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I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair — Chapter 146

Chambordi Square, Live Square.

Occupying the center of the live broadcast big screen is still the golden lion Shiji.

As a ‘live broadcast’ staff under Golden Lion Shiji.

Dr. Indigo and others naturally wanted to lock all the highlights on the golden lion.

“How so?”

“Has the Navy failed in combat?”

“The reason why the live broadcast was closed earlier was to cover up that battle!”

“But even so, it failed in the end!”

“It’s all because of that legend!”

“The flying sea thief Golden Lion Shiji is simply terrifying!”

The reporters and melon-eating masses gathered in the square were shocked.

The joy of being able to watch the war again is gone.

All that remained was worry and anxiety about the navy and the outcome of the war.

Live video on the big screen.

The battle between the golden lion Shiji and the general Yellow Ape begins.

Yet at this moment.

Even more fierce than the Sky General’s battlefield is the all-out war on land.

The Navy headquarters shouted killing to the sky.

The battlefield was in chaos.

Blood and fire are everywhere.


Navy Headquarters Bay Plaza.

The four emperors with a white beard holding a supreme fast knife Cong Yun Cut, domineering and proud, facing the execution table not far away.

“Kula la la, Ace, a little more patience, daddy will come right away!”

Whitebeard grinned gently and domineeringly.


On the execution table, Ace shouted at the top of his throat.

This is the moment.

He wouldn’t say anything more about letting the whitebeards leave him alone.

Just believe.

Believe in Daddy.

I also believe in my partners.


The Warring States drank heavily, and his face was still livid.

“Kula la la”

“Warring States, we suffered a lot under your battle before.”

“Then it’s time for your navy to taste the pain too!”

Whitebeard spoke coldly.

“yes, yes”

“Awaken, Navy!”

“The previous account, this time it will be repaid doubly!”

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates drank in anger.

Previously, he was pressed and beaten by the navy by despicable means.

Everyone in the white group was holding their breath in their hearts.

At this moment, it is expressed, and it is magnificent.

A bloody fight between short soldiers ensued.

Under the angry onslaught of the pirates of the White Regiment, even the elites of the navy could not help but be overwhelmed for a while.

“Get out of the way”

“Into the second gear – rubber machine gun indiscriminately beats !!!”

Luffy the straw hat, who is once again close to his brother, bursts out to be the strongest in battle.

Where the machine gun goes.

Even the elite admirals of the Navy were all flown away.

Another direction.

“It’s all said, let you stay out of the way!!!”

Yamato, dressed in a wide kimono and wearing a mask on his face, scolded angrily.

The mace in his hand swung violently, bringing a fierce wind.

“Thunder gossip !!!”

Passed down to the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts, Kaido’s proud move exploded.

Yamato’s soles smashed the ground.

The tall figure passed through the dozens of elite naval admirals who blocked it.



The impact is like thunder.

Blowing up a corner of the battlefield.

Dozens of elite naval generals flew upside down with screams.

Such a shocking breakthrough picture.

Far better than Luffy the straw hat on the other side.

Even the captains of the two white-bearded pirate groups are not as good as they are.

Yamato’s brilliant performance soon attracted the attention of everyone on both sides.

“Who is that person? So strong! ”

Team Diamond Joz asked.

“It seems to have been brought by Mr. Qi Yu!”

Marco spoke suspiciously.

“His dress seems familiar!”

“Could it be someone from Wano Country?”

“Izang, do you know?”

Team Goban captain Bista asked.


Team Sixteen Team Captain Yizo shook his head.

On the execution table.


Ace suddenly rounded his eyes in shock and screamed repeatedly.

Look at the tall figure who struggles to fight with the navy and break through.

How could he not know.

That’s the friend he made two years ago on Oni Nojima, the country of Wano!

Just why?

Why is Yamato here!

She is obviously locked up on Ghost Island by Kaido!

Ace only felt like falling into a cloud.

Marshal Sengoku glanced at Ace faintly.

“Squirrel, stop that man!”

Sengoku ordered.


The elite vice admiral of the naval headquarters squirrels stepped on the six-style moon step to attack.

It’s a blink of an eye.

Bright knife light passed by.

With the momentum of running thunder, he fell on Yamato’s mace.

Under the obstruction of the squirrel in the elite of the main department, Yamato’s offensive was blocked and no longer in full swing.

“Bastard, what the hell are you? Get named! ”

Lieutenant General Squirrel asked majestically.

“My name is Mitsuki Ota!!!”

Yamato drank imposingly.

Wielding his mace, he stepped forward without fear.

“Nani !!!”

Listening to Yamato’s name, Lieutenant General Squirrel’s face changed greatly.

His mind was shaken, and he hurriedly raised his knife to block.

As a result, he was smashed by Yamato’s powerful stick.

The feet rubbed a trail of more than ten meters on the ground.

“Are you Mitsuki Ota? No kidding! ”

Unable to care about the numbness and pain in the mouth of the tiger, the lieutenant general refuted the squirrel loudly and stopped drinking.

For the name of Mitsuki Ota.

As a veteran of decades in the Navy, he is naturally no stranger.

Mitsuki Ota, a samurai of Wano Country!

That was once one of the main forces of Roger’s Pirates!

He followed Karp to hunt down Roger’s pirates.

Lieutenant General Squirrel even once faced off against Mitsuki Ota.

Facing the overwhelming power of Mitsuki Ota.

He was defeated by Mitsuki Ota’s Taoyuan Waterfall with just one blow.

Although he is an enemy, it is also a hero that he recognizes.

Lieutenant General Squirrel naturally does not recognize that anyone can be fake.

Not just lieutenant generals squirrels.

After hearing Yamato’s self-reported home.

Both the navy and the pirates in the nearby battlefield fried the pan.

“Hey, hey, he

“What a joke!”

“That person calls himself Mitsuki Ota!”

“Samurai of Wano Country, has another legend appeared?”

The navy was in high spirits.

“Daddy Daddy”

“It’s Ota!”

“Is that really Mr. Ota?”

“Didn’t Mr. Ota say that he was 、、、 eighteen years ago?”

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates Group were also stunned and shouted in shock.

“It’s not!”

“That definitely can’t be Ota-sama!”

The captain of the sixteen-ban team took the road with a clear line.

Bad looks.

If not for the fact that it is now war.

The other side is their ally, again.

Yizang must be the first to step forward in theory.

Give a good look to the person who impersonates Ota.

“I seem to have a bit of an impression of the person who calls himself Ota?”

Marco frowned suspiciously.

“I seem to have heard about it somewhere!”

Diamond Joz nodded.

It’s not just them.

For those who call themselves Ota, Whitebeard remembers the same.

And knows better than Marko and others.

That was what Ace had told at the banquet about his adventures.

The adventure of Onishima in the country of Wano.

There, he meets a man who calls himself Mitsuki Ota!

From Ace’s mouth, Whitebeard learned that he had become a fan of Ota, and the person who imitated Gota’s words and deeds was still a girl!

What surprised Whitebeard even more.

The girl who insisted on imitating Ota turned out to be the daughter of Kaido the Hundred Beasts!!!

Right now.

Kaido’s daughter actually appeared here.

Become their ally and fight to free Ace.

Rao is a white beard.

At this moment, I can’t help but lose my mind.

Right at this moment.

“You’re so old!”

A grim voice with ridicule and sneer suddenly sounded.

This was accompanied by a scorching and terrifying heat wave.

“Where do you think this is?”

“This is a battlefield, Whitebeard!”

“If you dare to wander in front of me, then you can only be sent on your way!”

The general Akainu attacked fiercely.


The blazing dog-headed magma carried the terrifying power of burning all things, straight towards the face of Whitebeard.



I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

Status: Ongoing Author:


Qi Yu travels through the Shambord land of the pirate world

At the beginning of the game, I was told by the system to choose a pirate ship and wait for it to become stronger

Just in time for the red-haired pirates to come to Chambord after their trip to the East China Sea

Think of the future glory of red hair and the unrestrained atmosphere on board

Qi Yu knew it, it was it!

Since then, I have been waiting for ten years.

One day, the captain red-haired was disturbed to find that he could hear Qi Yu’s voice.

Red-haired: Don’t worry, newcomer, this time I will go to the Baituan to deliver the letter, I will save my face, and I will be safe

[Pull it down, not only the letter will be torn apart, but the person will almost never come back]

Red-haired: I will do it myself this time. For my sake, White Beard must…

[Do you really think you are a person with the fruit of face ability? 】

Red-haired: “…the mate, if you have any opinion on me, you can speak up, ok?”

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive contracted novel: “I, the vice-president of the Red Tuan, was eavesdropped by the red hair”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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