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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 039

Chapter 39

“Maybe this time will be an opportunity, or maybe.”

Junai Himejima comforted.

But she also knew that it would be difficult to grasp on their own will.

The larger the family, the less freedom.

Even if Lias is the successor suzerainty of the Gimonri family, there will be many times when she can’t help herself.

Just like she was then.

If I lived in an ordinary family, maybe that would not have happened.

A moment later.

Zhu Nai came back from the memories of the past, but his eyes were still a little sad.

“Zhu Nai, the past things have passed, and now it’s not just me, the kitten and Kiba Yudou, they are all your family.”

When Lias saw Zhu Nai’s appearance, she also comforted her.

“I know, I only have you family.”

Himejima Juno nodded, and then smiled as always.

“But I should have persuaded you, but I didn’t expect it to be the other way around.”

Hearing this, Lias also appeared with her usual smile.

“Leave those alone, the most important thing right now is to keep an eye on the movements of those fallen angels.”

The other side.

The miscellaneous things are still left to Linali to do.

After booking the hotel and checking in, Bai Ming and his party settled down temporarily.

The sound of running water came from the bathroom.

Love clean Esia bathes in the bathroom.

In order not to be taught a lesson, Linali began to learn online home economics courses in a way and strive to do better.

Bai Ming got to the couch and studied the leaflet handed to him by the little demon maid.

It’s the same as those sales flyers that often go down the street.

The bells and whistles on the front are very island-like.

As for the back, it is a finely painted magic array.

Most citizens will think of it as the style of this house of everything, but if you believe the recommended slogan above and make a wish in front of it, something unexpected may happen.

Bai Ming could feel the faint magic fluctuations on the leaflet.

This also proves that what the little devil maid said was not false.

“But just such daylight propaganda, I am really afraid that others will not know that they are demons.”

Bai Ming chuckled.

After studying it casually, I figured out how to use it.

You just need to face the magic array on the back and make your wish.

Bai Ming thought about it and quickly made a decision.

Since the little devil maid had made contact with her, it meant that Lias must have known of his appearance.

Perhaps the little princess of the Gimonri family was ready to spy on him with an enchantment.

Thinking of this, he began to make wishes towards the flyer.

At this point, Bai Ming also knows that there are also restrictions on the response mechanism of the leaflet.

For example, if you don’t believe in the existence of demons from your heart, it is not difficult to get a response even if you make a wish.

Only those who believe in the existence of demons, or have a strong desire in their hearts, have a greater chance of summoning demons.

It didn’t take long for the magic array to light up with a faint red light, and soon Bai Ming heard the voice.

“This is the House of Demon Everything, what wish would you make?”

A pleasant female voice came.

“Nothing, just experiment.”

Bai Ming said with a chuckle.


The other side was obviously confused by Bai Ming’s answer.

But soon he started replying back and saying the sales pitch.

As small as helping a grandmother cross the street, as big as becoming a billionaire.

Of course, the premise is to pay the right price.

Bai Ming did have the idea of experimentation at first.

It’s just that hearing the other party’s hard promotion, I also feel that it is not good to not allow the next wish.

“Any wish can come true?”

“Yes, but you need to pay the right price afterwards, and if you can’t pay it back, it is recommended not to make too many wishes.”

“I see”

Bai Ming thought for a few seconds before giving an answer.

“Is it possible to become a demon king?”


“… Just kidding, I need to find a man named Issei Hyoto, the more complete the information, the better. ”

“Your wish has been received, someone will contact you later to wish you a happy life.”

The magic array fell silent.

Bai Ming fell into thought.

Isn’t this an alternative phone service?

He also remembers that the type of service should also include door-to-door astringent service.


As a special concern.

After Bai Ming’s wish was screened, it was transmitted to Lias’s ears.

“The wish is to find someone? Issei Hyoto, Juna, do you have an impression of this name? ”

“With a slight impression, it seems to be a student of our school.”

“Our school…”

Lias was a little puzzled.

A group of foreign fallen angels came to Juwang Town specifically to find a student?

“Minister, let me go over and take a look.”

At this time, Himejima Juno took the initiative to suggest.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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