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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 082

Chapter 82

The number one genius of the Red Demon Clan:”General…All in all, this is a chat group, and there is a group member who can predict the future, right?”

Nightmare Elf:”That’s it.”

Nightmare Elf:”But I advise you not to know your future in advance. After all, the future is not static. Even a slight influence will interfere with your future. Of course, if you will encounter danger in the future, Mr. Bai Ming We will also kindly inform you in advance.

The first genius of the Red Demon Clan:”Okay.”…”

Seeing this explanation, Huihui gave up her idea.

I originally wanted to ask her future self if she would have big breasts. But it would be nice if you could predict the danger!

The first genius of the Crimson Demon Clan:”If I want to know, what do I need to pay? For example, money or something… Although it’s a good idea, she doesn’t have money.”

Predicting the dangers she will encounter in the future.

This kind of ability, which sounds quite powerful at first glance, must cost a lot of money! If you don’t buy, get 100% off!

Bai Ming:”I don’t charge for this. After all, it would be too unethical if I took your information and sold it to you. He never thought of charging a price in the first place.” What’s more, there is no charge. Fees may be charged.

Seeing this, Huihui’s eyes instantly lit up. It’s free!

I won’t feel sleepy anymore!

As a famous poor member of the Crimson Demon Clan, for Huihui, the best thing in the world is free prostitution! Because her family had no money, she often didn’t have enough to eat, so she took lunch boxes from her classmate Youyou to solve her hunger problem.

The reason why he didn’t rob others was because Yoyo’s father was the village chief of Red Devil Village, and his family was extremely rich, so the bento was the best.

More importantly, if you don’t know how to sue the teacher, who else will you rob her from?!

The first genius of the Crimson Demon Clan:”Then what dangers will I encounter in the future?”

She would not be polite if she had sex for free.

Bai Ming:”There are a lot of dangers, but every time you can avoid danger, and compared to this, I think you need to worry more about your work after leaving the village.”

After all, if you can only use explosive magic, there should be no such team You will want her. Even in the original work, the male protagonist Kazuma Sato tried to get rid of this burden many times in the early stages. It’s just that Huihui was too shameless and refused to leave, so she stayed.

The number one genius of the Crimson Demon Clan:”Yes, that’s right! I’m about to graduate from school! I’m going to start working to make money!” The number one genius of the Crimson Demon Clan:”But as the number one genius of the Crimson Demon Clan, so what? You might not be able to find a job!”

Lao Mo Na said,”That…Until now, it seems that I haven’t introduced myself yet.

The number one genius of the Red Demon Clan:”Are you asking for my name?” Then I will tell you with great mercy, I am Huihui! A person who makes a career as a great magician and controls the most powerful attack magic, Explosion Magic, will eventually reach the end of Explosion Magic!”

A girl in real life.

She raised her hand to the air and made a sharp look that pierced the opponent, and then shouted her name with her momentum and soul. The chat group was silent for a while.

Discharge Girl:”Self-introductions in other worlds are like this….How should I put it? Is it impressive? The first genius of the Red Demon Clan:”

Hmph!” Very handsome! You know, I am the first place in the naming contest for the younger generation of the Red Devil clan!”

Seeing this, except for Bai Ming, the other members of the group couldn’t help but ponder, where exactly is the Red Demon Clan where the newcomer is.

Naming contest? All members have the second disease?

The first genius of the Crimson Demon Clan:”Speaking of which, you have No one can make me increase the power of explosion magic!”

Discharge Girl:” What is explosion magic?”

The number one genius of the Red Demon Clan:”Explosion magic is explosion magic. It is the most powerful magic that can cause a big explosion!”

Lao Mo Na:”It’s magic….It sounds so magical.”

Discharge Girl:”I have super powers, I can’t help you.”

Nightmare Elf:”Sorry, no one here can use magic.

Bai Ming:”Didn’t any of you notice that the new function was enabled?” As I guessed before, many things can be drawn from the group lottery, including skills and props, and there may be things that increase the power of explosion magic.”

Nightmare Elf:”Huh? I didn’t notice?”

Mouna:”I forgot about it because a new member joined the group.”

The chat group fell silent for the time being. It was probably time to check out the two new features that were opened.

Bai Ming, while chatting before, figured out the contents of the two new features. The first is the group lottery.

As the name suggests, it is the lottery function.

There is only one prize pool in total, and the things in the prize pool come from infinite dimensional worlds. It can be as small as a piece of waste paper, or as big as a star cup that can dominate the universe.

There is nothing you can’t think of, and it costs 600 points to draw one time, ten consecutive prizes. Six thousand points and no discount. The dazzling array of superpowers and powerful props are dazzling. The specific classification is N, R, SR, SSR and UR.

However, Bai Ming, who has experienced various mobile game pitfalls, knows that this This thing is actually a poison pool.

The good ones are all at the front, but the bad ones are all useless and not shown.

Even this thing has no guarantee.

In other words, even if you invest 337 points at one time and invest 60,000 points, maybe In the end, you won’t even get a hair, it’s all blue sky and white clouds.

As for the points required for the lottery, you can get them through group tasks and sign-in.

However, there is a fixed score of 20 points for one sign-in. If you want to draw once, it will take thirty days., it takes almost a year to sign in for ten consecutive rounds.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for ordinary people to think of getting powerful props for free through signing in.

As for the group task function, the chat group will randomly release tasks, group members can also publish free tasks to each other, and group members who accept the tasks can go to the target world, and the rewards are uniformly formulated for the chat group.

In Bai Ming’s view, if you want to get points as soon as possible, the fastest way is to accept Tasks posted by the chat group.

Although group members can also post free tasks, the rewards are all drawn up by the chat group, which eliminates the possibility of scoring points. Although it is harsh, it is still fair. The only shortcoming is that It is not friendly to the weak and African chiefs.

However, for the weak, being able to travel across the world is a way to become stronger. It all depends on whether they are willing to work hard. Of course, for Bai Ming, he does not need to take this into consideration for the time being. Point.

After all, he is a strong man himself.

There are five updates on the shelves, and there should be one more tonight.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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