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I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair — Chapter 033

[Said earlier, let you eat the fruit of face and become a real face person].

[In that case, even the white-bearded old man will give you face].

[This is good, the cowhide is blown out, let the newcomer see the joke is not].

Qi Yu shook his head and thought, looking helpless.

Shanks: “??? ”

From the previous landfall to the present.

He really didn’t hear Qi Yu’s mind again.

He thought nearly half a month had passed.

Qi Yu was already able to control his ‘strange’ mental voice ability.

Who would have thought.

The ‘bamboo shoots’ from the loss of friends are late, but they are late!

It’s time to come after all!

Shanks couldn’t help but start to worry again.

What is a face person called a face fruit?

I don’t want to be that inexplicable face person!

The more Shanks thought about it, the more annoying it became.

Raise your glass and plan to take a sip of wine to suppress the shock.

But as soon as it reached his mouth, Shanks froze again.

Because he suddenly thought of something.

Now that Qi Yu has returned.

He can no longer drink as happily as he has been for the past half a month, and he is drunk like mud.

You must be vigilant and awake at all times.

The root of everything is naturally in the fruit of Naraushi face.

He hasn’t forgotten yet.

Qi Yu had thought about the fact that he was going to give him ‘medicine’ that day.

This friend of his own family is ironclad and wants him to become a face fruit ability.

Had to be prevented!

“Headman, do you hear that?”

“That white-bearded old man tore up your handwritten letter!”

“I tore it off without even looking at it, I really don’t have any feelings!”


Little Fatty Raziru, Jesus Bu and others laughed.

For Whitebeard does not give face to his own captain.

Instead of being angry, they laughed happily about the blatant tearing up of the letter.

This is the style of the most joyful red-haired pirate group among the four royal groups.


“This is the style of the white-bearded old man!”

The red-haired Shanks laughed too.

I didn’t care at all about losing face.

Compared with.

The degree of disturbing being torn apart by Whitebeard’s handwritten letter is not as good as Qi Yu’s casual complaint!

“Head, everyone, why the hell are you still laughing!”

“That white-bearded old man didn’t give me face at all!”

Rock Star’s eyes widened in bewilderment.

“Newcomer, you are new to the city now, and after getting along for a long time, you will know why we are laughing!”

Jesus patted the shoulder of the Star of Rock.

“Next, let’s talk about the next thing!”


Rock Star nodded stunnedly.

He sorted out the language a little.

Keep telling.

“Just as the white-bearded old man tore up the head’s personal letter, I had a wit and looked at the sun!”

“Guess what? It was exactly twelve o’clock in the afternoon, so I decisively woke up Qi from my nap! ”

Rock Star said proudly.


Listen to him mention waking up Qi Yu at twelve o’clock at noon.

Everyone in the red group was subconsciously shocked.

Beckman and the red-haired Shanks looked at each other, then grinned wryly.

The inner foreboding came true.

Sure enough, it hit the worst point in time to meet.

“Newcomer and newcomer, at twelve o’clock at noon, that’s the most arrogant posture!”

“What happened next?”

“Did Qi Vice fight with Whitebeard?”

Everyone in the red group asked curiously.


Rock Star sold a pass and almost attracted a violent beating.

Honestly, he didn’t dare to hang his appetite anymore.

“Good fellow, you didn’t see it!”

“Vice Qi is one step at a time, and almost trampled the white-bearded whale boat!”

“…… There are guys who don’t know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth who want to block it, but they are ejected before they get close, which is also natural, after all, how can mere mortals approach the sun at will…”

“…… The old hair of the white beard was furious, and the duel with Qi Vice was even cracked in the sky…”

“Guess what the end result is? The white-bearded old man even took off his weapons! ”

“This duel, in the end, we all won!”

“Vice Qi is the strongest in the real world!”

Rock Star was impassioned.

He danced and told the Red Troupe about the legendary experience he had witnessed.

Especially the extreme collision between Qi Yu and Whitebeard that made the sky crack.


The whole red-haired pirate group is boiling!

“It’s really worthy of being Deputy Captain Qi Yu!”

“The Qi vice at twelve o’clock at noon is invincible!”

“The white-bearded old man is already in the past, and of course the strongest is still Qi!”

“It’s simply heaven and the world, only Qi is the only one!”


Listening to the story of Rock Star, they only felt immersed in the scene and witnessed the collision of the century.

The blood in the body gradually stirred.

Even the ice and snow of Winter Island are melted by their boiling blood.

Listen to the admiration of your partners.

Qi Yu just smiled and said nothing.

Everything is taken for granted.


“With such a powerful deputy captain, I’m really stressed!”

Shanks laughed happily.

There was no strange thought at all because Qi Yu’s strength and prestige surpassed him.

Like other captains, he was afraid that his subordinates would take the opportunity to seize the position of captain, but he would not have it at all.

This is due to his own personality.

At the same time, it is also out of trust in his best friend Qi Yu.

Let’s be honest.

The casual Qi Yu really didn’t have much thought about the captain of the red-haired pirate group.

But to the captain’s wife….

Qi Yu’s gaze subconsciously looked at Shanks’ waist.


[Why didn’t Shanks bring his wife with him today? ] 】

Qi Yu raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

“Ahaha… Gah”

The red-haired Shanks’ hearty laughter came to an abrupt end.



I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

Status: Ongoing Author:


Qi Yu travels through the Shambord land of the pirate world

At the beginning of the game, I was told by the system to choose a pirate ship and wait for it to become stronger

Just in time for the red-haired pirates to come to Chambord after their trip to the East China Sea

Think of the future glory of red hair and the unrestrained atmosphere on board

Qi Yu knew it, it was it!

Since then, I have been waiting for ten years.

One day, the captain red-haired was disturbed to find that he could hear Qi Yu’s voice.

Red-haired: Don’t worry, newcomer, this time I will go to the Baituan to deliver the letter, I will save my face, and I will be safe

[Pull it down, not only the letter will be torn apart, but the person will almost never come back]

Red-haired: I will do it myself this time. For my sake, White Beard must…

[Do you really think you are a person with the fruit of face ability? 】

Red-haired: “…the mate, if you have any opinion on me, you can speak up, ok?”

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive contracted novel: “I, the vice-president of the Red Tuan, was eavesdropped by the red hair”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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