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I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball — Chapter 61

After Meng Lin left, because the burly man was beaten in front of so many people, the martial arts hall where he served as the chief coach lost a lot of students at once.

And the martial arts hall where Meng Lin replaced the battle was that many people came to sign up.

All of a sudden, the status of the two martial arts halls was reversed.

Of course, Meng Lin didn’t know these things.

For the martial arts hall, Meng Lin was the great benefactor who saved their martial arts hall.

And for Meng Lin, he just did a trivial thing.

Meng Lin used the money won in the competition to buy a house in Xidu, and he found a professional investment and wealth management company to help him take care of the rest of the money.

Because no one has returned from the future to the present to tell Sun Wukong that they will have androids.

Therefore, I don’t know when Meng Lin will appear as an android.

He could only guess that it was probably recently.

And just like that, a few months passed.

Finally, on this very day, it was suddenly reported on the TV news that a city suddenly had a large number of casualties.

Cyborgs, finally appeared!

Meng Lin, who finally waited for the android to appear, immediately rushed to the city.

As reported in the news, this once small city is now largely nowhere to be seen.

Corpses all over the ground, blood all over the ground.

Meng Lin didn’t know if the androids had left, because the androids were not angry, so no matter how strong Meng Lin was, it was impossible to find them in the first place.

There was no way, Meng Lin could only fly in the air, looking around the city.

Finally, it is not known if the androids did it on purpose or if they hadn’t killed enough, and they didn’t leave the city.

Meng Lin found them on the roof of a department store.

When they were discovered by Meng Lin, the androids were enjoying their brutal torture game on the rooftop.

Next to it stood a group of trembling and frightened people.

“Cyborgs, I’ve finally found the two of you. “

Meng Lin fell to the roof of the department store, looked at the two artificial people and said.

None of the two androids are number 18.

They are number 19 and number 20.

That is, the old man Dr. Gallo and the fat artificial man he created.

“Oh, you know we’re androids. “

Cyborg 20, that is, Dr. Gallo, looked at Meng Lin and said.

“I remember, you seem to be the guy who beat those two Saiyans away in the first place, what’s your name?”.

In order to create androids, Dr. Gallo has been collecting information on the warriors led by Sun Wukong for a long time.

Meng Lin’s information was still collected when he and Vegeta were fighting.

“My name is Meng Lin, and you are Dr. Gallo. That mad scientist from the Red Ribbon Legion. “

Meng Lin directly broke the identity of Dr. Gallo.

“Oh, you seem to know a lot of things. “

Dr. Gallo was a little interested in Meng Lin, and there were not many people who knew his identity.

“I know a lot of things, for example, I know that you want to seek revenge on Sun Wukong or something. “

“You should also be Sun Wukong’s companion, just right, I caught you and lured Sun Wukong out!”.

“Give it to me!”.

Dr. Gallo gave an order, and the android 19 on the side immediately launched an attack on Meng Lin.

Meng Lin didn’t have much interest in these two fat men and old man androids, he was only interested in No. 18.

Looking at No. 19 who was rushing towards him, Meng Lin flew up and kicked him in the head!

Meng Lin’s kick directly kicked the head of Android 19 away, leaving only his body.

Because 19 is an android, his head and body are separated, but he is not dead.

Meng Lin first destroyed No. 19’s body in front of No. 20, and then put No. 19’s head in front of Dr. Gallo.

“Truth be told, this artificial human you’ve made is a bit weak. “

After speaking, Meng Lin directly pinched the head of No. 19 in front of Dr. Gallo!

Are androids really weak?

Not really.

Not to mention the two No. 18 and No. 17 who can beat all the Z fighters.

Let’s just say that No. 19 and Dr. Gallo, who are weaker than them, the strength of the two of them is stronger than the original Cosmic Emperor Frieza!

But unfortunately, they were so unlucky that they actually met Meng Lin.

Seeing that Meng Lin actually killed Number 19 so easily, Dr. Gallo couldn’t believe his eyes!

“How is it possible!How can your combat power be so high!”.

Dr. Gallo looked at Meng Lin in disbelief.

He had only collected Meng Lin’s battle information once, and that was when he was fighting Vegeta.

At that time, Meng Lin was still very weak.

Dr. Gallo had done several calculations to calculate the growth of those fighters.

Although in the past few years, the combat effectiveness of these fighters will indeed be greatly improved.

But it’s impossible to elevate to such a terrifying level!

“Your data is outdated. You must have collected my combat data a few years ago. “

“I’m sorry, but my combat power has increased a little bit in the past few years. “

Meng Lin stretched out two fingers and gestured at the extent of his combat strength.

Between his two fingers, there was a whole universe!

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to rush immediately(Event Period: June 3rd to June 5th)


I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball

I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball



Story of: I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world, Meng Lin awakens to pick up the attribute doubling system!

Not only can you pick up other people’s attributes, but you can also double them!

"Congratulations to the host for picking up one hundred thousand combat power, doubled... ten times! Congratulations to the host for gaining one million combat power!"

"Congratulations to the host for picking up ten points of Saiyan blood, doubled...ten times! Congratulations to the host for getting Saiyan blood!"

"Congratulations to the host for picking up destructive energy..."

"Congratulations to the host for picking up angel energy..."

Beerus: "It's too scary! Meng Lin just grabbed the air next to me and became stronger than me. It's too scary!"

Sun Wukong, Vegeta: "Meng Lin can become stronger by grabbing the air, I'm so envious!"

Meng Lin just smiled and continued to pick up attributes. After picking up the properties, he discovered that he was already invincible.


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