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I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair — Chapter 106

New World, Banquet Island No. 76.

The atmosphere of the banquet is strong.

The red-haired pirate group of the four emperors and the fighting nation Nine Snake Pirate Group were completely integrated.

The atmosphere was more joyful than ever.

For pirates adrift on the sea.

The best companion is, of course, a comrade pirate with the same aspirations.

The fierce Nine Snake girls from the fighting nation fully met the requirements of the pirates of the Red Regiment.

The other side.

The Nine Snake girls who participated in the banquet of the Red Haired Pirates of the Four Emperors for the first time.

Curious about everything.

For the girls of the Nine Snakes, this was the first time they had come into contact with a man in their lives.

When I went on expeditions on the sea on weekdays, I also saw many men.

However, this is the first time that a happy banquet with men like this is the first time.


The girls’ ignorant hearts could not help but germinate.

Even the majestic Nine Snakes Gao Gan Poya Sandasonia.

At this time, they all rubbed some unusual ‘sparks’ with a certain senior cadre of the red-haired pirate group.

Of course.

In the situation of wolves with more meat and less meat, competition is inevitable.

Because competing for women leads to partners turning against each other.

This is not the result that Qi Yu wants to see.


“Little ones, it is not a fist that captures a woman’s heart!”

“If you let me see a similar situation again, practice with me next time!”

Qi Yu’s gaze scanned the four directions majestically.

“Also, if you really want to deal with it, then you have to deal with it to the end, if you like the new and dislike the old, and always give up, my fist will not show mercy!”

“Yes, Vice Qi!”

Everyone in the Red Group stood up in shock.

Knowing that Qi Yu was not joking.


The female emperor Boyahan Cook waved her hand.


“Snake Ji-sama”


“With Lord Qi Yu behind your back, everyone can rest assured and make a bold decision!”

“If you are bullied, tell Master Qi Yu!”

“Lord Qi Yu will definitely preside over justice!”

The female emperor Han Cook spoke loudly.

The Nine Snakes are known as the country of daughters, because all of them are women.

But women don’t have children between women.

For the continuation of the Nine Snakes.

When the warriors of the Nine Snakes reach a certain age, they will also go out to find high-quality genes to continue the family.

But since ten years ago.

Nine snakes are the birth of no more newborns

Because ten years ago, after Boyahan Cook became the Emperor of the Nine Snakes.

There was a ban.

The people of the Nine Snakes are absolutely not allowed to come into contact with men.

But for now.

Now after the female emperor Han Cook herself is committed to Qi Yu.

Naturally, this ban will also have to be lifted.

Now, with the words of the female emperor Han Cook.

The shackles in the hearts of the Nine Snake Fierce Girls were removed.

The style of painting suddenly changed.

The Nine Snake girls, who were originally reserved and attentive to others, took the initiative to attack at this moment.

In terms of fierceness, the warriors of the Nine Snakes will definitely not be inferior to men.

Seeing the situation stabilize.

Qi Yu and Boyahan Cook nodded in agreement.

Immediately, they both held hands and returned home.

The red-haired Shanks pursed his lips, with a strange look on his face.

It is clear that he is the captain of the red-haired pirate group.

However, considering that the Nine Snakes were brought by Qi Yu.

This blind date meeting was also single-handedly facilitated by Qi Yu.

Endorsing the girls of the Nine Snakes is of course the most appropriate thing for Qi Yu to be responsible.

Moreover, if it can really promote a few new pairs, it is naturally the best.

Maybe they will have a few babies on board in the future.

It’s like when he and Bucky were in the Roger Pirates.

Come to think of it.

The red-haired Shanks couldn’t help but smile happily.

Right now.

[Shanks, you have thick eyebrows, staring at my daughter-in-law and not letting go? 】

Qi Yu looked at the red-haired Shanks with a wary face, and blocked Boyahan Cook with his body.

Only when even Shanks failed to resist the natural charm of the female emperor Han Cook.

The smile on the red-haired Shanks’ face froze.

Who covets your daughter-in-law?

I’m just wondering when you’re going to have a baby with Boyahan Cook so I can be a godfather!

“Hahahaha, Qi Yu, if you have children in the future, you must let the old man be his godfather.”

Golden Lion Shiji laughed and spoke.

Red-haired Shanks: “!!! ”

Obviously I came first!

“you, Shiki, you don’t look at how old you are, you still want to be a dad.”

Qi Yu scolded with a smile.


Listening to Qi Yu and the golden lion discussing the child’s affairs.

The female emperor Han Cook suddenly snuggled into Qi Yu’s arms with a happy face.

I couldn’t help but start thinking about it in my mind.

“Then be a godfather, the old man doesn’t mind.”

The words of the golden lion Shiki old god in the presence.

“Are you looking for a fight? Even my cheap dares to take advantage! ”

Qi Yu was furious.

“Hahahaha, just kidding!”

“Don’t be so serious!”

The golden lion resolutely admitted.

The child’s topic was quickly revealed.

“So next, Qi Yu, do you feel after so much contact with Luffy and them?”

“Luffy is really interesting, isn’t it!”

Red-haired Shanks show-off opening.

As if Straw Hat Luffy was his son.


Qi Yu answered perfunctorily.

[What’s so interesting about Straw Hat Kid, it’s not as good as little Robin and Little Nami]


The redhead was stunned.

I didn’t expect Qi Yu to have thick eyebrows, holding the world’s first beauty in his arms, and thinking about other girls in his mind.

Just warned others not to like the new and dislike the old, and always abandon it?

If Qi Yu heard Shanks’ heart.

I will inevitably tell him in a serious way——

I don’t like the new and dislike the old, and I don’t give up all the time, but I just happen to like so many more girls!

“Vice Qi, are you going to tell the story of Luffy and my son this time?”

Jesus heard the news.

“I want to hear it too, I want to listen too!”

The little fat man Raziru ran upside down.

Followed by the high cadre of the Nine Snakes, one of the two younger sisters, Boyasandasonia.

“Vice Qi and Luffy’s story!”

“This is really not to be missed!”

“Hahaha, I’m here too!”

The original members of the Red Group, who met Luffy the Straw Hat, arrived one after another.

Three circles inside and three circles outside, a leak.

And so it goes.

Qi Yu is also not good and does not say anything.

When even describing in detail what happened to himself those days with the straw hat.

Fortunately, Qi Yu had a whim and fought with the Straw Hat gang.

It’s not that there aren’t many stories these days.

Two hours.

Qi Yu’s story ends.

Everyone had a look of unfinished expression on their faces, fiercely discussing the current straw hat group.

In particular, Jesus Boo blew his son Usopp on the sidelines.

“Hahaha, if you are still interested and want to understand, you can go and talk to Luqi and them!”

“They’ve only had a fight with the Straw Hat Kid!”

Qi Yu said with a smile.


Everyone’s eyes lit up.

Then hula ran away.

Will surround the original CP9 people who do not fit in on the side.

Various questions poured towards Lu Qi and the others.

If you change to before.

Lu Qi, who has a cruel personality, is afraid that he will have to start a long time ago.

But not now.

He is already part of this team and has to adapt to the new team atmosphere.

Secondly…… That’s really unbeatable.

Sent away the bustling crowd.

Qi Yu’s side finally regained some calm.

“Well, then, Shanks, I’ll be honest and tell you one more thing.”

The expression on Qi Yu’s face gradually became solemn.

The captain of the red-haired pirate group is Red-Haired Shanks after all.

Even if he is the deputy captain, his strength is no longer under the red hair.

But in matters involving the fate of the whole group, it is also impossible to decide.

“Ahahaha, say it.”

Shanks nodded.

In his heart, he could probably guess what Qi Yu was going to say.

It is nothing more than a declaration of war on the world government.

He won’t be surprised by this.

However, for Qi Yu not hiding it and taking the initiative to inform him, Shanks was still very happy in his heart.

As Shanks expected.

Qi Yudang even informed the call with the five old stars in detail that day.

“Nani !!!”

Beckman’s eyes widened in shock.

The cigarette at the corner of his mouth clicked to the ground without knowing it.

“Hahahahaha, it’s really worthy of Qi Yu!”

“What a domineering man!”

The golden lion Shiji laughed praisefully.

He appreciated Qi Yu more and more.

This is the man who deserves his all-out efforts to put on the ‘throne’!

“Sorry, Shanks, without consulting you…”

“Ahahaha, it’s okay, it’s okay”

Shanks waved his hand indifferently, interrupting Qi Yu’s apology.

“The five old stars of the world government are just talking, but they dare not really declare war on us!”

“Besides, even if it is really a declaration of war, with our current strength——”

Shanks grinned, self-evident.

Hearing this, Beckman collected the shock on his face and nodded in agreement.

On the other side, Qi Yu looked at Shanks suspiciously.

He always felt that Shanks’ reaction was a little different from what he expected.

For a while, it didn’t kill him.

Accommodating himself like this made Qi Yu a little embarrassed.

He removed the griffin from his waist.

“Shanks, or Griffin will return it to you first!”

Qi Yu is ready to compensate.

“No, no!”

Shanks decisively pushed his hand to refuse.

“Wait two days, I’ll exchange it with you.”

Shanks smiled mysteriously.

“Shanks, don’t just find a knife to perfunctory me.”

Qi Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Ahahaha, rest assured, I will definitely not let you down!”

“That knife is even above my griffin!”

Shanks laughed.


Qi Yu was interested.

What can be compared with Griffin must be the supreme speed.

It seems that during the time of his own absence.

Shanks also had the intention to help him find a knife.

I just don’t know which supreme fast knife it is

“But say it in advance, I didn’t give you that knife, it’s still borrowed Ang!”

Shanks emphasized.

“Okay, okay.”

Qi Yu responded.

The lively blind date banquet continues.

Time ticks by.

In the blink of an eye, it was the evening of the next day.

ended the intimate interaction with the female emperor Han Cook.

Qi Yu stretched and came to the deck, ready to go for a drink.

Right at this moment.

“Qi Yu”

Beckman looked solemn.

“What’s wrong?”

Qi Yu raised his eyebrows.

Follow Beckman to the operations conference room.

The red-haired Shanks had been waiting for a long time.

“There was already news of the Battle of the Broken Battle on the Island of the End a few days ago!”

Beckman took a deep breath.

“The Whitebeard Pirates’ crusading team is completely destroyed!”

“Second team captain Fire Fist Ace and Blackbeard Marshall Dtichy both caught in the net!”



I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

Status: Ongoing Author:


Qi Yu travels through the Shambord land of the pirate world

At the beginning of the game, I was told by the system to choose a pirate ship and wait for it to become stronger

Just in time for the red-haired pirates to come to Chambord after their trip to the East China Sea

Think of the future glory of red hair and the unrestrained atmosphere on board

Qi Yu knew it, it was it!

Since then, I have been waiting for ten years.

One day, the captain red-haired was disturbed to find that he could hear Qi Yu’s voice.

Red-haired: Don’t worry, newcomer, this time I will go to the Baituan to deliver the letter, I will save my face, and I will be safe

[Pull it down, not only the letter will be torn apart, but the person will almost never come back]

Red-haired: I will do it myself this time. For my sake, White Beard must…

[Do you really think you are a person with the fruit of face ability? 】

Red-haired: “…the mate, if you have any opinion on me, you can speak up, ok?”

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive contracted novel: “I, the vice-president of the Red Tuan, was eavesdropped by the red hair”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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