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I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair — Chapter 147


Magma General Sakaski the Red Inu suddenly burst out.

The magmatic arm suddenly elongated, and the speed was extremely fast.

The hot magma dog’s head struck towards the short-lost whitebearded face with the power to penetrate everything.

The sudden magma attack, no one could have expected.

Even Whitebeard himself was caught off guard.

The moment of truth.

Whitebeard’s domineering deeds that can almost foresee the future.

In a hurry, Whitebeard turned his head to dodge.

The hot dog-headed magma swept dangerously across his face, taking away half of his crescent beard.

At the same time, it left deep burn marks on his shoulders and face.

Before the blood could shoot out, it was burned and evaporated by the high temperature.


Marko, who finally reacted, hurriedly rushed to Whitebeard’s side.

“I’m okay.”

Whitebeard spoke calmly.

“General Akainu !!!”

Diamond Joz had red eyes and glared angrily at the general Red Inu, who did not know when he appeared

“Still missed?”

“I thought I could be decapitated with one blow!”

The senior general Akainu shook his head regretfully.

“What do you say!!!

Bista and the other captains were furious.

He will rush forward to avenge Whitebeard’s sneak attack.

“All members stand down.”

Whitebeard broke off.

“If you want to take down my first rank, you are still far behind! Magma imps! ”

Whitebeard stared coldly at the red dog.

“Far from it? Huh”

“If you were younger, you might still be able to match me.”

“But now…”

The senior general Akainu shook his head regretfully.

“Whitebeard, you’re old!”

“Now you are not my opponent!”

The red dog spoke, and his words were confident and awe-inspiring.

“Ku la la la, how dare to say ah, magma imp, then start with you!”

Whitebeard laughed deeply.

The supreme fast knife in his hand was swung like a windmill.

Bring up a fierce wind.

The pure white matchless vibration wave was attached to Cong Yun Che’s blade and slashed down at the general Chi Inu.

The terrifying shock wave hit the red dog and flew out more than ten meters upside down.

“Marko, don’t stop here, Ace will be handed over to you to save!”

Whitebeard drank high and ordered.

“Yes, Daddy!!!”

Marko and the other captains shouted in unison.

The people who led the white regiment formed a sharp knife team and killed straight towards the execution table.

“Don’t get carried away, pirates!”

On the execution table, the veteran elite vice admirals of the naval headquarters who had been waiting for a long time attacked Fire Mountain, Dauberman and others.

As soon as he made a move, he showed his strong strength and stopped a group of Bai Tuanfan captains.

Knife to the point!

Dead in seconds!

Blood stained the square in the bay.

The brutal and brutal war entered a real white-hot stalemate.

Even if it has successfully broken into the square in the bay.

There is only one step left before the final execution table.

However, this step is like a heavenly graben.

Blocked by navies several times larger than them, and terrifying human weapons – pacifists.

The pirates of the White Regiment could not get close to the final execution table.

Even if it can be approached.

It is still difficult to save people from the care of Marshal Warring States.

On the execution table.

Marshal Sengoku looked indifferently at the white-bearded pirate group who were struggling to the death.

Although there have been many changes, the situation is far from what was expected.

But the war was ultimately under the control of their navy.

If nothing else.

The demise of the Whitebeard Pirates is only a matter of time.

It’s nothing more than paying a little more.

The final victory will still belong to the Navy.

Of course.

The most important premise is not to make any unexpected changes.

And the biggest variable in this battlefield today.

Marshal Warring States turned his head and looked solemnly at the battlefield of heroes and generals in the distance.

Even if it’s past its peak.

Face the siege of the hero Karp and the general Pheasant.

Qi Yu is still at ease.

Except that he is strong enough.

It is also related to Karp’s current state.

At the pinnacle of that minute.

Karp’s body was under too much weight.

Although there are Warring States to help share some of the damage.

But for a minute, Karp was still hit hard.

As a result, the current state is gradually declining.

“Don’t lose! Old man! ”

Marshal Sengoku clenched his fists.

Secretly pinched the sweat for his best friend.

Time passes little by little in a brutal battle.

In the blink of an eye, another half hour.

The battlefield in the bay square is still in full swing.

There was no progress on the pirate side of the white group.

The three generals also reached a stalemate.


On the execution platform, Marshal Sengoku breathed lightly.

Calculate the time.

Another quarter of an hour at most.

Qi Yu was about to withdraw from the blessing of arrogance.

At that time.

All it takes is a general to contain it.

The pressure on their navy will also be greatly reduced.

“Soon, fast!”

“Hold on a little longer!”

Marshal Sengoku whispered.

In the next second, Sengoku’s pupils shrank suddenly.

In the distance, one emperor and two generals regenerated the battlefield.

Qi Yu, who should have reached the ‘end of the sun’, suddenly shone brightly.

The power of the sun seemed to burn, and the momentum around Qi Yu’s body also rose.

He burned the rest of his arrogant time in exchange for a brief burst of combat power.

“Get out of the way, Kuzan!!!”

Karp drank heavily.

He kicked the flying general Qingheasant, and single-faced the explosion of Qi Yu.


Pieces of air booms exploded.

Karp also burst out all his remaining power.

Go all out.

Fist to fist.

The terrifying power rippled around the two of them, forming an invisible field of power.


Karp let out a low roar, and his left hand was also thrown into a fist, bringing a violent gust of wind.

When Karp’s left fist was only a few centimeters away from Qi Yu’s chest.

Qi Yu’s empty right hand reached out like lightning, and clasped Karp’s wrist like iron tongs, reducing all the power on the fist, leaving him immobile.

Karp quickly withdrew his right fist, and at the same time his body was half-rotated, and his right leg swept out like an iron whip.

Everywhere it passed, the void twisted and rippled, and there was a piercing sound of empty explosions.

Qi Yu also kicked out, targeting Karp’s standing left leg.

A kick broke Karp’s balance, and at the same time the right hand that clasped Karp’s left wrist violently exerted force, throwing Karp as a weapon and throwing up the windmill.

After dozens of laps, Qi Yu jumped high, threw a globe, and dropped Kapu heavily to the ground.


Faintly, there seemed to be a sound of bone cracking exploding.

It all happened between electric flint.

The battle of the generals who suddenly accelerated to the decisive victory, no one reacted.

“It’s not over yet!”

Karp gritted his teeth.

“Iron Fist”

Karp drank loudly, and his right fist instantly became hard as a diamond.

At the same time, above that casserole-sized fist, a circle of pitch-black armed color domineering wrapped around it, with a strong sense of strength.

Just as the domineering practice of seeing and hearing can produce the ability to see the future.

The extreme peak of armed color domineering is not limited to strengthening, but also has various changes.


Karp’s armed color domineering, seeing the sea, is definitely one of the top pinnacle existences.

And the path taken by Karp is the ultimate power.

No other changes are needed, some are just the ultimate crushing power.

This punch is as heavy as a mountain.

Karp hangs upside down in the air, his legs curled up, and his right fist stretched to the extreme.


Karp slammed his feet backwards, and the air exploded under his feet.

The powerful propulsion force that burst out pushed Karp to fly in the direction of Qi Yu at great speed.

At the same time, Karp’s right fist slammed out, like a meteor meteor falling, with great momentum.

“Come on, it’s almost time for you to leave! Hero Karp! ”

Qi Yu grinned.

The brilliant golden overlord-colored domineering energy rushed out.

Wrapped around the blade of the Supreme Speedy Blade, Black Knife Ace.

In that distant twenty or thirty years ago.

Images that have happened countless times.

The ultimate showdown between the hero’s iron fist and One Piece’s supreme fast knife takes place again.

Everything was like yesterday.

Kapu’s meteor-like iron fist fell.

Qi Yu stretched to the extreme overlord color and slashed out.



It’s like a meteorite hitting the earth.

The iron fist and the black knife were separated by an inch.

Not touched.

But a horrific collision has already happened.

The ultimate power hedge makes the heaven and earth time and space fall silent at this moment, and everything loses its voice.

In the next instant, the sea stirred up a thousand waves, churning non-stop.

The families of the Navy headquarters and various civilian buildings in the town collapsed one after another.

In the square in the bay, the sound of explosions is full of films, and there are gunsmoke and sparks everywhere.

Countless shells and bullets that had just come out of the chamber before they hit the ground or hit their opponents.

It was in the explosion of that spreading overbearing impact.

Some of the weaker navy and pirates even vomited blood and flew upside down directly under the impact force, lying on the ground motionless, already unconscious.

The most brilliant impact blooms.

Occupy people’s full field of vision.

Everything that makes the order is not visible.

Time seems to have lost its meaning.

Xu is tens of seconds.

Or maybe it’s just a moment.

When that last shock wave rippled.

A bloody figure flew upside down from the blinding mass of light.

Legendary Vice Admiral – Hero Karp, defeated!!!



I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

Status: Ongoing Author:


Qi Yu travels through the Shambord land of the pirate world

At the beginning of the game, I was told by the system to choose a pirate ship and wait for it to become stronger

Just in time for the red-haired pirates to come to Chambord after their trip to the East China Sea

Think of the future glory of red hair and the unrestrained atmosphere on board

Qi Yu knew it, it was it!

Since then, I have been waiting for ten years.

One day, the captain red-haired was disturbed to find that he could hear Qi Yu’s voice.

Red-haired: Don’t worry, newcomer, this time I will go to the Baituan to deliver the letter, I will save my face, and I will be safe

[Pull it down, not only the letter will be torn apart, but the person will almost never come back]

Red-haired: I will do it myself this time. For my sake, White Beard must…

[Do you really think you are a person with the fruit of face ability? 】

Red-haired: “…the mate, if you have any opinion on me, you can speak up, ok?”

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive contracted novel: “I, the vice-president of the Red Tuan, was eavesdropped by the red hair”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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