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I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball — Chapter 72

“The fusion is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Super Saishen Bloodline!”.

As the system’s prompt sounded, Meng Lin only felt that a very powerful force was emerging in his body.

Super Saishen Bloodline!

The prompt sound of the system made Meng Lin excited.

Before, he was still curious about why the Saiyan bloodline couldn’t evolve into a Super Saiyan God after Super Saiyan III.

It turns out that you have to fuse the power of the gods to do it!

Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan, there is a difference in essence!

Moreover, Meng Lin also discovered that after he obtained the bloodline of the Super Race God, he could still continue to obtain the power of the gods!

10000/50000 (Super Blue)!

In other words, as long as 50,000 points of divine power, he can transform into Super Blue!

Meng Lin looked at the King God of the Western Realm.

I hope that these 50,000 points of divine power can be collected on the King God of the Western Realm!

The poor King God of the Western Realm was trampled on by Meng Lin again.

It didn’t take long for the Western Realm King God to no longer be able to drop attribute light balls.

After picking up these attribute light balls, Meng Lin’s divine power had indeed increased again.

But it did not reach 50,000 points, but only 15,000 points.

Well, the King of the Western Realm has done his best.

Unable to muster together 50,000 points of divine power, Meng Lin was not disappointed.

He is already very satisfied to be able to obtain the bloodline of the Super Sai God!

can transform into a super race god, Meng Lin will naturally not let go of this opportunity.

Super Saishen Transformation!

A very powerful momentum emanated from Meng Lin’s body.

And this momentum can only be felt by the King God of the Western Realm.

Because, Meng Lin has now stepped into the divine realm!

The breath of God is not something that humans can feel.

Becoming a super race god, Meng Lin finally experienced the power of a super race god!

To be honest, Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan are completely two levels of transformation!

This gap is like the gap between an ordinary person and a Saiyan.

Meng Lin, who has become a super race god, has increased his combat power to a very exaggerated level!

Compared with the transformation of the Super Saishen, the previous 20 times Realm King Fist, the Super Saiyan voice change is not enough to watch!

“No, it can’t be! Why do you have the breath of God in you!”.

Feeling the aura emanating from Meng Lin’s body, the King God of the Western Realm lying on the ground couldn’t believe it.

She actually felt a very powerful divine aura from Meng Lin!

I’m also the king of the world!

But in front of this breath of God, he is like a scumbag!

But Meng Lin is obviously a human!

Why does he exude such a terrible aura of God!

“What’s so surprising that I just stepped into the realm of God. “

Meng Lin glanced at Meng Lin with some complaint.

Although he was not disappointed that he was unable to collect all 50,000 points of divine power from the King God of the Western Realm.

But people are greedy.

Meng Lin was still a little unhappy that the King God of the Western Realm was so weak.

“No, it can’t be! How can a human being become a god!”.

The king god of the Western Realm still couldn’t believe it.

She has been the king god of the realm for so many years, and she has never seen a human being become a god.

Meng Lin didn’t bother to explain to the King God of the Western Realm.

He stepped into the realm of God, not became God.

There is an essential difference between the two.

However, the IQ of the king god of the Western Realm is estimated to be difficult to understand.

Meng Lin didn’t bother to waste this time and explain to her.

found the King God of the Western Realm, and gathered 10,000 points of divine power from her, and Meng Lin’s purpose of coming here can be regarded as complete.

Before Meng Lin left, he brought the King God of the Western Realm to Aize and those frozen demons, and directly made her kneel on the ground!

Meng Lin had hoped that the King God of the Western Realm would apologize to the frozen demon she had killed after her death.

Judging from the strength of the King God of the Western Realm after his transformation, even Aize is not an opponent.

Those frozen demons are no match for them.

Therefore, Meng Lin could only take action in person.

It is even more difficult to get the king god of the Western Realm to say sorry from his mouth than to ascend to the sky.

Meng Lin didn’t expect to be able to make the King God of the Western Realm say it.

His way of getting the king god of the Western Realm to apologize was simple.

That is to directly let the King God of the Western Realm kneel in front of those frozen demons who were killed by her, and let her kowtow and apologize!

Of course, the King God of the Western Realm was unwilling, and she even let those frozen demons controlled by her attack Meng Lin.

But with Meng Lin’s strength, everything that the Western Realm King God did was useless.


The King God of the Western Realm was directly kicked in the knee by Meng Lin, and knelt in front of Ai Ze and those frozen demons!

Meng Lin also knew that the King God of the Western Realm would not kowtow.

So he directly grabbed the head of the king god of the Western Realm and helped her complete this action!

The king god of the Western Realm is called a humiliation, but there is no way, who can’t let her beat Meng Lin!

Seeing that Meng Lin had done so much for them, those frozen demons were moved in their hearts.

In their hearts, they have long since stopped treating the king god of the Western Realm as a god.

In the hearts of these frozen demons, Meng Lin is their new god!

The only God in their hearts!

Before Meng Lin left, he also specially found Hades, hoping that he could send those frozen demons to heaven.

Because Meng Lin knew that after he left, those frozen demons would definitely be bullied by the King God of the Western Realm!

The Hades, who knew Meng Lin’s strength from the Milky Way Hades, did not dare to offend Meng Lin.

He immediately sent those frozen demons to heaven!


I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball

I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball



Story of: I picked up attributes in Dragon Ball

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world, Meng Lin awakens to pick up the attribute doubling system!

Not only can you pick up other people’s attributes, but you can also double them!

"Congratulations to the host for picking up one hundred thousand combat power, doubled... ten times! Congratulations to the host for gaining one million combat power!"

"Congratulations to the host for picking up ten points of Saiyan blood, doubled...ten times! Congratulations to the host for getting Saiyan blood!"

"Congratulations to the host for picking up destructive energy..."

"Congratulations to the host for picking up angel energy..."

Beerus: "It's too scary! Meng Lin just grabbed the air next to me and became stronger than me. It's too scary!"

Sun Wukong, Vegeta: "Meng Lin can become stronger by grabbing the air, I'm so envious!"

Meng Lin just smiled and continued to pick up attributes. After picking up the properties, he discovered that he was already invincible.


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