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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 031

Chapter 31

However, just when Balpa was frantically defending himself, Kokabil, who was said to be a jumping beam clown, had already crushed the communication formation.

The pale face was full of killing intent, and the blood-red eyes also burst out with murderous red light.

If the object of the snatch of the holy sword was Asashel, then Kokabil had nothing to say.

After all, he secretly left the Miko Watchdog Organization.

Whether it was stealing the holy sword or the next plan, he planned it alone.

After all, if Asachel knew his purpose, he would definitely fight him.

However, being described as a “jumping beam clown” cannot be Asachel’s style.

As for the fallen angel.

Most likely coerced.

In other words, it may be the existence of other gods that hinders his plan.

Maybe he still has the same idea as he wants to mess up this peaceful world.

In this way, it can be explained.

Although the holy sword was snatched away, Kokabil himself had little interest in the power of the holy sword.

After all, the main purpose is to pull the Celestial Realm into the water.

Therefore, it is not a big deal to be taken away by the gods of other god systems, but the more god systems are pulled into the water, the more it is in the arms of Kokabil.

But one yard for one yard.

Kokabil, who was ridiculed as a “jumping beam clown”, could not bear this breath.

He was an opponent of God recorded in the Bible and survived the war with God to this day.

“Clown, huh? Then let me see who is the real clown! ”

Kokabil sits on a suspended throne.

The power that had been silent in the body for thousands of years was restless again, and even the surrounding space was shaken, with irregular ripples.

The ridiculed Kokabil is ready to vent his resentment that he has suppressed for thousands of years in the next battlefield.

Together with the sister of the demon king and the god who did not know the so-called, the stage of the war was destroyed.

The other side.

Bai Ming and Lina Li walked in the snow.

Although there are rare snowflakes falling in the sky, due to the temperature of minus 30 degrees, there are not many people on the silver-clad streets.

In this weather, even cars are difficult to start.

The wind blowing on the face is like an ice blade.

“Master, I still can’t understand why you keep Balpa.”

Lina Li was puzzled.

The kind of person who has no use value is directly killed.

“Balpa is just a small character, nothing can be achieved without the Holy Sword, and leaving him will also let Kokabil know of our existence, I think he has now informed Kokabil about us.”

This is also Bai Ming’s own guess.

Now that the plot has been disrupted, he can only speculate about the future through the current situation.

Kokabil has a conceited personality.

It can be seen in the original.

It was obviously intended to provoke a war, but after meeting Lias and her group, they did not make a serious move.

As a result, Asachel arrived in time with the White Dragon Emperor and thwarted his plot.

If at the moment of meeting Lias, he blatantly killed the girl.

The war between the underworld and the fallen angels has long been provoked.

This is the typical villain who dies of talking too much.

Bai Ming’s phrase “jumping beam clown” was also deliberately said to Kokabil.

With the character of the other party, it is impossible to turn a blind eye.

Perhaps, now they have already set out to wait for him in Juwang Town.

Li Nali listened ignorantly, but in her heart, she admired Bai Ming more and more.

After returning to the hotel.

Before Aisia woke up, Bai Ming asked Linali to book three tickets to the island country, while she leaned on the sofa and pretended to close her eyes, but actually entered the chat group.

There is nothing to do, and only the water can pass the time.

However, when I first entered the group, I found that it seemed that someone had Aite himself.

Butterfly Kanae: “@白明. ”

Discharge sister: “@白明. ”

Nightmare Elf: “@白明. ”

Lamona: “@白明. ”

Although it is not at the same time, what is the matter with such a complete formation?

Bai Ming: “Good guy, what happened?” Why is it all in Aite me? ”

Discharge Girl: “Oh oh oh! Finally appeared! ”

Bai Ming: “? ”

Nightmare Elf: “There are so many beautiful girls Aite you, but there is no response until now, let girls wait too long, but scumbags only have behavior.” ”

Bai Ming: “If I can be chased backwards by so many beautiful girls, then my life is worth it.” ”

Anyway, across the screen, Bai Ming doesn’t have to be so serious.

Moreover, if you put it in the past and know that you can communicate with so many characters who only exist in anime, I am afraid that I can wake up laughing in my dreams.

But now, my heart is not so turbulent.

It’s just a little relieved and happy to be able to be a cute girl who was only active on the screen in the past.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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