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I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair — Chapter 137

The time is twelve o’clock at noon, sharp.

Bright fireballs hang high above the dome of the sky.

The brilliant sun is at its extreme.

A corner of the battlefield on top seems to be burning.

The dazzling light was even brighter than the sun.

It attracted the attention of the entire battlefield of the navy headquarters and hundreds of thousands of people.

Or it can be called the second round of the sun at the perigee.


The dull sound of the beating of the heavenly war drums sounded.

The powerhouses on the battlefield were all shocked.

Because they know.

It wasn’t really the drumbeat of war.

It’s the human heart beating.

Knock knock!

The heartbeat like a war drum became louder and louder.


The sea rolls up a thousand waves.

Thousands of miles of clouds crumbled.

The blue sky is like a wash.

The sun is blazing.

But it can’t stop people’s burning hearts that want to watch that amazing showdown.

“Qi Yu !!!”

It was Karp roaring, roaring.

Even in the face of Qi Yu, the peak of twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

He still didn’t flinch in the slightest.

There was no attempt to maneuver through this crucial minute.

Karp’s offensive is still wide open and closed, straight and straight.

The brilliant fist was like a shooting star, launching a frontal attack towards Qi Yu.

“Dare to look directly at the sun at twelve o’clock at noon, this courage, let me praise you!”

Qi Yu spoke calmly.

Between words and deeds, arrogance and domineering are fully displayed.

Facing Capuna’s iron fist that smashed the void.

Qi Yu did not dodge, and did not even make a move to meet it.

Let Karp’s iron fist come at him.

This scene.

The people on the battlefield were shocked and inexplicable.


“What is Mr. Qi Yu planning to do?”

“Shouldn’t he really want to use his body to fight the fist of that Karp bastard!”

“It won’t! This is really too arrogant! ”

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates were nervous.

In a thought.

Instantaneously, though.

Kapu’s punch that wrapped around the world’s most extreme armed color domineering has fallen.

Under the gazes of countless pairs of shocked eyes, it smashed solidly on Qi Yu’s bear chest.

A collision sound that was even duller than the bells of the God Realm sounded.

Ripples arose in the void.


The atmosphere shattered under that extreme force.

It stretches up hundreds of kilometers.

The land of the naval headquarters trembled even more at this moment.


A huge ravine that crossed the entire headquarters and split one into two was born.

The deafening sound made the weaker people on the battlefield cover their ears.

An endless dust haze shrouded a radius of hundreds of meters.

Even a good hand who sees and hears domineering can’t see through it.

“What’s going on?”

“Did Lieutenant General Karp’s fist hit?”

“Must have hit! At such a close distance, no one can avoid Mr. Karp’s iron fist! ”

“Hahahaha, I really deserve it, the arrogance of the red-haired pirates!”

“Who do you think your opponent is?”

“Mr. Karp is the strongest hero of our Navy!”

All the naval elites were shouting and very confident.

That was faith in Karp, in the legendary heroes of the Navy.


The wind howled.

After three silent breaths, there was a change in the center of the battlefield.

A terrifying storm rolled up the flying dust.

It turned into three tornadoes and raged havoc.

The battlefield of heroes and arrogance.

Under the expectant gaze of the navy.

Kapu’s matchless iron fist did hit Qi Yu’s bear chest.

Left an inch deep fist mark on his body.

Around the fist print, blood with a little golden light seeped out.

Twelve o’clock at noon.

The man who was arrogant to the extreme, powerful to the pinnacle – wounded!!!

However, none of the navies who witnessed this scene cheered.

This is the moment.

The naval elites, on their faces, were all extremely shocked and unbelievable.

Even the high-ranking naval officials such as Marshal Sengoku, Grand Staff Vice Admiral Tsuru are no exception.

Negative emotions such as shock, horror, shock, etc. occupy and dominate their whole minds.

Wound the enemy in battle.

Nature is worth rejoicing.

But no one can laugh right now.

Because in the face of Karp’s all-out blow, Qi Yu did not move from beginning to end.

He really used his body to withstand a blow that was enough to shatter the mountain.

Not only did he endure, but he didn’t even take even half a step back.

An all-out blow from Karp, their Navy’s strongest legendary hero.

In the end, it was only Qi Yu’s bear chest that caused those wounds that were not painful or itchy.

Such a huge contrast.

Who can still come out happily after watching it?

For Karp’s strength.

For the weight of Kapu’s punch.

Marshal Sengoku, who was his best friend, knew it best.

Under the unparalleled iron fist of hero Karp, anyone must explode on the spot.

Even Locks, the overlord of the sea thirty-six years ago.

The part hit by Karp’s iron fist was also pierced through a transparent blood hole in the front and back.


Right now, Qi Yu’s body was just that painless fist print.

“This kind of thing 、、、”

Marshal Sengoku’s eyes suddenly widened to the limit, unable to accept the facts he saw in front of him.

At the same time, there was a great sense of foreboding in his heart for no reason.

“If from eleven o’clock to twelve, his strength is increasing step by step.”

“So at twelve o’clock, did his strength double on the basis of the previous second, or even several times?”

The face of the lieutenant general of the great staff was full of horror and horror.


General Qinghe sighed softly.

“Sure enough, the man at twelve o’clock at noon is really an invincible existence!”

“His power is far above the emperor and generals, reaching the extreme realm of the world, even Mr. Karp 、、、”


People all over the battlefield were shocked and horrified.

“It’s really worthy of being a legendary hero of the Navy, and this punch actually made me feel a sting!”

Qi Yu smiled calmly and looked down at the hero Karp condescendingly.

Endless coercion slapped down.

At this moment, Karp is like a flat boat in the sea, adrift.


Karp clenched his teeth, and a little cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

There was anger rising in my heart.

In the face of his all-out punch, it is enough not to dodge or dodge.

He even said that he only felt a stinging pain.

“Arrogant little ghost, are you underestimating me?”

Karp gritted his teeth and looked hideous.

“How come, you are a respectable opponent, so I will not have the slightest mercy from my subordinates!”

Qi Yu grinned.

The fist like the blazing sun was raised high and smashed down.

Karp’s eyelids jumped.

A great uneasiness arose in my heart.

His body instinctively wanted to dodge.

But thinking of Qi Yu’s previous punch against him.

Karp, who did not admit defeat, gritted his teeth and felt a sense of strength in his heart.

He didn’t even dodge.

Directly use your face to bear that blazing yang punch.

However, he was not so iron-clad that he did not even take the slightest defensive measure.

Decades of practice, exercise.

His powerful to the extreme, without the slightest overlord color entanglement, the armed color domineering energy emerged.

It was pitch black that reflected his old face.

The rich armed color is domineering and even transparent and transfigurative.

In front of his old face, it turned into a shield-like, fortress-like defense.

Karp firmly believes.

Under his own refined armed color domineering defense.

Even the divine avoidance of the One Piece King Roger back then could not break his face.

Yet he ignored it.

Now the opponent he faces is not One Piece Roger.

but the invincible one above that.


Qi Yu’s powerful fist that gathered the power of the infinite sun, the overlord-colored entanglement, and the additional vibration of the blazing sun smashed down.

The legendary vice admiral and hero Karp was knocked down and overturned with a punch!!!



I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

Status: Ongoing Author:


Qi Yu travels through the Shambord land of the pirate world

At the beginning of the game, I was told by the system to choose a pirate ship and wait for it to become stronger

Just in time for the red-haired pirates to come to Chambord after their trip to the East China Sea

Think of the future glory of red hair and the unrestrained atmosphere on board

Qi Yu knew it, it was it!

Since then, I have been waiting for ten years.

One day, the captain red-haired was disturbed to find that he could hear Qi Yu’s voice.

Red-haired: Don’t worry, newcomer, this time I will go to the Baituan to deliver the letter, I will save my face, and I will be safe

[Pull it down, not only the letter will be torn apart, but the person will almost never come back]

Red-haired: I will do it myself this time. For my sake, White Beard must…

[Do you really think you are a person with the fruit of face ability? 】

Red-haired: “…the mate, if you have any opinion on me, you can speak up, ok?”

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive contracted novel: “I, the vice-president of the Red Tuan, was eavesdropped by the red hair”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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