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I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair — Chapter 169

Navy headquarters, on top of the battlefield.

The greatest wars of our time have been frequented since the beginning of the war.

The active sea emperor is like the sky!

The legendary sea thief who disappeared!

The deputy of the former royal regiment who has been hidden for many years!

In the end, even the ‘king’ of the Hell Death Realm was resurrected against the heavens and returned!

From the very beginning, this war rushed and stormed towards unknown paths!

to the present.


An unprecedented super collision occurs.

A big collision occurred that gathered eleven top powerhouses standing at the top of the pyramid.

Heaven and earth, for which it toppled.

The ground of the naval headquarters made an overwhelmed rumbling noise.

It may completely collapse and sink at any time.

This legendary battle is enough to go down in history.

For thousands of years, rare to see.

The people in it even know the danger.

But they didn’t want to leave.

It’s like eight supernova pirate groups on the edge of the battlefield.

Even though he had proposed to leave earlier, no one had left at the moment.

People just widened their eyes in shock.

Without blinking, I looked at the rare sight in thousands of years.

His mouth opened and closed, but he couldn’t even say a word.

All the shock is unspeakable.

At a certain moment.


Kira, a killing martial artist with super three-hairstyle, suddenly exclaimed.

Awaken supernova captains, including Kidd, from shock and dreams.

Suddenly, he turned his head.

The eyes of the supernova widened even further.

“Four four… The Four Emperors…”

“Red-haired Shanks !!!”

“They are the red-haired pirates of the Four Emperors!!!”

“Sure enough, it’s still here, red-haired pirates!”

“The twelfth person has appeared!”

“Everything that has happened today so far will go down in history and !!! for thousands of years”

Supernova captains such as Hawkins, Ulki, Apu, and Cappenbergi all shouted in shock.


“Sorry sorry to scare you!”

The kind Four Emperors red-haired Shanks smiled apologetically at the supernova.

“Head, look quickly!”

“The situation is completely different from what we expected!”

The little fat man Razilu rounded his eyes, and his eyes were almost jumping out of their sockets.

“That and that… It is Mr. Reilly who fights the general Pheasant! ”

“Even Mr. Renly has joined the war!”

Jesus exclaimed in shock.

“The state of Whitebeard also cares me!”

“How does it feel that Whitebeard is fiercer than before!”

“Has his injury been cured?”

“This… What the hell is going on here? ”

The senior cadres of the Red Regiment, who have always been the most calm, are not calm at this moment.

“Hey, hey, it’s not Whitebeard who should be the most concerned now!”

Sniper Jesus Bu shook his head unconsciously and shouted.

A face was filled with extreme shock and disbelief.

His gaze was only unblinkingly locked on the man who was fighting against the hero Karp.

The one who should not have existed.

“That was… That man is…”

“Fake! Just kidding! ”

“No, no, no! I’m not dreaming right now, am I? ”

“Why did that person appear?”

“Is the man who fought the naval hero Karp a real fake?”

“That’s the head of the head! One Piece Roger! ”

“Shouldn’t One Piece Roger have died twenty-two years ago? Why did it appear alive again! ”

“Can anyone tell me what really happened on this battlefield?”


The people of the red-haired pirate group are all irrepressible and strange.

When he saw Roger, the One Piece who returned alive, no one could calm down.

In their cognition.

That should be the undead who cannot appear in this world.

But now it’s really in their sights.

As far as their eyes can see, show the power of One Piece.


Beckman trembled and clamped his cigarette and looked at the red-haired Shanks beside him.

This is the moment.

The most domineering man in this sea –

The red-haired Shanks’ eyes were already red.

“Roger… Captain!!! ”

Hot tears burst from the redhead’s eyes and overflowed.

He suppressed the agitation in his heart.

The figure is rushing, desperate to run at full speed.

I want to touch that figure.

However, there was only a hundred meters away from the figure in the dream.

Red-haired Shanks’ eyes flashed red.

The top sight that is enough to foresee the future and see a corner of the future.

He did not hesitate to change direction.


Griffin, who is not inferior to the supreme fast knife, is unsheathed.

The ultimate overlord color rushes into the sky.

The spiral is wrapped around the blade.

Touched with the impact Buddha palm that was also wrapped around the overlord color.

“That’s it!”

At the same time as the collision, the red-haired Shanks spoke, and his mood stabilized.

He knows.

The best greeting with Captain Roger right now is not tears.

Instead, he handed over a satisfactory answer to the captain who had high hopes for him.

Show him how much you’ve grown over the years.

For example, in a critical moment, rescue partners from fire and water.

Show your handsome side.

Another example is asking the marshals of the navy and the world government for face.

“I’m here to end everything!”

“Please give me a face!”

“Let the war end here!”

Red-haired Shanks spoke domineeringly.


Marshal Sengoku roared angrily.

The light on the palm of the big Buddha became more and more prosperous.

Apparently did not mean to give face to the redhead.


The red-haired Shanks grinned awkwardly.

The domineering ‘lightning’ of Griffin’s blade body gushed out.

The Marshal Sengoku impact flew upside down tens of meters.


Qi Yu, who had originally retreated under the steel fist of the steel bone, stabilized his figure.

The power in the body, which was originally close to boiling, subsided.

Just one-to-one.

Naturally, there is no need to burst hole cards.


Steel Bone Kong, who was already close to a hundred years old, was naturally far from being Qi Yu’s opponent at his peak.

The steel fist that gathered all the strength was exhausted, and was easily shocked back tens of hundreds of meters by Qi Yu.

The bear chest rises and falls violently.


“It’s all right already!”

“Because I’m already here!”

The red-haired Shanks turned to look at Qi Yu and gave a thumbs up.

For the redhead, this red fruit is handsome.

Qi Yu just rolled his eyes.

Nothing was said.

It’s just that my heart is inevitably sluggish.

[Ahahaha, you’re big]

【Count your luck】

[If only I intervened in the evening]

[I don’t promise not to blast you away]


The red-haired Shanks’ laughter came to an abrupt end.

Whitebeard, Hawkeye: “?! ”

How many hole cards does this guy still have not lit!



I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

I, the deputy emperor of the Red Tuan, was overheard by the red hair

Status: Ongoing Author:


Qi Yu travels through the Shambord land of the pirate world

At the beginning of the game, I was told by the system to choose a pirate ship and wait for it to become stronger

Just in time for the red-haired pirates to come to Chambord after their trip to the East China Sea

Think of the future glory of red hair and the unrestrained atmosphere on board

Qi Yu knew it, it was it!

Since then, I have been waiting for ten years.

One day, the captain red-haired was disturbed to find that he could hear Qi Yu’s voice.

Red-haired: Don’t worry, newcomer, this time I will go to the Baituan to deliver the letter, I will save my face, and I will be safe

[Pull it down, not only the letter will be torn apart, but the person will almost never come back]

Red-haired: I will do it myself this time. For my sake, White Beard must…

[Do you really think you are a person with the fruit of face ability? 】

Red-haired: “…the mate, if you have any opinion on me, you can speak up, ok?”

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive contracted novel: “I, the vice-president of the Red Tuan, was eavesdropped by the red hair”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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