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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 93

The hero of the navy “I have said that although the world of covering the sky is very dangerous, the strong will always fight, or the ancient tribes want to wash the human race with blood, and even the ancient supreme devoured all souls, but there are also a group of admirable powerhouses, such as the Void Emperor. , the god king in white and other strong men are guarding”

Eternal Princess “This concubine agrees. When I saw the god king in white fighting the ancestor king of all clans alone, and the sun saint emperor, only a human skin was left, but still bless all beings, the concubine couldn’t help but be moved. ”

The eternal princess “It’s incredible, this is the second time that the concubine has been touched by the heart, the first time is the Immortal King, and the second time is the strong men who cover the sky, that admirable side!”

Kasumi Hill Shiyu “I am the same, I cried when I saw it there!”

Because the video of the work is to let people enter the virtual world, it is like being there, so the senses are also very real, as if they are living in that world.

Such real scenes are naturally more touching

The oldest queen “Ben also admires those strong men! No matter what!

Whether it is the god king in white, or Gai Jiuyou, or those great emperors, they all have an admirable mind.”

Even if she is proud like a mother, she still recognizes the greatness of those strong men at this moment. It can really be called greatness. Heroes are not enough to describe them.

Immortal Chiyuan “Although I only have a pen, I can feel the hardships of the Void Emperor’s era. He has been fighting all his life. This is the most bitter Emperor!”

The witch of the Cut Heaven Sect “Of course, but I understand that the Void Emperor doesn’t have it. Compared with these strong men, I instantly feel that the strong men in my world seem narrow-minded. In Cut Heaven Sect, the witch stuck out her tongue and cautiously After looking around, she said these words, but she also scolded the leader of Jietian Sect

The witch of the four souls “Compared to Emperor Kong, my protection is insignificant!”

Void Emperor “I’m not as great as you think, but I just did what I should do. I believe that if it were someone else, I wouldn’t sit idly by!”

Void Emperor “No matter what

My predecessors are still the great emperors of later generations, they are all protecting all beings!”

Emperor Void “Fortunately for me, although the process was difficult, the great emperors of later generations finally succeeded in sweeping out the restricted area!”

The Void Emperor “Ye Tian! His work is eternal! He is worthy of being the Emperor of Heaven!”

There was a look of relief on the face of the Void Emperor. He accepted his fate calmly and had no regrets. What made him even happier was that the great emperors of later generations finally wiped out the biggest tumor in the forbidden area.

Especially Ye Hei, the Heavenly Emperor, who single-handedly swept away many restricted areas and almost killed all the Supreme Beings. He was worthy of being the Heavenly Emperor.

At this point, he is far behind! Tony didn’t want to be the richest man to cover the sky. I also watched it. It was very good-looking, but Ye Hei was too open. It’s a bit of an exaggeration to do something that can’t be done!”

Thinking of this, Tony Stark is a little bit tongue-tied

Is this the main character? It’s scary

Absolutely correct, Yukinoshita I also think, I always feel like he is the protagonist in the story, although his achievements are amazing, but he is really open!”

Immortal Chiyuan “Perhaps this is the darling of the times, the times create heroes, just like Kevin in my world, the same is true, completing the impossible miracle!”

Immortal Chiyuan “Although there is no way to compare the strength of the people, but the situation is very similar!”

Monster idler “This is the protagonist of the era, just like the Void Emperor in his era, he is also the protagonist of the era!”

God-killer Demon King “This is similar to this old man. God-killers are all born with strong luck. Every god-killer is the protagonist, accomplishing impossible miracles, so is Ye Tiandi!”

The Demon King of Slaying God “And he is the protagonist who covers the sky. The whole work revolves around him. With such a heaven-defying achievement, it is understandable!”

Void Emperor “Even if the protagonist is so, his achievements are indelible, I deeply admire, this will not change!”

Emperor Void “He didn’t do what the great emperors of all dynasties couldn’t do, he broke the curse of the ages, became immortal in the red dust, and finally taught Fei Xian!”

Void Emperor “Just a little bit, I admire endlessly”

Void Emperor “He has achieved something that even the Immortal King thinks it is difficult to achieve!”

Void Emperor “Ninth Immortal!”

Emperor Void sighed, becoming an immortal. This is the dream of all emperors. I thought it was impossible to do it in this world. Only by entering the fairyland can we succeed.

I didn’t expect it to be done

The amazingness of Emperor Ye Tian is rare in ancient and modern times! Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu “Although Emperor Ye Tian is very powerful, Emperor Ye Tian is also amazing and unparalleled. With a mere mortal body, he becomes an emperor, and in the end, he will also be transformed into a fairy, and he is not weaker than Emperor Ye Tian!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu “I like her words, not for becoming an immortal, but for the red dust to wait for your return!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu “is not the first female emperor to cover the sky, but the most talented person since ancient times!”

Thinking of the Empress, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s face was full of longing, such a powerful and affectionate Empress, in her opinion, is simply the most amazing woman in ancient and modern times, which made her yearn, and wished she could see that cruel Empress with her own eyes.

Although the plot video can be immersive, it is not really seen after all. For Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu, it is always a pity

The current Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu has become the empress’s brain-damaged fan

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man

Whether it is Emperor Ye Tian, ​​the Empress of Ruthless Human Beings, or the Great Emperor Wu Beginning, they are all the most amazing and powerful emperors in the world covering the sky, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the Emperor of the Three Heavens!”

God-killing Demon King “Speaking of the Heavenly Emperor, this old man thought of Emperor Zun, the ruler of the heavenly court, the strongest Heavenly Zun in the age of mythology. In the end, not only did he inexplicably become the villain, but he also jumped out and was beaten to death!”

God-killing Demon King “Death is really humiliating, obviously it’s not much worse than the Three Heavenly Emperors!”

Immortal Chiyuan “Although Emperor Zun doesn’t like his behavior, his final behavior is indeed very unwise!”

Chiyuan couldn’t help but want to hold her forehead. If it wasn’t for the Emperor Zun, a Red Dust Immortal, Chiyuan even thought that was a fool. Obviously, the other party had four 44 Red Dust Immortals, and she was only alone, but she dared to jump out to do it. die

Absolutely right, Yukinoshita, this is probably the confidence of the fans.”

Regarding Emperor Zun, Yukino Yukinoshita was also a little speechless. In such a situation, he dared to jump out and provoke him. It was probably because of his self-confidence!

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, I’m the emperor, I can pick four

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu “I guess I’m dizzy, I think, no one at the same level can beat the foursome, no matter what.

Whether it’s the Empress, Ye Tiandi, or the Void Emperor, each of them is a true unparalleled powerhouse, no worse than Emperor Zun, and Emperor Zun doesn’t know what to think, but he wants to refine them at the same time!”

As a brainless fan of the empress, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said that she couldn’t understand the emperor’s thoughts at all

The hero of the navy: “I can’t blame the emperor completely. He has already laid out the formation. If it hadn’t been destroyed by the Great Emperor Wubei and the others, he might have really hoped to succeed.”

The hero of the navy “probably”

Speaking of which, Karp is also a little unconfident. It is because of the emperor’s last move that he is a little confused and self-confident.

In his world, Akainu provokes the four emperors at the same time and wants to kill them together. In this case, it is strange that the dog’s brain is not beaten out.

Well, Karp said that he was definitely not taking the opportunity to black Akainu

The original White Night King “is really stupid. In the most arrogant period, we dare not provoke four strong men of the same level of 44 at the same time. This kind of behavior is no different from courting death!”

Shiroyasha couldn’t help but want to complain

Although she was not much better herself, at the peak of her life, she had offended the gods who did not know the gods, and finally provoked the twin goddesses to take action, directly severing her spirituality and hitting her.

The guardian of Shenzhou “, Bai Yasha, I think you should say this, you used to be quite arrogant, otherwise it would not have become like this!”

The original White Night King “”

The monster idler “Speaking of Zun, listen to what the Void Emperor thinks of Emperor Zun! The Void Emperor”

Void Emperor “Void Emperor” I don’t have any opinion. Although I don’t like him very much, he is indeed an amazing and unparalleled powerhouse, and he also has the merits of protecting all races. It’s a pity that he fell into the evil way, if not the last Being killed, your future achievements will not be low!”

As for Emperor Zun, the Void Emperor has also known about it. He is known as the first person in mythology. It is said that he is the founder of the Heavenly Court. He once ruled the Heavenly Venerate level powerhouse.

This is Void Emperor’s previous understanding of Emperor Zun, and he admires it very much, but after watching Zhatian, Void Emperor is not happy with Emperor Zun, and can’t say he hates Emperor Zun.

, just don’t like his behavior

Regardless of

Whether you want to refine the Heavenly Court Feixian, or the practice of refining the two worlds in the end, makes the Void Emperor unacceptable.

If you insist, in the eyes of the Void Emperor, Emperor Zun is already his enemy.

If it weren’t for his lack of strength, the Void Emperor would now want to destroy the formations left by the Void Emperor.

I just don’t know if the Emperor Venerable at this time has already begun to arrange patterns in the universe that covers the sky.

The monster idler “cough, I want to know your opinion on the last move of Emperor Zun”

The Void Emperor “The Void Emperor hesitated, with a rare tangled expression.

He would like to say that as long as he has a little brain, it is impossible to fight against four powerhouses of the same level at the same time.

Flowers are like emperors. Although they are known to be invincible in the world and have invincible self-confidence, they are not stupid enough to fight against four emperors at the same time. That is not self-confidence, that is stupid.

But Emperor Zun is a red dust immortal anyway, so he can’t be so stupid! Therefore, he can’t say anything about Emperor Zun’s last behavior.

Void Emperor “Maybe he is really confident!”

In the end, the Void Emperor silently gave such an evaluation.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu “If the chat group explained that the heavens and the worlds are not works, but only the dissemination of information, I would have thought that this was the author’s unfinished end, so he directly gave the emperor a halo of wisdom, and then let him He came out to die!”

Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu “Just like the wise man in my light novels of the same period, the villain’s various tricks, as if he had fallen on wise man, is probably the author’s fault!”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu “But the sky is not a work, but a real world, and it cannot be explained by the author’s wisdom!”


Seeing the remarks here, Ye Qing’s expression couldn’t help being a little subtle.

He wanted to say, girl, you are the truth

Because Emperor Zun was indeed deceived by the author, otherwise he would not have jumped out and wanted to strike four, and he was eventually killed.

However, is Zhetian really a work? If Ye Qing really thought so before the time travel, but he also entered the perfect world, and also joined the chat group of the heavens. According to the description of the chat group, in the world Every world is real, not a work

From this point of view, Emperor Zun’s final behavior cannot really be attributed to the author’s lowering of wisdom.

After all, this is a real world, and it is impossible for a mere author to interfere. Thinking of this, Ye Qing is a little tangled.

If Covering the Sky is a work, is he also a character in a work for entertainment? “Why did I suddenly open my mind, I knew it was impossible!”

Ye Qing shook his head and laughed a little dumbly

This kind of thing is impossible no matter how you think about it. In this world, who can create these heavens and myriad worlds, maybe there is, but that… is also the supreme existence of omniscience and omnipotence

It may even be more advanced than the chat group of the heavens, such a great existence does not bother to fool him

Perhaps, Emperor Zun is really stupid

Emperor Zun, you died so miserably! Inch is absolutely correct, Xuexia, this really can only be attributed to Emperor Zun’s self-confidence! I think my plan is foolproof, so I dared to jump out and want to refine the group of four! “

Yukinoshita Yukino made the final call, this may be the best explanation

Eternal Princess “This reminds the concubine of a certain person. She is so confident that she wants to attack the capital of the moon, but she is beaten by the concubine’s sister and kneels down to beg for mercy!”

Monster idler “”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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