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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 097

Chapter 97: Group mission completed.

Chapter 97

Tokisaki Kurumi took a few steps forward.

Then, the girl raised her hand and waved, and invisible power spread from her body.

It was as if even the light was blocked, making the surrounding environment darker and tinged with a bit of scarlet.

Noticing the situation here, the girls looked over one after another.

“You may feel a little depressed next, but it will disappear soon.”

Tokisaki Kurumi’s soft voice came.

Flame-like spiritual power wrapped around the girl’s body.

On the glowing body of Tokisaki Kurumi, the original clothes dissipated like ashes. When the light dissipated, Her original normal sailor uniform has been replaced by a gorgeous red and black vest dress with lace trim.

Even her hairstyle has been changed into two ponytails, one long and one short, and the covered left eye is also exposed..If you look closely, you can find that the shape of Kurumi’s eyes is a golden clock.

This gorgeous dress is called”Divine Power Spirit Outfit Sanban”. It is the special power given to the girl by the spiritual crystal after Kurumi became an elf..

Then, as the words fell, the hands of the clock in Tokisaki Kurumi’s left eye jumped, and then a depressing and heavy feeling came from the outside.

The vision in front of everyone was slightly distorted like a dream.

–The city of that time.

Tokisaki Kurumi’s power comes from the angel given by the spiritual crystal – Emperor Keke.

Emperor Keke possesses 16 powers related to time.

But because of this, because the power of angels is too powerful, if you want to use it, you must pay a price.

This price is Kuang San’s time, which is his lifespan.

In order to prevent his own time from running out, Kurumi can only replenish himself by devouring other people’s time.

And this twisted and dim barrier is the city of hell she uses to replenish time.

According to the wishes of Tokisaki Kuang and the other three, any life form that steps into the barrier will have its lifespan forcibly sucked away, and its body will become extremely heavy and unable to move.

Generally speaking, ordinary people without spiritual power cannot resist at all.

However, under the deliberate control of Kurumi Tokisaki, Bai Ming and his party were not affected by the Castle of Natoki.

On the other hand, Hui Hui was thoughtful.

Being sucked away from time means growing older.

And if you get older, does that mean your body can grow and become big breasts?

But she would just think about this kind of thing by herself.

Ink-like shadows appeared on the ground covered with green grass.

Then, countless pale ghost hands, like those in a horror movie, lifted the ghosts that Tokisaki Kurumi had previously captured out of the shadow space.

For a moment, ghosts cried and wolves howled.

Confusion, panic, despair, anger, hatred and many other negative emotions burst out together.

These ghosts transformed by Wu Kai all had some strong wishes during their lifetime.

After death in the human heart, negative emotions are infinitely amplified, and one has a strong hatred for everything in the world.

As the saying goes, evil spirits are ferocious.

But in the current situation, I don’t know who is the ghost.

After all, compared to these ghosts.

No matter how weak Tokisaki Kurumi is, she is still a girl who killed tens of thousands of humans with her own hands.

Bai Ming shook this thought out of his mind.

Kurumi is not bad in nature, and is completely different from those cannibals who simply hate humans.

Under the gaze of everyone, Tokisaki Kurumi began the operation of absorbing time.

There were dark red threads in the air connected to the ghost’s body, but no matter how they twisted and struggled, it was to no avail.

Bai Ming saw some kind of substance entering Kuang San’s body.

He guessed that that should be the time after the city of Nashi was materialized.

Not long after.

The strength of these ghosts’ struggles is getting weaker and weaker, and their bodies are getting heavier.

Until the end, even the young appearance turned into as old as a dying old man, with cloudy pupils, and finally lost focus and turned into corpses.

Tokisaki frowned incomprehensibly.

At this time, the girl heard a voice coming from behind her

“Is it going well?”

“It went smoothly, just not what I expected.”

Tokisaki Kuangzo sighed slightly.

“Although these ghosts are very tenacious, they are only several times longer than normal human lifespans.”

“Is it only a few times?”

Bai Ming was also surprised.

“Well, those ghosts called Shangxian have a longer lifespan.”

Tokisaki Kurumi shook his head.

Bai Ming thought for a while and knew why.

Just like what Tokisaki Kurumi experimented with.

The lifespan of ordinary ghosts is only several times that of normal people.

The reason why they are said to grow up by the Demon Slayer Corps The reason for immortality is that ghosts can maintain vitality as long as they continue to eat.

This has nothing to do with lifespan.

Supplementing blood and flesh can effectively maintain cell activity in the body to achieve rapid recovery and almost immortality.

But when a ghost cannot eat for a long time down, the energy in the body will continue to be consumed until death

“Energy conservation law?”

Tokisaki Kurumi popped out this word

“This should be the truth.”

Bai Ming nodded, and then looked at her unexpectedly.

“Do you understand this?”

“No, I just look through books occasionally.”

Tokisaki Kurumi smiled a little reluctantly.

She wouldn’t say that after Bai Ming’s connotation last time, she made up her mind to read a book to enrich herself.

Bai Ming thought for a while, then pointed at Wuhan who looked horrified and said:”Should we absorb his time?”

Hearing this, Tokisaki Kurumi was immediately moved and excited.

As a ghost king, Mukan’s lifespan must be longer than that of ordinary ghosts, at least starting from a thousand years.

But after thinking about it carefully, she shook her head slightly and rejected Bai Ming’s proposal.

“No need, Mr. Bai Ming, Wuhan is your trophy, I won’t touch it, and if it only lasts for a thousand years, I can earn it back by going to the prison a few more times.”

Bai Ming felt helpless.

His original intention was to let Kurumi Tokisaki absorb Wuhan’s lifespan, and in the end, he would give the fatal blow.

However, after hearing Kurumi mention this, he didn’t explain much. Then he raised his arm, and in Wu Ke’s horrified eyes, he slashed down from top to bottom.

Even the clouds were split open, revealing the beautiful moonlight.

But Wu Ke’s figure had already disappeared in front of this devastating power. It was completely exhausted.

This was the first time for the girls who were watching to see Bai Ming take action.

Compared with each of his own gorgeous moves, Bai Ming’s attack methods were simple and unpretentious, but there was no doubt about the power that shocked the soul.

Bai Ming casually chopped down that hand. After holding the knife, he retracted his arm and looked at the girls who seemed to be looking at monsters.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

Bai Ming was surprised for a moment, and then regretted speaking.

“It seemed that it was too easy to let Wu Miserably die.”

Over the past thousand years, countless people have been killed directly or indirectly by Wuhan.

As the largest and most evil boss in the world, he has to undergo heart-wrenching torture before being thrown into the sunshine. He died miserably.

Do you want to be resurrected and kill again?

There should be gods in this world. If you want to be resurrected, you only need to go to the underworld for a while.

Bai Ming thought about it and then gave up the idea. If you die, just die., after living for so long, it’s time to kill him with a knife.

Not to mention Bai Ming’s own thoughts, Butterfly Kanae also felt relieved after seeing this scene. She subconsciously put her hand on Yue and she could feel it., the heartbeat that used to be calm was now beating faster and faster.

The scene of Wu Mei disappearing and the white figure with his back turned was deeply imprinted in her eyes.

【Group message: It is detected that all tasks have been completed and rewards are being settled…….】

At this time, everyone received a prompt from the chat group

“It seems it’s over.”

Tokisaki Kurumi murmured


Butterfly Kanae nodded slightly.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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