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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 087

Chapter 87

“What are the vampire arts?”

Tokisaki Kuangzo raised his hand to ask a question

“There are too many to count, so we need to be extra careful. Another thing to note is that currently the only ways the Demon Slayers can kill ghosts are sunlight and the Nichirin Sword, but whether our ability can completely kill ghosts is still a question, so Before going out to rack up points, it’s best to find some ghosts to test them out.”

Bai Ming stated


Tokisaki Kurumi nodded.

“If ghosts have an infinite lifespan, maybe this is the best place for me to come.”

After all, her angel can absorb other people’s time for her own use.

If it is true, she only needs to catch a ghost and force it out.

Maybe, just one ghost can satisfy all her needs to travel back to thirty years ago. Time! Thinking of this, she was also a little eager to try

“I don’t know if the electromagnetic gun can be effective.”

Hearing Bai Ming’s description, Misaka Mikoto’s original enthusiasm gradually cooled down.

If it really has such tenacious vitality, the railgun that just shoots coins out may not be that effective. But you can try something else.

“What about Mr. Bai Ming?”

Tokisaki Kuang05 asked

“I just want to be casual.”

After saying that, Bai Ming placed the three holy swords that he had been carrying behind his back on the table.

Then he untied the magic sealing cloth that sealed the sacred power, revealing the three gorgeous holy swords inside.

“I’ll just pick one and give it a try. Which of you will use the remaining two?”

“Two handfuls?”

The girls looked confused.

But after Bai Ming took away one of them, it was obvious that only one was left. After all, one of them was broken, and only the hilt was left.

“Oh, that one is a transparent holy sword, which is invisible to the naked eye.”

Bai Ming explained as he picked up the dagger in the girl’s eyes.

As he waved it gently, a weak wave of air arose.

“It’s amazing.”

Butterfly Kanae expressed admiration.

Compared to other people in the group, she is just an ordinary person who knows some sword skills.

“I don’t need it, I’m not good at using a sword.”

Tokisaki Kurumi shook her head.

Spiritual equipment and angels are her best weapons.

Although Misaka Mikoto on the side was envious, she also shook her head.

“I don’t know how to use a sword. We were never taught how to use such a thing in Academy City.”

Bai Ming looked at Butterfly Kanae

“Miss Butterfly, come and try it. If it can be used, it will be more efficient to score points.”

After Butterfly Kanae took it, she only felt her hand sink, and at the same time she felt a faint Yuan current flowing in the palm of her hand. But other than that, there was no other reaction. At the same time, the mysterious feeling disappeared immediately.. Butterfly Kanae blinked, a little confused.

Seeing this, Bai Ming explained:”It should be because it does not have the Holy Sword factor, but it doesn’t matter. Even if it cannot exert the power of the Holy Sword, it should be better than the Nichirin Sword.” Easy to use”

“So when do we set out to kill ghosts?”

Misaka Mikoto is impatient and hates evil.

“Please wait.”

Butterfly Kanae suddenly said.

Everyone looked at her, and the latter looked a little embarrassed.

“There’s something I want to know, if it’s possible…I mean maybe, could humans and ghosts have a chance to coexist peacefully?”

After the words fell, everyone except Bai Ming fell into thinking.

But in the end, both Tokisaki Kurumi and Misaka Mikoto turned their eyes on Bai Ming. They are just helpers who came from time-travel, so this kind of question is difficult to answer.

Of course, To be fair, they didn’t quite understand.

It was clear that they had been killed and their families were ruined, so why could they still hold on to such thoughts? If it were them, they would have already turned dark and started killing.

When Butterfly Kanae saw this, she also turned her attention On Bai Ming, there is a little expectation in his eyes

“It’s difficult. As long as there are humans on the ghost’s diet, it’s impossible to live in peace with each other. You just need to put yourself in their shoes and think about it. Who would be a normal person willing to live with a man-eating monster? Maybe there are props in the lottery pool that can modify cause and effect, but it’s meaningless if you can’t draw them out. Of course, if you persist, you might be able to draw similar magical props one day.”

“However, before you save those ghosts, how many people will have their families destroyed because of ghosts? Have you considered it?”

“At least in my opinion, dead ghosts are good ghosts”


Butterfly Kanae fell silent.

And this time.

The tatami was suddenly opened from the outside, and a younger girl who looked similar to Butterfly Kanae, wearing a black Demon Slayer uniform, walked in.

The girl’s expression was a little excited

“elder sister! Why are you still thinking this way? Has my sister forgotten how the ghost caused our family to be destroyed?!”


Kanae looked at her, her eyes fluctuating

“Of course I know this kind of thing, but……”

“Just what? Sister, after all these years, why are you still like this? Why do you have to have sympathy for ghosts? All ghosts deserve to die!”

The girl named Butterfly Ninja confronted Kanae with tears streaming down her face.

She was usually well-behaved and obedient, but she had a huge disagreement with Kanae on this matter.

“Because some ghosts did not want to become ghosts themselves, they are victims just like us. Butterfly Kanae said softly”


550 Butterfly Ninja wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Bai Ming

“Let me say one more thing.”

Bai Ming said

“Among ghosts, there are indeed the kind of pitiful people Miss Butterfly mentioned. However, after becoming ghosts, their good nature will be completely covered by the desire for flesh and blood, whether it is eating people or hurting others., all conducted under circumstances beyond their control.”

“But they still subconsciously watch what they do, but they can’t control it.”

“Therefore, I feel that the victims you mentioned may be looking forward to dying more than others.”

There was silence for a long time.

Even the crying of Butterfly Ninja gradually stopped.

Butterfly Kanae sighed, and her eyes regained their composure:”Mr. Bai Ming, in the past, I had my own way of thinking. Maybe what you said is right.”

“So sister, have you changed your mind? Butterfly wiped away her tears and said

“Um…As Mr. Bai Ming said, freeing them is the best way to save them.”

The differences were easily resolved.

Tokisaki Kurumi looked at Bai Ming with some admiration.

However, before she could speak, she heard Misaka Mikoto exclaim:”Megumin, what’s the matter with you?! Say something?”

Everyone turned around and saw that Huihui’s face was ashen, her hands were clasping her neck and she couldn’t speak, and she looked like she was about to die.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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