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I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball — Chapter 31

The side effects of the Chuanchao bloodline are very strong, and Meng Lin should have been very happy to get the Chuanchao bloodline, but for no reason, he actually felt a little unhappy.

Even when you’re happy, you can imagine what it will be like if you’re not in a good mood or even when you’re very angry!

Broly has lived with this side effect for decades, and Meng Lin has some pity for him.

But fortunately, he has a system, and the system tells him that as long as the transmission of the super bloodline reaches 5000 points, the side effects will disappear!

He will be able to obtain the Transmission Bloodline without side effects!

5,000 bloodline, how much? To be honest, Meng Lin had never seen a move or skill that required so many points.

Even Super Saiyan II only needs 2,000 bloodline.

But 5,000 points of bloodline can be exchanged for a super bloodline with no side effects, which is not a loss at all!

Speaking of Super Saiyan II, Meng Lin suddenly found that the Saiyan bloodline that he had originally reached more than 1,000 points had now reached more than 1,500 points!

That’s 500 more!

In other words, as long as he picks up another 500 points, then he can become Super Saiyan II!

Although Broly has the Chuan Chao bloodline, but the Chuan Chao bloodline also belongs to the Saiyan bloodline, and if he picks up the Chuanchao bloodline, his Saiyan bloodline will also grow!

It’s a win-win-win-win!

In Meng Lin’s eyes, the current Broly is a great treasure trove full of golden light!

You have to make Broly stronger, preferably strong enough to beat the Super Race God!

Although if Broly becomes so strong, Meng Lin is not an opponent now, but he has an immortal body! Broly can’t kill him, what are you afraid of!

“Yes, it’s a little stronger, but you can still be stronger!”.

Broly was still lying on the ground at the moment and didn’t get up, Meng Lin walked up to him, stepped on his back with one foot, looked at him condescendingly, and said.


Broly let out a beastly roar, and his whole body began to explode, and his combat power began to soar again.

“Yes, yes, keep going!”.

Meng Lin was very excited, Broly deserved to be a man with a super bloodline!

Broly wanted to break free from Meng Lin’s feet, but Meng Lin stepped on him to the death, and Broly couldn’t break free with his current combat strength.

Broly’s qi was getting stronger and stronger, and many cracks had appeared on the ground beneath him, even on the stones not far away.


With a roar, a very powerful force erupted from Broly’s body, and even Meng Lin was shocked back several steps by this force!

Broly’s appearance, which had soared again, had changed a little.

His whole height has become a little taller, and his body has become burly.

His hair, in particular, was a little erect when it had been pulled down, originally black, but now it was a little green.

This is the precursor to the beginning of the explosion of the super bloodline, at this moment Broly has already stimulated a little bit of his super bloodline, as long as he is given a little more stimulation, it is estimated that he will be able to completely burst out the power of the super bloodline!

However, even if Browley, who only broke out a little bit of super bloodline, his combat power has reached a very terrifying level!

Frieza only had the share of being killed in seconds in front of him, and even Meng Lin, the combat power of the normal state was no longer Broly’s opponent.

“That’s right, that’s it!”.

The stronger Broly becomes, the more excited Meng Lin is, anyway, he can’t beat to death, no matter how strong Broly becomes, he is not afraid.

What’s more, Broly is not strong enough to kill him right now.

A red aura shrouded Meng Lin’s surroundings, and the momentum on Meng Lin’s body also began to skyrocket.

Twenty times the King of the Realm Fist!

After using the Twenty Times Realm King Fist, Meng Lin’s strength had skyrocketed to a very terrifying level.

“Come on Broly, let’s have a good fight!”.

Meng Lin shouted excitedly, this time, he will take the initiative!

Seeing Meng Lin rushing towards him, Broly also roared, and he didn’t know what he was afraid of, and he also rushed towards Meng Lin.

The right fists of the two slammed together, and the impact caused the lake below to boil, and the stones around the two of them shattered to the ground!

Then, a figure flew out and smashed several mountains!

Eventually, the figure came to a halt embedded in a large mountain.

It’s Broly!

In the first meeting between the two, Broly fell to the downside.

Although Broly is already very strong now, Meng Lin, who used the 20x Realm King Fist, is even more terrifying!

The main reason is that the current Broly is still young, as old as Sun Wukong, so his combat effectiveness is not too high.

If it were a few years later, according to the horror of the Chuan Chao bloodline, Meng Lin, who had used the 20 times Realm King Fist, was really not an opponent.

But who made Broly unlucky, Meng Lin looked for him too early, and he was destined to be beaten by Meng Lin.

The punch just now caused Broly to drop a lot of attribute light balls, and Meng Lin picked them up very happily.

Finally, when he finished picking it up.

“Congratulations to the host for picking up 2000 Saiyan bloodlines, whether to choose to level up. “

“Upgrade, upgrade, don’t keep asking if it’s good or not. “


I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball

I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball



Story of: I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world, Meng Lin awakens to pick up the attribute doubling system!

Not only can you pick up other people’s attributes, but you can also double them!

"Congratulations to the host for picking up one hundred thousand combat power, doubled... ten times! Congratulations to the host for gaining one million combat power!"

"Congratulations to the host for picking up ten points of Saiyan blood, doubled...ten times! Congratulations to the host for getting Saiyan blood!"

"Congratulations to the host for picking up destructive energy..."

"Congratulations to the host for picking up angel energy..."

Beerus: "It's too scary! Meng Lin just grabbed the air next to me and became stronger than me. It's too scary!"

Sun Wukong, Vegeta: "Meng Lin can become stronger by grabbing the air, I'm so envious!"

Meng Lin just smiled and continued to pick up attributes. After picking up the properties, he discovered that he was already invincible.


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