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I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball — Chapter 3

“Pick up a hundred combat power, double it… Congratulations to the host for gaining six hundred combat power!”.

“Pick up one hundred and fifteen combat power, double it… Ten times over!Congratulations to the host for gaining 1,050 combat power!”.

“Pick up combat power …”

A sound of system lifting sounded, making Meng Lin scream.

Six vegetable people, there are not only six attribute light balls dropped, and when he picks up all the attribute light balls, his combat power suddenly increases by nearly 10,000!

“Sure enough, it was right to leave you to me. “

Meng Lin looked at the vegetable man on the ground with blazing eyes, and then, he walked to a vegetable man and stepped on it wildly with his feet!

“That’s it, then you can die. “

After stepping on it a few times, he found that this vegetable man would no longer drop the ball of light, and Meng Lin trampled the vegetable man to death with one kick.

Then, he did the same, and after using the value of the remaining five vegetable people, he sent them on the road one by one!

“This guy still has a penchant for abusive people?”.

Klin couldn’t understand Meng Lin’s operation, obviously he could step on it to death with one foot, but he had to step on it several times. That’s it, how did you start grabbing the air again.

Meng Lin picked up all the light balls on the ground, and his combat power increased a lot, and now his combat power was nearly forty thousand!

“I knew that I would wait for Vic to become stronger and then pick up their attributes, I feel like I’m losing blood!”.

In just a short period of time, his results are almost comparable to those of the previous year.

Meng Lin was a little pity, if he could have waited a little longer in the previous year, and waited until they became stronger before picking up their attributes, his combat power would definitely be stronger now!

However, Meng Lin also knew that it would be more difficult, and maybe he would die at the hands of Bick.

And at this time, Sun Wukong is riding a horse… On the way to ride the clouds.

“You’re also with Kakarot?” Vegeta said coldly, looking at Meng Lin coldly.

“Guess what. “

Meng Lin looked at Vegeta with blazing eyes, this appetizer was finished, and the next thing was the main course. As for Napa, it’s a dessert after a meal.

Meng Lin’s eyes made Vegeta very unhappy, this was the first time he had been looked at like this, he glanced at Napa, and said, “Napa, slaughter him for me!”


Napa’s hands were itchy for a long time, and although in his opinion, Meng Lin’s combat power could not threaten him, but it could bring him some fun.

“Are you ready for hell of horror?”.

Napa looked at Meng Lin with a sneer and said.

“I was going to treat you as a dessert after dinner, but since you’re in such a hurry, I’ll send you on your way first. “

Originally, he planned to fight Vegeta first and then kill Napa, but since Narpa couldn’t wait to die, it was okay to change the order slightly.

In fact, Meng Lin can educate Vegeta with Napa, but he thinks that the meal should be eaten one bite at a time, so let Vegeta be proud for a while, and then slap his face hard, wouldn’t it be very cool?



Napa roared and began to gather air, and a strong vibration spread from under his feet, and cracks appeared on the ground.

“What a strong breath! Saiyans are monsters!”.

Napa’s qi shocked Kling and the others, they had never felt such a terrifying qi.

In the face of such terrifying qi, they even had a sense of powerlessness.

“What should you do if you make a noise to someone nearby? Even if you can’t make a noise, it’s not good to disturb the flowers and plants nearby!”

But before Napa could gather his breath, he felt that his bald head had been beaten.

When he looked up, he saw Meng Lin looking at him with an unhappy expression.

Although he likes Dragon Ball very much, there is one thing about Dragon Ball that makes Meng Lin more speechless, that is, when he fights, he fights, and shouts and screams.

Every time you fight, you have to shout a few times, you have to shout a few times when you gather your anger, and you have to shout when you change your body, obviously you don’t need it.

“This, this is!”.

Vegeta looked at Meng Lin blankly, he could see clearly just now, Meng Lin’s combat power suddenly became very high, even above Napa!

It turns out that it’s not that the detector is broken, but that the other party can really improve its combat effectiveness in an instant!

“Did you see? That guy knocked the Saiyan on the head. “

Klin looked at Meng Lin dumbfounded, how did Meng Lin suddenly appear in front of Napa He didn’t see it, he only saw Meng Lin knock Napa’s head, knocking on the head of a monster with such a strong qi!

“Well, I also saw what his origin was! He wasn’t even afraid of such a terrifying monster, and he could knock the other party’s head!”

“Perhaps, with him, we can chase away those two Saiyans. Tianjin Fan said with a trembling voice, which was exciting.

Originally, he was about to despair, and he was going to sacrifice himself, but he didn’t expect that such a mysterious and powerful guy would appear, maybe the other party could drive away the Saiyans!

“You, you guy!”.

Unlike the astonishment of the others, Napana was so angry that he was knocked on the head by the waste in his eyes!

Enraged, he didn’t think about how Meng Lin hit him on the head.

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I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball

I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball



Story of: I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world, Meng Lin awakens to pick up the attribute doubling system!

Not only can you pick up other people’s attributes, but you can also double them!

"Congratulations to the host for picking up one hundred thousand combat power, doubled... ten times! Congratulations to the host for gaining one million combat power!"

"Congratulations to the host for picking up ten points of Saiyan blood, doubled...ten times! Congratulations to the host for getting Saiyan blood!"

"Congratulations to the host for picking up destructive energy..."

"Congratulations to the host for picking up angel energy..."

Beerus: "It's too scary! Meng Lin just grabbed the air next to me and became stronger than me. It's too scary!"

Sun Wukong, Vegeta: "Meng Lin can become stronger by grabbing the air, I'm so envious!"

Meng Lin just smiled and continued to pick up attributes. After picking up the properties, he discovered that he was already invincible.


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