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I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair — Chapter 065


A tall figure jumped down from the hesitant bridge.

It fell on the thick ice surface of tens of meters, and smashed out an ice hole with a radius of 100 meters.

The cracks crisscrossing the tunnel spread out around the ice cave.


The ice surface melts under the high temperature.

The melted seawater evaporates further, turning into hot water vapor that envelopes all directions.

Heavy footsteps came from the scorching mist.

Every step that falls is a gentle shake on the spacious ice surface.

Jingle bell ~

The crisp bicycle bell rings.

Senior General Qing Pheasant parked his travel car next to the warship.

After simply greeting the Burning Mountain, Squirrel and the others.

The general Qinghe turned around and went straight to the mighty figure dragging the scorching hot water mist tail flame.


Admiral Qingji Kuzan of the Navy Headquarters and Qi Yu, the uncrowned emperor of the New World, gather.

Even the three-meter-tall headquarters general needs to look up in front of Qi Yu now.


“What an unexpected!”

“The arrogance of the red-haired pirates!”

“I can’t figure out how you would appear here!”

The general Qinghe took a deep breath, and his face was solemn.


In front of Qi Yu at noon.

He also felt a lot of pressure.

“I’m not surprised by your appearance.”

Qi Yu spoke calmly.


The general Qingjian raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, but did not study it carefully.

His gaze silently glanced at the black-haired girl on the bridge.

“Can I ask one last question?”

General Qingji Road.

“Yes! It’s just that time is precious, if I continue to drag it on, I will become stronger and stronger! ”

Qi Yu grinned.

“Why are you helping that woman?”

“Could it be that your red-haired pirate group is finally going to attack the history article?”

The general Qingjian asked with a blazing gaze.

“Don’t get me wrong, pheasant!”

“All of this is my own action!”

Qi Yu replied with a smile.

“So why?”

The green pheasant pressed again.

“I just accepted a commission!”

Qi Yu said.

“Delegate? A ship? ”

The general Qingji was confused, and his head was covered with small question marks.

“Time waits for no one!”

“Let’s go, pheasant!”

“I want to try it today, how many minutes does it take to defeat a general?”

Qi Yu grinned arrogantly.

The general pheasant returned to his senses.

He shook his head to dispel the superfluous thoughts in his mind.

Although he didn’t want to fight with Qi Yu, who had the strongest posture, at this worst moment.

But now it’s an arrow on the string, and it has to be fired.

Today’s battle cannot be avoided.

And for Qi Yu’s previous unauthorized and arrogant words-

Defeating a general in a few minutes – this sentence, the green pheasant also cares.

After all, what he represents is the highest combat power of the navy headquarters!


“As a general, I am really underestimated!”

The general pheasant habitually ah-la-la.


His figure jumped lightly, and he was tens of meters away from Qi Yu.

“Come on, pheasant!”

“Let go and fight!”

Qi Yu drank domineeringly.

The power of the sun is overflowing around you.

The terrifying heat melted the ice beneath your feet.

“As you wish!!!

The general pheasant took a deep breath and stopped thinking about anything else.

Focus on the battle in front of you.

The chill spread.

The melted ice surface is re-solidified.

“Ice cubes – Violent pheasant beak !!!”

The general pheasant jumped high.

The ability of the natural frozen fruit is instantly stimulated to the limit.

A large bird with a size of tens of meters appeared out of thin air.

Qi Yu rushed towards the ice.

Qi Yu does not dodge or dodge.

Just calmly raise your right hand.

The rich power of the sun is almost materialized.

One after another, the flames of the sun wrapped around Qi Yu’s arm.



The ice bird of the general green pheasant touched Qi Yu’s Sun Fire Fist.

A little light then bloomed.

More dazzling than the scorching sun in the sky.

Occupies the sight of everyone inside and outside the battlefield.

This was followed by a terrifying explosion.

The ice battlefield was like a giant firework exploded.

Circles and circles of sunlight spread out, causing ripples in the atmosphere.

The battlefield is white.

It was scorching hot water vapor from the cold ice that evaporated from the fire.

Cover the heavens and the earth.

“What are you still stunned for, hurry up and back away!”

The lieutenant general burned the majestic drinking of the mountain.

Order the slayers watching the battle to make the sailors retreat.

“How’s the battle going?”

“General? What happened to the Pheasant General! ”

“It must be fine, that’s General Kuzan!”

The sailors couldn’t help but sweat in their hearts.

Even hundreds of meters away, they could clearly feel the terrifying hot temperature.


A figure rushed out from the hot moisture.


“It’s General Kuzan!”

The sailors were all shouting in excitement.

However, in the next second, the smiles on the faces of the sailors converged.

Because the general Qingheasant who appeared in front of them at this moment was really not in good condition.

His naval uniform was tattered, worse than the beggars on the side of the road.

The exposed skin has obvious burn marks, and the face is as black as the bottom of a pot.

The curly hair is even more curly at the moment, exuding a burnt aura.

Apparently in the water vapor that people can’t see.

The Great General Qing Pheasant had already collided head-on with Qi Yu several times.

Today’s embarrassment is the result.

But even if it’s a little embarrassing.

The eyes of the general pheasant were still clear.

The breath is also strong as ever.

The moment it rises into the sky.

He raised his hands above his head and did the gesture of heaven.

An extremely cold balloon took shape in his hands.

“Ice cubes – spears of a thousand spears!!!”

The general pheasant shouted.

The hockey ball spun suddenly.

One after another frozen spears formed from it, shooting towards the center of the water vapor.

The steam ball with a radius of 100 meters solidified.

It was then torn to pieces by the attack of the general Pheasant.


The sharp ice spear shot down.

Above the solid ice, one round cavity after another appeared.

Meters deep.

It shows the strength of these ice spears.

It can definitely penetrate the human body with ease.

It’s just a pity.

Now the opponent he faces is Qi Yu.

That sharp ice spear that even gold and stone can penetrate.

Hitting Qi Yu’s body, he failed to leave even a mark and white spot.

Hundreds of ice spears, except for a small number fell on the ice around Qi Yu.

More than ninety percent of the other ninety percent hit Qi Yu head-on.

However, even his physical defenses could not be broken.

The moment it touched Qi Yu’s body, the ice spear exploded.

Even the ice spear that hit his eyes was melted by the sun fire that erupted from Qi Yu’s eyes before he got close.

“Boring temptation!”

Qi Yu sneered.

Take it for granted.

Three ice spears landed between his large hands.

Qi Yu shook his hand and threw it.

Project the ice spear before it melts.

The target is naturally the general pheasant in mid-air.

Three ice spears pierced the body of the general pheasant with unmistakable accuracy.

But there was no blood splatter.

“General Kuzan !!!”

With the nervous shouts of the sailors.

The body of the general pheasant shattered and disintegrated.

Some of the ice fell on the ice.

In one breath is to reshape your body.

“Ah la-la, it’s really worthy of being comparable to the emperor of the sea… No, it’s enough to compete for the strongest man in the world!!! ”

The general Qinghe sighed with emotion.

Before today.

General Qing Yu’s knowledge of Qi Yu was limited to those few battle reports.

From the experience of previous people.

He knew that Qi Yu’s physical defense was strong.

Ordinary swords, bullets, and shells cannot deal the slightest effective damage.

However, until now, in person.

He realized that his estimation was still too conservative in the past.

This guy’s physical defense is not only very strong!

It’s clearly super strong!

It’s simply King Kong not bad!

Compared to bigmom Charlotte’s steel balloon body, it is even better!

“Don’t waste time, go ahead!”

Qi Yu stared at the General Qing Pheasant aggressively.

He suddenly took a step forward.

The stirring wind dispersed the water vapor in the sky.

The general pheasant looked up.

“It’s going to rain.”

As his voice fell.

Heavy rain poured suddenly.

The massive amount of water vapor that was previously evaporated meets condensation.

This produces a downpour that covers only 100 meters in radius.

“So what?”

Qi Yu raised his eyebrows.

The downpour evaporated from the heat when it touched ten meters around him.

Now the place where Qi Yu stands is like a pure land.

“That’s it.”

The general Qinghe raised his hand.

The heavy rain between heaven and earth suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the countless raindrops were liquefied into solid under the influence of extreme cold air.

Solidify and deform, and eventually become one narrow ice needle after another.

“Ice cubes – 10,000 needles sword”

The general pheasant spoke calmly.

The endless sword of ice needles turned its blade and joined together.

The sun shines down, and the endless cold flickers.

Compared to the previous ice spear.

These Ice Needle Swords may be inferior in strength.

But the penetration is even more than the ice spear.

The most important thing is this quantity.

It is also ten times greater.

Water drop stones will wear.

No matter how strong the defense.

If you are focused a little, there will be a continuous onslaught.

After all, some flaws will be revealed.

Now the general Qing Pheasant wants to try to find a breakthrough in Qi Yu.


The general Qinghe drank violently, and his hands suddenly fell.

Quick as a wink.

Thousands of sharp ice needle swords covered Qi Yu’s body.

One after another, in a neat line.

The cracking sound of clicking is one after another.

Countless ice chips scattered and splashed.

However, the moment a needle sword exploded.

Immediately, there were latecomers to fill the position to keep up.

Don’t leave Qi Yu the slightest chance to breathe.

Under such an intensive targeted blow by the general pheasant.

Even Qi Yu, who had the body of King Kong, was forced to take half a step back.

Several fragile ice needles stand in the areas that are focused.

It just happened to hang on the skin, and even the blood did not spill.

However, it can be regarded as a preliminary break through Qi Yu’s King Kong body.

“The highest combat power of the navy, it is really not a simple product!”

“But now I’m far above you, General Qingheasant!”


It’s twelve o’clock sharp!



I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

Status: Ongoing Author:


Qi Yu travels through the Shambord land of the pirate world

At the beginning of the game, I was told by the system to choose a pirate ship and wait for it to become stronger

Just in time for the red-haired pirates to come to Chambord after their trip to the East China Sea

Think of the future glory of red hair and the unrestrained atmosphere on board

Qi Yu knew it, it was it!

Since then, I have been waiting for ten years.

One day, the captain red-haired was disturbed to find that he could hear Qi Yu’s voice.

Red-haired: Don’t worry, newcomer, this time I will go to the Baituan to deliver the letter, I will save my face, and I will be safe

[Pull it down, not only the letter will be torn apart, but the person will almost never come back]

Red-haired: I will do it myself this time. For my sake, White Beard must…

[Do you really think you are a person with the fruit of face ability? 】

Red-haired: “…the mate, if you have any opinion on me, you can speak up, ok?”

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive contracted novel: “I, the vice-president of the Red Tuan, was eavesdropped by the red hair”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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