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I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair — Chapter 168

The sky is divided in half.

The invisible momentum confrontation escalated.

The lofty dome of the sky cracked a deep ravine.

The sea rumbled in all directions.

It was as if heaven and earth were about to fall here.

Super collisions between top powerhouses always happen and are instantaneous.


Gold and iron exchange.

The Great Quick Sword Sakura Ten on the feet of the Golden Lion Shi Ji collided with the Heavenly Cloud Sword of the Great General Yellow Ape.

It’s different from the previous water battle where you slashed and I shot.

At this moment, the re-battle between the golden lion and the yellow ape finally had a bit of a general’s meaning.

The jingle is endless.

Between several breaths.

The battlefield between the two is to come to an altitude of hundreds of meters.

The second pair of peak matchups are still old opponents.

Four Emperors Whitebeard and General Akainu.

It’s just different from before.

Now Whitebeard has returned to the top.

Compared with.

The Great General Akainu, however, still has the damage caused by the white beard that he caused earlier.

“Whitebeard, be careful not to be worn fiercely this time!”

“There is no second panacea for you!”

Roger reminded.

“Ku la la la, no need anymore!”

“There won’t be a second time!”

Whitebeard laughed domineeringly and boldly.

With a wave of his fist, the atmosphere shattered.

The beating general Akainu retreated one after another.


The legendary Vice Admiral hero Karp regrouped and attacked fiercely.

In the present of One Piece Roger’s resurrection.

Karp only felt that life had meaning again.

A pair of iron fists are also more vigorously wielded.

His iron fists seemed to be born for Roger.

“Ahahaha, Karp, you are hurt now, I don’t want to bully you!”

Roger laughed.

The supreme fast knife black knife Ace wielded.

Take Karp’s iron fist with ingenuity.

“Less nonsense!”

“Just grab it obediently!”

Karp shouted loudly, imposingly.

“Sorry, Qi Yu, I’m afraid I can only entangle the green pheasant now!”

Rayleigh said apologetically.

“It’s okay, leave the rest to me!”

Qi Yu smiled slightly.

Radiant and confident.

With the pheasant’s ‘ah la la’, the battle between Hades Rayleigh and the general Pheasant began.

“Marshal, Warring States, and the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Steel Bone Kong!”

“Being my Sun Holy Sword’s first opponent couldn’t be better!”

Qi Yu held the Rotating Victory Sword in both hands, and his gaze swept over the two marshals not far away, his gaze full of aggression.

“Don’t get too carried away!”

“Now you don’t have the capital to fight the two of us at the same time!”

Marshal Sengoku drank imposingly.

The unparalleled Golden Buddha once again shone on the battlefield.

Qi Yu held a sword in both hands.

The sword body of the Rotating Sword of Victory shines brightly.

It is no less than the sun in the sky.


Atmospheric boom.

The golden Buddha, which is comparable to a giant, stepped on the atmosphere and soared into the sky.

The brilliant golden Buddha’s palm was wrapped with powerful overlord-colored lightning.


Marshal Sengoku’s impact palm exploded again.

“It’s just coming!”

Qi Yu raised his hands above his head.

The glow of the sun from reality is twinned with the power of the simulated sun embedded in the hilt.

The body of the holy sword suddenly broadened.

The sword length directly soared tens of meters.


Qi Yu’s hands flagrantly fell.

The forty-meter-long great sword burst into the void.

Broke the shock wave of the Buddha’s palm of the marshal Sengoku.

Cut down towards his massive body.


Marshal Sengoku shouted in anger.

Be blown away by this unheard of move.

It’s not just him.

Everyone on the battlefield at this moment, especially the swordsmen who are proficient in kendo.

All of them were shocked by Qi Yu’s hand.

Jian Hao was able to cut out the sword qi and turn it into a flying slash.

It can also attach sword qi to the sword body and increase the length of the sword body.

But no matter how much it is improved, there should be a limit.


At this moment, the length of the sword body extended by Qi Yu was really exaggerated.

It suddenly turned into a machete of forty meters.

The body of the extended sword qi was also extremely powerful.

Even the Great Buddha Shockwave of Marshal Sengoku was easily penetrated.

Even the confrontation was just beginning, and the marshal Warring States was showing his decline.

Hardened flesh + armed color overlord color domineering winding defense + animal phantom beast Buddha.

The powerful defense under the three-phase bonus is showing signs of loosening at this moment.

Marshal Sengoku’s palm against the forty-meter great sword trembled, and his huge body could no longer stand high in the air.

It was crushed step by step, and then smashed down on the ground.

The ground crumbles.

Smoke and dust like a dragon.

Shake and spread.

“So strong!”

“Even if it’s not noon, Mr. Qi Yu is really strong!”

“What’s with that sword?”

“It’s like it’s tailor-made for Mr. Qi Yu!”

“Sure enough, behind Roger’s resurrection, is it related to Mr. Qi Yu?”

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates muttered in shock.

“Sai Yu-sama ~~~”

The female emperor Han Cook cheered passionately like a little fan girl.

However, in the next second, her beautiful face suddenly changed.

“Mr. Sai Yu, be careful!!!”

Also exclaiming was Yamato.

Since the resumption of the war.

Yamato kept an eye on the last admiral of the navy and kept an eye on his movements.


This naval legend, which is even more veteran than the Warring States and Karp, moved.

His target was Qi Yu.

“All the variables are caused by you!”

“Whether it’s Roger or Whitebeard!”

“You must be eliminated today!”

The steel bone is cold and broken.

When the words fell, the momentum around him skyrocketed.

A circle of black air flowed around him, and then attached.

In the end, more and more materialized pitch-black armed color air streams flowed out, shrouding the steel bone in a black mist.


The domineering momentum swept in all directions, blowing away that layer of black curtain, revealing his amazing appearance at this time.

At this moment, the steel bone was empty, and the whole body became bright black.

It was much darker and brighter than the blacks, and even the white hair was pitch black, and the roots were upside down like steel needles.

The top level of seeing and hearing is Katakuri’s foreknowledge of the future and the Red Count’s natural reading of people’s hearts.

Similarly, the cultivation of armed color domineering to the extreme will also produce many unusual changes.

Obviously, this man with the name of steel bone –

The former marshal of the Navy has this background, which has made the color of the armed color qualitatively transformed.

Looking at the powerful substantive armament displayed by the steel bone, people couldn’t help but show shock.

“Take it, arrogant little devil!”

“Steel Fist !!!”

The steel skeleton was empty, and the figure was as fast as lightning.

The perfect combination of six-style moon steps and shaving, under the blessing of the state of extreme armament, reaches the ultimate peak.

The steel fist that became famous earlier than Karp’s iron fist was unleashed, which shook the atmosphere.

In the face of that terrifying steel fist, Qi Yu was unmoved.

The look on his face is always the same.

Just when that steel fist was about to break through the air.

Qi Yu’s right hand holding the sword instantly formed a fist at the same time.


A dull sound like the collapse of the sky sounded in the hearts of everyone in Marinfodo.

Everyone in the battle or watching the battle on the battlefield couldn’t help but buzz in their heads.


Qi Yu took a step back.

And then retreat.

Under the all-out blow of the steel bone.

Rao is Qi Yu, also repelled.

Big feet left one deep footprint after another on the ground.

The suppression of the Marshal Warring States was also subject to interference and disorder.


Marshal Sengoku roared and flew the forty-meter great sword.

The impact Buddha palm that flashed with brilliant golden light slowly but firmly walked towards Qi Yu.

Seeing is about to fall.

Looked at.

People everywhere on the battlefield changed their faces.

One Piece Roger blasted away Karp and wanted to act.

Whitebeard also strongly repels the general Akainu and wants help.


Right at this moment.

Another powerful qi machine suddenly descended on the battlefield.

Terrifying domineering swept in all directions.

In the end, they all gathered on the blade.


The blade wrapped around the ultimate overlord-colored lightning steadily caught the impact of the Marshal Warring States.

“That’s it!”

“Give me face, this war will end here!”

Four Emperors red-haired Shanks ‘handsome’ appeared!!!



I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

Status: Ongoing Author:


Qi Yu travels through the Shambord land of the pirate world

At the beginning of the game, I was told by the system to choose a pirate ship and wait for it to become stronger

Just in time for the red-haired pirates to come to Chambord after their trip to the East China Sea

Think of the future glory of red hair and the unrestrained atmosphere on board

Qi Yu knew it, it was it!

Since then, I have been waiting for ten years.

One day, the captain red-haired was disturbed to find that he could hear Qi Yu’s voice.

Red-haired: Don’t worry, newcomer, this time I will go to the Baituan to deliver the letter, I will save my face, and I will be safe

[Pull it down, not only the letter will be torn apart, but the person will almost never come back]

Red-haired: I will do it myself this time. For my sake, White Beard must…

[Do you really think you are a person with the fruit of face ability? 】

Red-haired: “…the mate, if you have any opinion on me, you can speak up, ok?”

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive contracted novel: “I, the vice-president of the Red Tuan, was eavesdropped by the red hair”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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