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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 051

Chapter 51

Falling behind twice in a row made it difficult for the proud Vali to calm down.

“But where the hell is he?”

Even him, who was able to open the forbidden hand at will, and his strength was comparable to that of the highest cadre of the fallen angel, fell into decline in the momentum confrontation, and it can be imagined that the other party’s strength was even stronger than he thought.

“Maybe you have a chance to use that trick.”

Valley fell into deep thought.

“Wally, your injury is just a warning from the other party, if it is next time, it may not be so out.”

The White Dragon Emperor’s soul admonished.

In the past, as the top Tianlong, it was also as proud as Wally.

But in the years sealed by the God of the Bible, I have also learned many truths.

One of the most beneficial is “forbearance”.

Unless you have absolute power, it is best to take a step back in the face of uncertainty.

“I know.”

The use of Tyrannosaurus can damage his vitality.

What’s more, he can’t maintain his transformation for too long now.

Wally, while belligerent, is not stupid.

Knowing the gap between yourself and the other party, you will definitely not act recklessly.

“But I will continue to practice until one day surpasses everyone in this world!”

“Good! It’s my host, that’s it! ”

The White Dragon Emperor laughed out loud.

“But Kokabil is dead, so it’s hard for you to go back and make an errand to Asashel, right?”

“Just tell the truth.”

Vali didn’t care at all.

Kokabil’s death is his own lack of strength, no one else is to blame.


A white meteor streaked over Komawang Town.

Finally, he landed in a cabin in the woods.

Pushing open the door, inside was a middle-aged man with a mature appearance and a pinch of yellow hair on his forehead.

Wearing a wide black and gray kimono, holding a Japanese-style sake jug in his hand, he was lying on the sofa very figuratively.

“Come back, Wally.”

He glanced at the expression that had been hanging, and when he noticed that there was no one in Vali’s hand, a serious expression appeared on his face.

He seemed to have guessed something.

“What about Kokabil, that bastard?”

“He’s dead.”

Vali looked at the man in front of him and said with a grim expression.

The man is his righteous father and the commander-in-chief of the fallen angels, Assachel.

“Actually dead?!”

The expression on his face could no longer be maintained, and Asachel even choked on the drink.

“The daughter of Jimonri and the Sidi family, even if you add those two holy sword envoys, they can’t be his opponents, how did he die?”

No matter how weak Kokabil’s strength is, it is also one of the cadres who survived in ancient times.

Although it is not at the level of the demon king, it also has the level of the highest level of demon.

At present, the entire Komawang Town can deal with Kokabil, except for him, only Vali is the White Dragon Emperor.

“He died before I went.”

Vali shook his head.

Asachel doubted that he was normal too.

After all, Vali is not so kind to others, especially the weak strength, and always looks like a high Kokabil.

“How is that possible?!”

Asashel’s expression was even more exciting.

“Who did it? Lucifer? Leviathan? Or did that Michael guy come in person? ”

It was about the sisters of the two demon kings, as well as the few missing holy swords, which could indeed alarm them to appear in person.

“Neither, a person I’ve never met.”

Vali shook his head, and then described Bai Ming’s situation.

“Asashel, do you know who it is?”

Hearing this, Asashel had a rough outline in his mind.

But according to his memory, no matter which mythical force he searched, he could not find the corresponding character.

What’s more, those god systems outside hadn’t invaded their domain for a long time.

Right at this moment.

Asachel froze, as if thinking of something, and his heart beat wildly.

“Do you know what kind of power he used?”

“I don’t know, I took a look at him and came back.”

Naturally, Vali didn’t say anything about his embarrassment.

Looking at Asachel’s expression, he asked.

“Do you know the origin?”

“… Not sure, hopefully not… No, it should be better not to! ”

Then, before Vali could continue to ask, Asashel’s eyes shook, and then he spoke: “Do you know the Indian incident that made a lot of noise some time ago?” ”

Wally nodded.

Giants and dragons fight in the city.

Although it has been debunked among the people as a synthetic special effect, it has alarmed all the mythological forces in the world.

Even today, countless investigators have traveled to India to find clues.

“Are you trying to say that this person is the giant who defeated the Great Red in the first place?”

“That’s why I said it’s better not.”

Asachel had a headache.

Although it is only speculation at the moment, if it is true, the joke can be big.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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