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I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair — Chapter 141

Directly above the Red Earth continent.

The center of the world, the Holy Land – Mary Joa.

The deepest part of the magnificent city.

White Jade Council Hall.

Five elderly people, representing the highest power in the world, gathered together, sitting or standing.

A pair of old eyes locked on the picture on the live broadcast screen of the council hall without blinking.

Even the Chambord Islands have a live broadcast of this war on top.

It doesn’t make sense.

Mary Joya, a holy place at the center of the world, does not.

This is the moment.

Watch the shocking battle on the live screen.

The five supreme powers in the world were all silent.

If it’s three minutes.

Until the Grand General Qingpheasant replaced the marshal Sengoku after entering.


The cup on the white jade coffee table fell and shattered to the ground.


“Cocktail (a plant)”

The five old stars with aristocratic curly hair burst thick again after many years.

Since becoming one of the five old stars and holding the highest power in the world.

He doesn’t know how many years he hasn’t burst into foul language.

But today I can’t help it.

“That arrogant little ghost!”

“Actually threw the pot on us!”

“How far do you want to go before you can stop!”

The bald black suit five old stars shouted madly.

“We didn’t provoke him, but such a crucial war, he he… Did he really dare to appear and mix!!! ”

Blonde hair and bearded, the relatively young five old stars were so angry that they couldn’t speak coherently.

“We originally wanted to use this great victory to completely destroy the Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirates at the lowest cost, and deter the rampant pirates of this era, but 、、、”

“Now that this man has entered the war, war variables are inevitable!”

“In addition to him, we should be more vigilant about the red-haired Shanks and the red-haired pirate group!”

“We have to be prepared for shocks.”

The five old stars in the dark blue suit looked gloomy, and their eyes were full of haze.

“If even the entire group of red-haired pirates were involved!”

“Face two imperial regiments and three sea emperors at the same time!”

“Even the total combat strength of the navy headquarters may not be able to win this war!”

The curly-haired aristocrat Old Star said in a deep voice.


The samurai Lao Xing, dressed in a white practice robe and holding a long, snorted coldly.

“Last time we just talked, since he took it seriously, then we also let him come true!”

“After all, the red-haired pirate group is just a pirate group!”

“They want to play, and our world government has no reason to back down!”

“Just take this opportunity to kill them all!”

The samurai old star coldly stopped drinking.

“That’s right!”

“What does he think the world government is? Who do you think we are the five old stars? ”

“We are not an existence that a pirate can bully!”

“Blindly forbearance in exchange for him getting an inch again and again!”

“This is the end of the matter, then give him a head-on blow!”

“Pirates, they also dare to be arrogant in front of our world government!”

“This time the new hatred and old hatred, and settle it with him!”

“It just so happens that his strongest moment has passed!”

“Since you made a move this time, you must not let it go!”


All the old men who were more than a few years old were filled with righteous indignation at this moment, and they drank fiercely.

Full of momentum, as if returning to the glory days of youth.

“Can’t bear it, no need to endure it anymore!”

“Inform the air, now mobilize the three major forces and prepare for war!!!”



This is the moment.

Navy headquarters, on top of the battlefield.

The war is in full swing in a stalemate.

With the morale bonus from the strongest reinforcements.

The Whitebeard Pirates launch a general attack.

Desperately advancing towards the execution table in the square of the bay.

Even though the white ball is as imposing as a rainbow.

In just a few minutes, it was unrealistic to want to break into the square in the bay.

Marko, who is most likely to rescue Ace, is teamed with the Straw Hat Kid.

At this moment, he was already forced to retreat by the general Yellow Ape and fell back onto the ice square.

“Well done, Borusalino!”

“You’re the man who can do it when you should!”

Marshal Sengoku returned to the execution table and nodded to the general Yellow Ape in approval.

“Sengoku-san, say in advance, you can’t use this reason to kidnap me in the future!”

“It’s too much~~”

The general Yellow Ape pouted lewdly and said resentfully.

Marshal Sengoku decisively ignored.

Able to push a general with wage deductions and overtime.

How can such a convenient means be used once and stopped.

Took the phone worm from his subordinates.


Marshal Sengoku spoke, and his voice spread throughout the audience through the telephone worm.

“It’s the Marshal of the Warring States!”

“Sengoku-san’s voice!”

“Mr. Sengoku really can’t lose so simply!”

Looking at the marshal Sengoku who returned to the execution table, the low morale of the navy side has recovered.

The reporters and melon-eating people in the live broadcast square of the Chambordi Islands also shouted excitedly.

Marshal Sengoku forced down the injuries on his body and pretended to be fine.

“The princes of the headquarters and the people of the Chambordi Islands”

“Although there have been some changes on the way, a pirate in a small area will not have a fundamental impact on the battle situation at all!”

“Here, in the name of the Admiral, assure you!”

“Please believe in us, believe in the navy, believe in justice, this war, justice will definitely win the final victory!”

“Justice triumphs!!!

The impassioned shouts of the Admiral Sengoku echoed below the sky.


“Justice will win!”

“The navy will win!”

The entire headquarters of the Navy, a hundred thousand naval elites boiled.

The low morale rose again to the extreme with the words of the marshal Sengoku.

“Fu Fu Fu, good justice will win!”

“Pirates are evil? Is the Navy justice? ”

“This kind of stuff can rewrite as much as he wants!”

Pirate Talk King, Seven Wu Haido Flamengo opened his arms and laughed up to the sky

“The values of imps who do not understand peace and those who do not understand war are different!”

“Only those who stand at the apex can rewrite good and evil!”

“Now only this place is neutral!”

“Will justice triumph? Of course! ”

“Only the winner is righteous!”

Doflamingo was full of rambling.

“Hee-hee, flamingo bastard, you mean something!”

Nanabu Sea Moonlight Moria laughed.

Female Emperor Han Cook: “Ahhhh

Hawkeye Mihawk: “…”

On the execution table.

Marshal Sengoku nodded in satisfaction.

Then take out the second small phone worm.

“Now immediately cut off all the video phone worms, some truths are not suitable to tell those ordinary people!”

“In a few hours, all we need to convey is the victory of our navy and the total annihilation of the Whitebeard Pirates!”

Marshal Sengoku calmly declared.

Orders were given to the sailors in the bay control room.

And just as his order was given, the live video of the Chambordi Islands suddenly turned dark.

Communication of all kinds of telephone worms is cut off.

“Encirclement wall operation, officially launched !!!”



I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

Status: Ongoing Author:


Qi Yu travels through the Shambord land of the pirate world

At the beginning of the game, I was told by the system to choose a pirate ship and wait for it to become stronger

Just in time for the red-haired pirates to come to Chambord after their trip to the East China Sea

Think of the future glory of red hair and the unrestrained atmosphere on board

Qi Yu knew it, it was it!

Since then, I have been waiting for ten years.

One day, the captain red-haired was disturbed to find that he could hear Qi Yu’s voice.

Red-haired: Don’t worry, newcomer, this time I will go to the Baituan to deliver the letter, I will save my face, and I will be safe

[Pull it down, not only the letter will be torn apart, but the person will almost never come back]

Red-haired: I will do it myself this time. For my sake, White Beard must…

[Do you really think you are a person with the fruit of face ability? 】

Red-haired: “…the mate, if you have any opinion on me, you can speak up, ok?”

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive contracted novel: “I, the vice-president of the Red Tuan, was eavesdropped by the red hair”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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