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I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair — Chapter 094

Paradise Island, a dense forest full of autumn.

A grim-looking middle-aged man wearing dark red sunglasses walked quietly in the shade of a tree with a black suit killer.

His name is Rasch.

One of the CP9 members twenty years ago.

Now it’s Spandyne’s personal bodyguard.

He is also Kalifa’s father.

“Gate Fruit Ability Bruno, your ability is very special, and you are specially ordered to bring it back.”

“Give up resistance now and obediently follow me back!”

Rasch’s gaze looked indifferently at the wooden horned man who was almost understood not far away.

“Mr. Raschi, I remember you as Kalifa’s father!”

Bruno spoke.

Raschi’s grim face changed slightly, and soon returned to its original state.

“Yes and how?”

“Kalifa is now a traitor to the world government just like you!”

“I… I will catch her with my own hands! ”

Rasch Road.

“And then, personally give Kalifa to the Draco on the island?”

“You should know best in the world government for so many years.”

“What a miserable result if Kalifa falls into the hands of the Draco.”

Bruno painstakingly spoke, trying to awaken Rasch’s cold heart.

It’s all good on his side.

At least let Raschi, the father, be able to protect Kalifa.

“If you really care and love your daughter…”


At the same time as Raschi stopped drinking, his figure suddenly disappeared.

The reappearance was already in front of Bruno.

“Iron – Steel !!!”

Bruno’s pupils shrank sharply, and he did not hesitate to meet with an iron block.

Raschina was even more terrifying than a pistol, enough to shoot through the fingers of the golden cracked stone.

Finger gun!

A finger falls.

Bruno’s proud piece of iron broke again.

In front of veteran supermen like Raschi.

A junior like him is still far behind.


A loud bang.

Bruno’s figure flew upside down and broke a towering tree.

Blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

The vision in front of his eyes gradually blurred.

“It seems that I can only go so far!”

Bruno’s feeble whisper.


He only felt that his gaze flickered in front of him.

A familiar silhouette suddenly appeared in his line of sight.

Is that…… Kalifa!

“Card… Kalifa, you… Why are you coming back! ”

Bruno shouted with red eyes, as if returning to the light.

“Bruno, just shut up and watch, how can I leave you alone!”

“It’s troublesome to explain now, anyway, it’s okay!”

“Everyone will be fine!”

Kalifa said seriously.

Bruno was stunned.

Mune’s gaze crossed Kalifa and landed on the tall figure in front of him.


Raschi’s gaze was also locked on Qi Yu next to his daughter.

“It turned out to be you… You you you…”

“The red-haired pirates… Uncrowned…”

At the moment when he recognized Qi Yu.

The moment he recognized a sea emperor in front of his eyes.

The expression on Rasch’s face can no longer be simply described as shock and horror.

Fear and death haunted him, so he couldn’t even say a complete sentence.

On the other side, the moment he saw Raschi, Qi Yu also felt inexplicably familiar.

After thinking about it, I finally remembered his identity.

It was the CP9 member who followed Spandyne to O’Hara twenty years ago.

If it had been changed before, Qi Yu would have said nothing long ago, and slapped him down to make him a pile of minced meat.

But now it’s about slowing down first.


Kalifa called softly, her little face looking complicated and dark

“Card… Kalifa”

Raschi, who was in extreme fear, couldn’t help but shout when he saw Kalifa coming behind Qi Yu.

“Kalifa, why are you with this man!”

“Do you know who he is?”

“Are you really going to betray the government?”

Rasch shouted in horror.

“Dad, it should be us who are betrayed!”

“You should know best what Spandyne is doing!”

“And that Draco?”

Kalifa pursed her small mouth and opened her mouth faintly.

“Or do you even want to give me to Draco Dad?”


Raschi’s face turned pale.

“In short, you CP9 are all traitors to the government now, which is a shame for us, and so are you.”

“The order of the world government is absolute!”

In front of his daughter, Raschi seemed to forget the fear of being dominated by Qi Yu’s murderous aura, and raised his hand to fight.

For the slap from her father, Kalifa had no intention of dodging at all.

As before, close your eyes and prepare to endure.

However, until a few moments passed, the slap never fell.

“Now Kalifa is covered by me.”

“You want to hit her, have you asked me?”

Qi Yu blocked in front of Kalifa, domineering opening.

The right hand clasped Raschi’s wrist like pliers.

The heavy force almost crushed his wrist.

Under Qi Yu’s overwhelming power, Raschi’s face gradually became fierce because of the pain.

“Lord Qi Yu, he… Is he my dad? Can you not kill him. ”

The corners of Kali Farra’s shirt, the weak opening.

“That’s what I said.”

Qi Yu nodded, and with a flick of his hand, he flew Raschi out, crashed several large trees, and finally fell unconscious between the ruins.

“The red-haired pirates… Arrogant! ”

“Yes, Carifa, did you sacrifice yourself to make a deal with this man?”

Bruno had a bitter curve on his face.

Survival through the sacrifice of partners.

I’m ashamed to say.

At this moment, his heart was uncontrollably happy.



Southeastern region of Paradise Island.

The river at the junction of Spring Island and Summer Island.

A group of people stood on each side of the river


There was a thunderous explosion in the sky.

Then there was a roar, and a thunderstorm arrived as scheduled.

Even in the midst of heavy rainfall, people on both sides of the river did not move.

“Lu Qi, the injuries on your body are too serious, so let me deal with it for the time being.”

Kaku, who has a square nose, takes a deep breath and transforms.


The ground cracked beneath his feet, and the animal was in the form of a giraffe.

“Hehe, I have to do my part too.”

“Owl, you have a good rest first.”

With long pink hair and a male lion dressed like a kabuki actor, he is also a step forward.



Yin Wu owl coughed violently twice, and his face was pale and bloodless.

He knew that it was better for him to not hold his partners back.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I can still fight.”

The white dove Hadley fluttered his wings and flew up from Luki’s shoulder to speak in his place.

“Hehehe, what a tenacious group of people, but this is just enough to make us have more fun.”

The man on the other side of the river, shrouded in white robes, smiled conspiratorially.

“Kill you, take down your first rank, and we will be able to promote from reserve to full member of CP0, which is really easy.”

The other spoke.

“Hee-hee, this pigeon was raised by Luqi’s waste, it looks very delicious, but the amount is too small, but it can also be counted as a human head.”

“Number five, number eight, number nine, don’t talk nonsense with them, hurry up and take down these guys, the head is not scored.”

The last person spoke.

“Hey, hey, hey, let’s get started.”

Number Five laughed.




The next moment, the white robes and masks on the CP0 reserve exploded.

A large ant with a pitch-black body,

A turquoise praying mantis with sharp bladed hands,

In addition, a large mosquito with transparent wings on its back and a vicious vascular mouth organ appeared in the sight of the three of Luqi.

This is an animal-to-animal collision.

Or it can be said that mammals and insects fight.



I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

Status: Ongoing Author:


Qi Yu travels through the Shambord land of the pirate world

At the beginning of the game, I was told by the system to choose a pirate ship and wait for it to become stronger

Just in time for the red-haired pirates to come to Chambord after their trip to the East China Sea

Think of the future glory of red hair and the unrestrained atmosphere on board

Qi Yu knew it, it was it!

Since then, I have been waiting for ten years.

One day, the captain red-haired was disturbed to find that he could hear Qi Yu’s voice.

Red-haired: Don’t worry, newcomer, this time I will go to the Baituan to deliver the letter, I will save my face, and I will be safe

[Pull it down, not only the letter will be torn apart, but the person will almost never come back]

Red-haired: I will do it myself this time. For my sake, White Beard must…

[Do you really think you are a person with the fruit of face ability? 】

Red-haired: “…the mate, if you have any opinion on me, you can speak up, ok?”

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive contracted novel: “I, the vice-president of the Red Tuan, was eavesdropped by the red hair”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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