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I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball — Chapter 1

“It’s not long before Vegeta comes to Earth, I hope he’s coming soon!”.

On a barren plain, a young man with handsome hair and dressed in black was hiding behind a rock and muttering to himself.

And there are still a few people on this plain, a bald man wearing an orange martial arts uniform.

A burly man who was also bald and dressed in green, and there was a dwarf beside this person.

A man with sharp hair, also wearing an orange martial arts suit, with a few scars on his face, and a man covered in green with two small tentacles on his head and a child.

If anyone who knows will be surprised to see them, isn’t this Klin, Yamucha, Tianjin rice, dumplings, Bick and Sun Gohan.

But who is the young man who is hiding?

Well, the young man’s name is Meng Lin, one of the vast traversers.

When he was revisiting the classic anime of Dragon Ball, he didn’t know what was going on, but suddenly a white light flashed, and when he came back to his senses, he actually traveled to the world of Dragon Ball!

As we all know, the Dragon Ball world is a high-risk world, and the planet is as fragile as bubbles in the eyes of those bigwigs, and ordinary people are really dangerous in this world.

But fortunately, God gave Meng Lin a way to live.

When he crossed over, a familiar but never-before-heard voice sounded: “Ding! The attribute doubling system is activated, please use your hands to achieve your dreams.” “

After learning a little more, Meng Lin realized that this attribute doubling system could actually pick up their attributes from other people!combat power, skills, bloodline, and so on.

And not only that, but there is also a chance to double after picking up the attributes!

For example, if you pick up ten points of combat power from the turtle immortals, one double may be twenty or thirty points.

As for multiplication, well, it’s all about the face.

The time point that Meng Lin traveled was when Sun Wukong died after Sun Wukong and Vic fought Raditz, and the dead could not pick up attributes, so he didn’t pick up the attributes of Raditz and Sun Wukong, which can be described as a blood loss!

Meng Lin did not join the Turtle Immortals and their organization, but worked silently alone to resist Vegeta’s arrival.

For a year, he pretended to be passing by, or he came to kick the hall, and picked up the attributes of Turtle Immortal, Klin, Vic, Sun Gohan, Yamucha, Tianjin Rice and others.

Anyway, he picked up everything he could, even the gods and Bobo. And his combat effectiveness, although not high, is still 20,000.

What? Why is the attribute combat power so low after picking it up for a year? Please, although the attribute can be doubled, but the attribute on Meng Lin’s target is too low.

The highest attribute he picked up from Vic, who had the highest combat power, was fifty combat power points, and he was very lucky to double that time, multiplying it by a full tenfold! But the one he got was only five hundred combat power. The higher the combat power, the better the attributes you pick up.

And a person can’t pick up attributes indefinitely in a short period of time, otherwise he would have been staring at Vic for a long time, and it is estimated that he will be able to beat Frieza in a year.

Therefore, this is also why Meng Lin is so looking forward to Vegeta’s arrival soon, because Vegeta’s arrival can be regarded as the official start of Dragon Ball’s huge worldview, and he can pick up the attributes of those monsters.

And not to mention the far, the near, Vegeta’s attributes are not bad, not to mention that Sun Wukong will also come over. The two of them have an attribute that Meng Lin has coveted for a long time – Saiyan blood!

Think about the Super Saiyan after that, Super Two, Super Three, Super Saishen, that’s called a handsome! And once transformed, this combat power is also rising!

“I hope Goku comes over soon, otherwise we are no match for the Saiyans!” Kling said a little nervous and a little scared. He put his hope of repelling the Saiyans on his good brother Son Goku.

Since Meng Lin had turned the air pressure to the lowest, Klin didn’t know that there was someone other than them.

“Sun Wukong has been resurrected and is rushing here, but I don’t know how long it will take. Vic spoke.

“A year ago, it took a lot of effort between Goku and you to defeat that Saiyan, and Goku even died. But the enemy we’re about to face is even stronger than the Saiyan before! Yamucha shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Although his strength has improved a lot in the past year, he probably can’t even beat the Saiyan a year ago, let alone the Saiyan who is about to arrive.

“If you’re scared, go back!”

“You…”Yamucha dared to be angry and didn’t dare to speak, who told him that he couldn’t beat Bick.

And at this moment, everyone present, including Meng Lin, looked in one direction, and everyone noticed that two strong qi were flying towards them.

Everybody knows, Saiyan, it’s coming!


I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball

I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball



Story of: I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world, Meng Lin awakens to pick up the attribute doubling system!

Not only can you pick up other people’s attributes, but you can also double them!

"Congratulations to the host for picking up one hundred thousand combat power, doubled... ten times! Congratulations to the host for gaining one million combat power!"

"Congratulations to the host for picking up ten points of Saiyan blood, doubled...ten times! Congratulations to the host for getting Saiyan blood!"

"Congratulations to the host for picking up destructive energy..."

"Congratulations to the host for picking up angel energy..."

Beerus: "It's too scary! Meng Lin just grabbed the air next to me and became stronger than me. It's too scary!"

Sun Wukong, Vegeta: "Meng Lin can become stronger by grabbing the air, I'm so envious!"

Meng Lin just smiled and continued to pick up attributes. After picking up the properties, he discovered that he was already invincible.


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