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I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball — Chapter 64

Meng Lin walked towards Dr. Gallo step by step.

Now that the 17th and 18th have appeared, there is no need for Dr. Gallo to exist.

“You two! Deal with them for me! The person in the orange martial arts uniform is Sun Wukong!”.

Seeing Meng Lin walking towards him, Dr. Gallo immediately hid behind Nos. 17 and 18.

He pointed to Meng Lin and the three of them, and said to No. 17 and No. 18.

One of his purposes in creating androids was to kill Sun Wukong.

Now Monkey King is in front of him.

Such a great opportunity not to be missed!

“Dr. Gallo, let’s discuss what to do. “

Instead of making a move right away, Seventeen and Eighteen spoke to Dr. Gallo.

“I’ll talk about it later!Kill them all now!”.

Dr. Gallo pointed at Meng Lin and the three of them and said loudly.

No. 17 and No. 18 look at each other.

Then, 17 nodded at 18.

No. 17 and No. 18 quickly rushed towards Meng Lin and the others.

No. 17 rushed towards Meng Lin.

And No. 18 is rushing towards Monkey King and Vegeta.

No. 17 quickly came to Meng Lin and kicked directly at Meng Lin’s head.

No mercy!

Glancing at No. 17, Meng Lin leisurely stretched out a hand and directly grabbed No. 17’s foot.

Then, Meng Lin casually threw No. 17 back, and then walked towards Dr. Gallo.

No. 17, who was thrown away by Meng Lin, did not fall to the ground, he rolled in the air a few times before falling safely to the ground.

Looking at Meng Lin’s back, a smile appeared on No. 17’s face.

“It’s kind of interesting, this person still has a little bit of strength. “

No. 17 looked at Meng Lin’s back and said.

On the other side, No. 18 fought with Monkey King and Vegeta.

No. 18 with one enemy and two not falling behind!

Of course, the 18th was just playing and didn’t give it his all.

As for Son Goku and Vegeta, even Super Saiyan has not changed.

Meng Lin walked up to Dr. Gallo, glanced at the controller in his hand, and smiled at Dr. Gallo.

“Thank you so much for bringing us here, now you have no use value. “

Meng Lin looked at Dr. Gallo and said with a smile.

His hand was raised, and it looked like he was about to hit Dr. Gallo!

“Number 17! Come and save me!”.

Seeing Meng Lin’s movements, Dr. Gallo panicked.

He finally turned himself into an artificial human, but he can’t die so casually!

“Good, good. “

Number 17 shrugged his shoulders and walked over to Meng Lin.

That’s right, the 17th is used to go, and it’s not fast.

Obviously, he wished that Monlin could kill Dr. Gallo!

“17! What are you doing, hurry up and kill him for me!”.

Dr. Gallo was furious with the slow appearance of Number 17, and he raised the controller in his hand.

“If you don’t hurry, don’t blame me for being rude!”.

Dr. Gallo’s threat worked.

The reason why 17 and 18 listen to Dr. Gallo is because he has a controller in his hand.

There was no way, and the 17th had to speed up.

“Don’t scream, these two artificial people you made wish I could kill you, how could they want to save you. “

Meng Lin looked at Dr. Gallo and said.

After that, Meng Lin swiped his right hand and directly snatched the controller in Dr. Gallo’s hand in his hand!

“You, you!”.

The controller was robbed, and Dr. Gallo became even more panicked.

This controller is what he controls 17 and 18!

With this thing, he can rest assured that he can order the 17th and 18th!

“These are the two man-made emergency stops. As long as you have this thing, you can make them stop in an emergency at any time. “

“That’s why they obediently obey your orders. “

Meng Lin looked at the controller in his hand and said.

He then grabbed Dr. Gallo by the neck with one hand and turned to face Number 17.

“Number 17, do you want this. “

Meng Lin raised the controller in his hand and said to No. 17.

Seeing that the controller was actually in Meng Lin’s hands, No. 17 stopped.

Even No. 18, who was originally fighting with Sun Wukong and Vegeta, stopped fighting and came to No. 17 to look at Meng Lin.

“Will you give me this?”.

No. 17 squinted his eyes and looked at Meng Lin and said very vigilantly.

Meng Lin also heard what he said just now on the 17th, and he was shocked that Meng Lin actually knew the role of the controller!

Now that the controller is in Meng Lin’s hands, it means that his and No. 18’s lives are in Meng Lin’s hands.

Therefore, No. 17 was very wary of Meng Lin.

From the trick he had with Meng Lin just now, it can be known that Meng Lin’s strength is very strong.

No. 17 felt that he didn’t have the certainty to snatch the controller from Meng Lin’s hand!

“Here you go. “

Meng Lin threw the controller directly to No. 17.

Seeing that Meng Lin actually threw the controller to No. 17, Dr. Gallo was immediately anxious.

He reached out a hand to grab the controller in his hand.

But No. 17 flew up and kicked Dr. Gallo’s hand off!

Then, Number 17 took the controller in his hand.

“You’re really ignorant, 17th and 18th, this guy will be handed over to you to deal with. “


I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball

I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball



Story of: I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world, Meng Lin awakens to pick up the attribute doubling system!

Not only can you pick up other people’s attributes, but you can also double them!

"Congratulations to the host for picking up one hundred thousand combat power, doubled... ten times! Congratulations to the host for gaining one million combat power!"

"Congratulations to the host for picking up ten points of Saiyan blood, doubled...ten times! Congratulations to the host for getting Saiyan blood!"

"Congratulations to the host for picking up destructive energy..."

"Congratulations to the host for picking up angel energy..."

Beerus: "It's too scary! Meng Lin just grabbed the air next to me and became stronger than me. It's too scary!"

Sun Wukong, Vegeta: "Meng Lin can become stronger by grabbing the air, I'm so envious!"

Meng Lin just smiled and continued to pick up attributes. After picking up the properties, he discovered that he was already invincible.


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