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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 089

Chapter 89

The headquarters of the Demon Slayer Corps is located among the mountains. It is deserted for dozens of kilometers.

In the past, it was no better than in modern times. It was only a little easier than finding a needle in a haystack to accurately search for a target within a range of hundreds of square kilometers.

If you want to enter the headquarters, you have to become a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. This is a rule set by the Ubuyashiki family.

The head of the family of this generation is named Ubuyashiki Yoshiya. Because Onibatsuji Muzai’s bloodline originated from a branch of the Ubuyashiki family, this bloodline was cursed, and the children he gave birth to died early, until they were later married to women from the Priest clan. Only the offspring can live to be around thirty years old.

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya is the core of the Demon Slayer Corps and has always lived in the Demon Slayer Corps’ headquarters.

As for Bai Ming and his team’s status as outsiders, when they appeared here, they still had a certain degree of influence. But maybe it was Butterfly Kanae who said something.

Those observing eyes were not hostile.

Ubuyashiki Yōya appeared in a wheelchair under the eaves of the main hall.

Due to the curse, he was seriously ill and the upper half of his face was completely disfigured, making him look even more ferocious than a ghost. Misaka Mikoto and Megumin were both startled when they saw it, and subconsciously closed the distance between them and Bai Ming.

However, Ubuyashiki Yoshiya didn’t care:”I have heard about you from Kanae. You said that you have a way to deal with the ghost king. Can you tell me what happened?” The sudden reaction to Kanae before. Visiting Ubuyashiki Yoshiya didn’t pay much attention at first.

However, when she heard from the girl that she had some friends from far away who had a way to kill the Ghost King, she couldn’t sit still.

Regarding Kanae’s character, Ubuyashiki Yōya can trust her.

She also has a younger sister. Her parents were killed a few years ago, but only the two sisters were saved by Yan Zhu Ming Yu Xing Ming.

After that, both of their sisters passed the exam and became members of the Demon Slayer Corps. Kanae worked hard and became the flower pillar of Nine Pillars. Ubuyashiki Yaoya has seen all the growth of these sisters, and he is a trustworthy person.

But today was uncharacteristically different.

It is said that there are capable people and strangers who can eradicate the evil of ghosts. Strangers, but some strangers.

But is it capable?…Not necessarily.

At least Uyashiki Yōya can’t believe these young boys and girls in front of him for the time being.

“It’s very simple, we are here to kill Wu Mei, but in this process China needs the help of your Demon Slayer Squad. Bai

Ming said.

Then, Butterfly Kanae continued:”Mr. Bai Ming and the others hope to lure out Wu Mei, and then they will take action to kill him.””

“How to induce Wuhan? Ubuyashiki

Yaoya asked weakly.

They have not heard from the Ghost King for hundreds of years.

“Using you as bait, as long as Muzan knows where the head of the Ubuyashiki family is, he will definitely come over and kill you with his own hands.”

As soon as these words came out, everything was quiet.

Ubuya Shiki Yaoya looked at Bai Ming in surprise.

But before he could speak, there were several more energetic voices.

“I disagree!”

The person who came here had weird long yellow and red hair, thick eyebrows, but his eyes were as bright as flames.

“It’s too dangerous to use the lord as bait, not to mention your origins and strength are unknown, we can’t trust you!”

“It is too dangerous for my lord to be exposed. I…ah…”

At this time, another sweet voice came from not far away.

A stocky girl with emerald eyes and cherry-pink hair styled into three braids trotted over. To say she is stocky is not because she is fat.

Instead, his body is plump, but there is no trace of fat on his body.

During the trot, the modified Demon Slayer uniform was a little open. Compared with her peers, the curves were fuller and more beautiful, which made Megumin look a little jealous.

Dayuexiong is a bad civilization! At the same time comfort yourself.

She must be malnourished to be like this.

The girl with cherry-pink hair ran in front of everyone without breathing, but she couldn’t say a complete sentence. Just because she saw Bai Ming standing in the crowd.

For a girl who joins the Demon Slayer Corps just to find a husband, Bai Ming completely fits her imagination of the Mr. Right.

“He is Purgatory Anjuro, and the person next to him is his disciple Mitsuri Kanroji.”

Butterfly Chanae introduced to everyone in a low voice

“What’s more, where did you come from? Judging from your attire, you don’t look like members of the Demon Slayer Corps!”

Purgatory Xingjulang spoke in a very loud voice.

“It does not matter.”

Bai Ming shook his head and spoke softly, but his voice was clear and could be heard.

“The reason for not trusting us is simply to doubt our strength, but if we can guarantee that everything remains unchanged and can kill without misfortune, what is your attitude?”

“ah…Oh my god…”

Seeing Bai Ming speak, Ganlu Temple Mili exclaimed slightly. Such a handsome man was the only one she had ever seen.

And just once, she almost fell in love with him

“How to prove it!”

Purgatory Anjuro said loudly.

However, Bai Ming did not answer, but looked at Ubuya Shiki Yoshiya.

Although he is suffering from illness and his strength is not as good as ordinary people, he is undoubtedly the core of the Demon Slayer Team. All members of the Demon Slayer Team are only Will listen to him alone

“If there is a way to eliminate Wu Ke. Ubuyashiki Yōya nodded.”

If the root of the disaster can be eradicated, then it doesn’t matter if he sacrifices himself.

What’s more, he ordered his wife to plant a large amount of explosives in the residence to prevent the day when Wuhan finds him. Although they can’t die together, at least they won’t be caught. He was threatened as a hostage.

Seeing his lord speaking, the others stopped talking. Bai Ming looked at Sister Pao with a smile.

“Come on, Mikoto, give them the whole job.”

Misaka Mikoto looked at him blankly.

What is a whole job?

“Mr. Bai Ming means to let you show your strength. Tokisaki Kurumi on the side added”

“So that’s it, to put it simply. Misaka Mikoto nodded.”

Although she doesn’t know what the situation is now, she needs to show her hand now. However, it is quite embarrassing to take action in public like this. The brown-haired girl took out a coin from her pocket, took a deep breath, and said In the shocked eyes of the members of the killing team, a pale electric current emerged from the girl’s body, and then converged like water on the right hand holding the coin.

The next second, the dazzling light emitted by the railgun illuminated the shadows under the eaves, and It lights up the incredible faces of everyone in the Demon Slayer Corps.

Thank you for the reward from I Want You, the ultimate fate. I wish you good health and never die.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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