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I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball — Chapter 27

After leaving Adestra, Meng Lin flew towards Wampa in a spaceship.

Wampa is so far away from Adestra that it takes half a month to fly even in a spaceship.

With such a long distance, it was no wonder that Meng Lin couldn’t find Broly’s qi.

But fortunately, the spaceship has its own sleep system, otherwise if Meng Lin is allowed to stay awake in the spaceship for half a month, even if he doesn’t go crazy, he will starve to death!

One doesn’t feel how fast time passes while sleeping, and soon, ten days have passed, and there are only five days left before they reach Wampa.

It was also on this day that Meng Lin woke up from ten days of sleep.

It wasn’t that he took the initiative to wake up, but because the spaceship’s sleep system detected that the spaceship had landed in a place and then shut down, and there was no way for Meng Lin to wake up.

The door of the spaceship opened, and Meng Lin walked out of the spaceship, he looked around, very puzzled.

He had the impression that Wampa was supposed to be only Broly and his son, but what was the matter with the crowd of people surrounding him? and everyone had a gun in their hands!

“This is Wampa?”

If you don’t understand, you have to ask, Meng Lin asked curiously.

“Hands up! This is not Wanpa! This is Sasha!”.

The leader pointed his gun at Meng Lin and threatened in a loud voice.


Meng Lin said it was the first time he had heard the name of the planet.

Although he knew that there were many planets in the universe, he wondered how he was here

I guess I’m on my way to Wampa.

“You stopped me?”

Meng Lin narrowed his eyes and looked at the people around him and said.

“Hmph! Want to fly over our planet without the consent of our king? It’s not that easy! Give me the toll!”.

The other party’s words made Meng Lin realize that he had been robbed

“Oh, tell me what the toll is?”

This is the first time Meng Lin has been robbed, and he is still an alien. He thought it was quite interesting.

“Your ship, and all the valuable stuff you’ve got on you!”.

The other party said very greedily.

“It seems that you are really greedy, and you are planning to prevent me from leaving. “

Let yourself hand over the spaceship, this alone will let Meng Lin know how greedy the other party is, this is planning to leave him on this planet for the rest of his life.

Meng Lin couldn’t help but feel a little pity for the people on this planet, they were so domineering and greedy for people passing by, so wouldn’t it be a dire situation for people living on this planet every day?

“I have a problem, that is, I hate people pointing a gun at my head the most, you want to die!”.

Meng Lin didn’t have that much time to waste, and he was still in a hurry to go to Wampa Star to find Broly.

Meng Lin stomped under his feet, and the ground suddenly trembled, and those with guns did not stand firmly, and fell to the ground one after another.

Meng Lin didn’t even look at them, and turned around to return to the spaceship.

“Shoot me!”.

A voice came from behind Meng Lin, followed by bursts of gunfire.

“It’s annoying!”.

Meng Lin stood in place, a layer of white qi enveloped him, and all the bullets that flew over hit this protective cover.

“How, how is that possible!”.

The other party ran out of bullets in the gun, and they saw that Meng Lin was unscathed!

“If you have to die, then I am no wonder. “

Meng Lin was not interested in these guys’ attribute light balls at all, and his figure disappeared in place in a flash.

By the time he reappeared, Meng Lin was already standing in front of the leader, holding the other party’s neck with one hand, and a group of people fell around him.

“You, you dare to go against our Sashas!”.

Even if he was choked by the neck, the leader did not forget to threaten Meng Lin loudly.

“Oh, could it be that you Sashaxing have some backstage?”

“Our Sashastar is a planet under Lord Gura, and if you dare to go against our Sashastar, you will be against Lord Gura!”

The leader spoke, his tone full of pride.

“Gula? “

Meng Lin seemed to have heard of this name somewhere, but he couldn’t remember it for a while.

“The king you speak of is Gula, where is he, take me!”

Although he can’t remember who Gula is, Meng Lin is not afraid at all, with his current combat strength, even the demon Buu dares to provoke, and he is afraid that this Gula who no one can remember!

What’s more, he is a man with an immortal body! Who is he afraid of in the universe?

The leader’s life was in Meng Lin’s hands, and for his own life, the leader took Meng Lin to a castle.

Along the way, Meng Lin found that many people were looking at him, and the clothes on these people were all tattered, and their whole bodies were dirty, and they looked like coolies.

Needless to say, these people are supposed to be the inhabitants of Sashacin.

As Meng Lin guessed, the life of the inhabitants of this planet is called miserable, and it is estimated that they need to do a lot of work every day, and they do not have enough food and clothing.

“This planet, a planet of tyranny alive. “


I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball

I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball



Story of: I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world, Meng Lin awakens to pick up the attribute doubling system!

Not only can you pick up other people’s attributes, but you can also double them!

"Congratulations to the host for picking up one hundred thousand combat power, doubled... ten times! Congratulations to the host for gaining one million combat power!"

"Congratulations to the host for picking up ten points of Saiyan blood, doubled...ten times! Congratulations to the host for getting Saiyan blood!"

"Congratulations to the host for picking up destructive energy..."

"Congratulations to the host for picking up angel energy..."

Beerus: "It's too scary! Meng Lin just grabbed the air next to me and became stronger than me. It's too scary!"

Sun Wukong, Vegeta: "Meng Lin can become stronger by grabbing the air, I'm so envious!"

Meng Lin just smiled and continued to pick up attributes. After picking up the properties, he discovered that he was already invincible.


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