate trial of human beings who can defeat millions of gods with one’s own power, the double digits of the incarnation of the truth of the universe The powerhouse, the decadent wind of the almighty corner, even the third perpetual motion mechanism that is impossible to achieve in reality exists, it is indeed the world of Hakoniwa that gathers the Shura gods and Buddhas, it is really wonderful!”

It’s a pity that Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, there is no brilliant technology in this world, which makes me a little regret!”

Tony Stark regrets this too. Although other abilities are very good, especially the perpetual motion mechanism, these are not in line with his power system and cannot give him much help.

Although the perpetual motion mechanism is not bad, but that kind of thing, even if there is no three-digit god and Buddha powerhouse, how can it be given to him

The original White Night King “Hey, our world is naturally very exciting. It is the place where all the possibilities of infinite parallel universes gather, and it is the center of the multiverse!”

The original White Night King “As for the technology you mentioned, Hakoniwa is a world where gods and Buddhas take care of itself. How could such a world have powerful technology, you think too much!”

It is absolutely true that although Yukinoshita does not have technology, it is possible to live a good life with gifts alone. Although Hakoniwa is a little dangerous, 240 is a wonderful world, I really want to see it!”

Monster Idlers: “Let’s go over and take a look. The gift game there is quite interesting. If you win the game, you can get the gift. This is also a means to improve your strength!”

God-killing Demon King “Indeed, this old man prefers Little Garden to the dangerous world that covers the sky. At least in the lower world, you won’t encounter too strong enemies!”

Although more than half a year has passed in Ye Qing’s world, it has only been three days in other worlds. Therefore, most of the people have just completed the works uploaded by Lin Xi.

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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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