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I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair — Chapter 062

“You should still be able to stand up, little girl!”

After dropping the Spandham bomb, Qi Yu came to Robin, who was trembling in his arms.

The tall body that gives others an infinite sense of oppression.

Now what Robin brings is an infinite sense of security.

The fear and panic in her heart quickly subsided for no reason.

She raised her head slightly.

A pretty face with a chu color.

“It’s just a small demon slaughter order, there is nothing to be afraid of at all.”

Qi Yu smiled gently at Robin, and his body exuded strong confidence.

Between words, domineering and arrogance are on display.

The uneasiness and trepidation in Robin’s heart completely dissipated.

She did not desperately introduce the horror of the Demon Slaughter Order to others as usual.

Because her intuition told herself –

If it was this man, he might really be able to resist the Navy’s demon slaughter order.

“Who are you, my lord?”

The irrepressible curiosity in his heart drove Robin to ask.

“My name is Qi Yu!”

Qi Yu replied.

Robin froze.

Qi Yu turned around.

Bang bang!!!

The sea hundreds of meters away.

Nine Demon Slayer warships fired in unison under the orders of the vice admirals.

The shells were as dense as rain down, covering the entire sky.

The terrifying artillery fire was enough to blow up and sink the Hesitant Bridge in an instant.

Even if they already know that they are facing a man who has the strongest throne in the world.

The five elite vice admirals of the naval headquarters still did not flinch.

Because they are now performing a demon slaying mission.

There is no retreat at all.

“Arrogant bastard, let me sink with the bridge!”

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider drank angrily.

“What about the Emperor of the Sea?”

“We now have a strength of 100,000 Devil Slaying Orders!”

The long-headed lieutenant general Stoloberg looked hideous.

“Although I don’t know why you, as a member of the red-haired pirate group, are here!”

“But now I can only ask you to die!”

Lieutenant General Dauberman Leng Sensen’s opening.

“That man, moved !!!”

The elite lieutenant general Burning Mountain narrowed his eyes again.

“What the hell is going on here!!!

Lieutenant General Squirrel then lost his voice and shouted.

There was a hellish expression on his resolute face.


The shells in the sky fell with the imposing roar of the navy.


Qi Yu, who had comforted Robin, turned around and faced the rain of thousands of shells.

There was not the slightest expression fluctuation on the angular face.


A soft sound.

The famous knife Griffin on Qi Yu’s waist was half an inch out of its sheath.

At the same time.

A domineering momentum that even heaven and earth had to subdue suddenly spread and spread with Qi Yu as the center.

In an instant, the entire sea is covered.

This moment.

Heaven and earth are at peace.

The clouds of the firmament solidified.

The waves of the sea gradually stopped.

The thousands of shells in mid-air also stopped abruptly in mid-air.

No more can move forward or fall a fraction.

This is exactly the majesty that comes from the overlord!!!

This is exactly the momentum of a man who is qualified to compete for the strongest throne!!!

This is exactly the domineering of the uncrowned emperor of the New World!!!



The solidified shell exploded one.


One of the sailors on the warship fell unconscious without warning.

Bang bang –

There was a lot of artillery fire in the sky, and one after another brilliant fireworks burst into flames.

Snap –

On the Devil Slayer Warship, the sailors rolled their eyes one after another, as if a domino effect had occurred.

Wait until all the shells exploded in the sky.

The pitch-black smoke dispersed with the wind.

Heaven and earth return to clarity.

I saw ten naval demon slaughter warships on the deck, and the upside-down sailors hula-la into pieces.

Under the previous Qi Yu’s overlord color impact.

At least eighty percent of the headquarters sailors fell.

The confrontation has not yet officially begun.

Of the 100,000 people, 80,000 lost their combat effectiveness and fell unconscious.

What a horrific picture!!!

Simply unheard of!!!

This is the moment.

The ten Demon Slayer Warships had already fallen into unprecedented chaos.

Even the majestic lieutenant generals could not control the overall situation for a while and put an end to this chaotic situation.

“Damn it!”

“Before, it was overlord-colored… Domineering!!! ”

“But… Has that arrogant bastard’s overlord color actually grown to this level? ”

“It’s completely inconsistent with the intelligence four years ago! Could it be that he has become stronger again? ”

The lieutenant generals all looked hideous and unwilling.

“In front of the overlords of the new world, the number of people is no longer meaningless!”

The lieutenant general muttered in shock.

“So, what are we going to do next?”

“Do you want to report to the Marshal of the Warring States and apply for a temporary retreat?”

Lieutenant General Squirrel retreated.

“How is it possible to retreat!”

“This is a Devil Slaying Order mission that must be erased!”

“If we are so frightened back by a man, where will our face, the face of the navy, be put on hold!”

Lieutenant General Dauberman and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider stared angrily in unison.

“Hey, look, what is that arrogant man going to do again!”

The long-headed lieutenant general Stoloberg exclaimed.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Suddenly turned his head.

But he saw Qi Yu standing on the edge of the Hesitant Bridge.

The famous knife Griffin at the waist is completely unsheathed.

“Ten warships and five vice admirals also vainly want to take me!”

“There must be a limit to your strength, Navy!”

Qi Yu grinned.

The sound was like thunder, exploding the entire sky.

Everyone in the entire area of Justice Island is clearly audible.

“This voice… So strong! ”

“Who the hell is it?”

The straw hat kid who fought to the death with Luqi in warehouse No. 1, Nami Choba and others in the underground passage were all subconsciously shocked and sighed.

“If you want to fight with me on an equal footing, you need at least two generals!”

Qi Yu’s thunderous and arrogant words resounded throughout the sky again.

“Two generals !!!”

“What a big breath!!!”

Rob Luci, who was in a death match with the straw hat kid, snorted coldly in disdain.

Although I don’t know who the other party is, I dare to say such arrogant words.

In Robluci’s view, it is too arrogant.

However, knowing Qi Yu’s identity and strength, as well as the lieutenant generals in this special time period, they would not refute it in any way.

Because they knew that Qi Yu at twelve o’clock at noon did have the strongest qualifications.

Similarly, he does have the strength to challenge two general-level powerhouses at the same time.

“Damn, how can you let that arrogant guy do whatever he wants all the time!”

Under the pressure of Qi Yu’s momentum, the irascible lieutenant general ghost spider did not bow his head, but burst out.

The soles of his feet slammed down on the deck, and his figure suddenly rose into the sky.

Stepping on the moon step, he approached Qi Yu on the Hesitant Bridge.

“Ghost Spider”

Seeing can’t stop your companions.

The four lieutenant generals of Burning Mountain, Squirrel, Dauberman and Stoloberg also stepped on the moon and soared into the sky.

Five vice admirals from the naval headquarters struck like crane wings.

It is only about 100 meters away from the Hesitant Bridge.

The lieutenant general Ghost Spider, who has the strength of the superior Jianhao, broke off and took out the knife.

At the same time.

Burning Mountain, Squirrel, Dauberman and Stoloberg also drew their swords and unsheathed them.

Five powerful sword haos attacked.

Five slashes that were enough to cut the bridge of hesitation converged towards one point.

The center point that will be hit is naturally Qi Yu.

“The five lieutenant generals also want to challenge the emperor who is in the sea!”

“You are courageous, but also stupid!”

Qi Yu stood proudly.

The ‘little dagger’ Griffin between his right hand shines brightly.

Facing the five lieutenant generals, the iron sword qi that was enough to pierce the golden cracked stone.

Qi Yu also took the knife.

Only one knife.


The flying slashes of the five Lieutenant Generals of Jianhao were like mirrors.

The moment it came into contact with Qi Yu’s sword qi, it suddenly shattered.

Not even the slightest sluggishness and weakening can be achieved.

The terrifying sword qi that spread for a hundred meters rushed forward.

The five lieutenant generals such as Ling’s Burning Mountain and Squirrel all looked horrified.

Hurriedly step on the moon step or descend, or rise, dodge.

Yet the next second.

Something unexpected happened to everyone.

The flying slashing sword qi emanating from Qi Yu’s blade did not sweep into the sky as expected.

At a certain moment.

That brilliant sword qi froze in mid-air.

A light that was more dazzling than the sun then bloomed, causing those who were looking up to close their eyes unconsciously.

Can’t see.

Ears can also hear.


It was as if something was shattering.

Five vice admirals and more naval powerhouses forced their eyes open.

Then I saw a picture that I will never forget even for a lifetime.

That’s the sky shattering!!!



I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

Status: Ongoing Author:


Qi Yu travels through the Shambord land of the pirate world

At the beginning of the game, I was told by the system to choose a pirate ship and wait for it to become stronger

Just in time for the red-haired pirates to come to Chambord after their trip to the East China Sea

Think of the future glory of red hair and the unrestrained atmosphere on board

Qi Yu knew it, it was it!

Since then, I have been waiting for ten years.

One day, the captain red-haired was disturbed to find that he could hear Qi Yu’s voice.

Red-haired: Don’t worry, newcomer, this time I will go to the Baituan to deliver the letter, I will save my face, and I will be safe

[Pull it down, not only the letter will be torn apart, but the person will almost never come back]

Red-haired: I will do it myself this time. For my sake, White Beard must…

[Do you really think you are a person with the fruit of face ability? 】

Red-haired: “…the mate, if you have any opinion on me, you can speak up, ok?”

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive contracted novel: “I, the vice-president of the Red Tuan, was eavesdropped by the red hair”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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