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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 100

Chapter 100 Do you think I would be interested in you taking a bath?.

Chapter 100

Half an hour later.

The dormitory master who finally finished the lecture let Misaka Mikoto go back to the dormitory.

The girl dragged her tired body back to the room and threw herself on the bed. tired!

She clicked on the chat group and complained about what she had just experienced.

Discharge Girl:”I’m so exhausted! Why did you come back so late!”

If you didn’t come back so late, you wouldn’t be caught by the dormitory, and you wouldn’t have to suffer this inhuman”torture.”

Discharge Girl:”We agreed to travel to the past in an instant, and can we travel back in an instant?”

Bai Ming:”What is the illusion that makes you think you can do these two things in an instant?”

Discharge Girl:”I saw it written in a science magazine Yes, if there are parallel worlds, the speed of time in the two worlds may be different, one is very slow, and the other is very fast!”

Bai Ming:”The speed of time is indeed different. We stayed in the other world for two days, and the time after coming back It’s only been half a day.”

Lao Mo Na:”It’s only been half a day. After all, I thought it would take you several days to come back.”

The first genius of the Red Demon Clan:”So there is such a thing. Huh! I thought it had been two days!”

Nightmare Elf:”If the time flow rate is different, it can save a lot of trouble, but it is not as mysterious as Mikoto said.”

Bai Ming:”It should be a two to one time flow rate., this is probably also the work of the chat group.”

Discharge Girl: Okay! It seems that you need to be more careful next time you take on a mission! I’m going to take a shower! Maomaotou.jpg [Group notification: Group member Discharge Girl withdrew a message. 】

Discharge girl:”Okay! It seems that you have to pay more attention next time when you accept a mission! Cat head.jpg.”

Lao Mo Na:”Why did you withdraw that sentence just now?”

Nightmare Elf:”After all, Mikoto is also a woman My child, it’s definitely not convenient to talk about taking a bath.”

Bai Ming:”Having said that, do you think I would be the one interested in Misaka-san taking a bath?”

Everyone thought in their minds that Bai Ming’s demeanor was elegant. and the barren image of Misaka Mikoto, a junior high school student.

Ah, indeed.

Misaka Mikoto, who had already walked to the private bathroom of the dormitory, felt a little unhappy for no reason after seeing Bai Ming’s answer.

Why does it feel like Bai Ming is connoting that she has a bad figure?

While thinking, she looked down again and saw her flat belly. hateful!

It would be nice if you couldn’t see here!

Butterfly Kanae:”Everyone has worked hard these past two days, thank you.jpg.”

Model Model:”Ah! Sister Kanae actually uses emojis too.”

Nightmare Elf:”It’s getting late today, right? Tomorrow Nay, don’t you still have to go to school tomorrow? Is it really okay to stay up so late?”

Lao Mo Na:”I originally planned to go to bed, but when I saw you guys coming back, I came in to chat for a while, and I will go to bed right away!”

Nightmare Elf:” What a good boy~”

Nightmare Elf:”Well, good night everyone, Mr. Bai Ming, good night~~~”

Bai Ming:”Good night.”

After saying goodbye to each other, Bai Ming exited the chat group.

The first group mission was not that difficult.

It’s more of an outing than a mission.

But this is normal.

After all, the strength of ghosts lies there, even big-bodied adults can confront ordinary ghosts, let alone them as extraordinary beings.

A miserable death is doomed whether they go or not.

The difference is that after they pass, far fewer people will die.

After all, Demon Slayer’s alias is Hashira Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

As for the harvest this time, it is quite rich for him.

Although only one person, Wu Kuai, was killed, as the bane of everything, the kill reward of up to 6,000 points was recognized by the chat group. His value.

And six thousand points can already be used for ten rounds.

Bai Ming subconsciously clicked into the lottery interface.

The wide variety of UR, SSR and other props are dazzling.

But if you continue to scroll down and click on the hidden interface, you will find that a large number of props with R-level value and below are flooding the field of vision, and Yishui’s N cards account for the vast majority, which is outrageous.

“Sure enough, there is no such thing as free prostitution. Without a guarantee, you don’t know what kind of garbage you will get.”……

Bai Ming has also been a victim of gold-based mobile games in the past, and he knows how pitiful a lottery mechanism without a guarantee can be.

And compared with the virtual props of mobile game lottery, the lottery of chat group is undoubtedly more precious.

Thinking of this, Bai Ming closed the chat group and restrained his desire to draw a lottery.

This lottery is very precious, and we have to let the comrades try the water first.

And it is not difficult to speculate that if the number of people in the chat group increases in the future, the group function will be further updated.

The difficulty of obtaining points may also be greatly reduced by then.

Thinking of this, Bai Ming got up from the sofa and stood up.

After running around for two days, although I didn’t break out a small amount of sweat, it was still dusty.

Passing by the bathroom, I heard the sound of running water.

It’s the breath of a fallen angel.

Bai Ming, who was originally planning to find something to fill his stomach, stopped, with a smile on his lips, turned around and walked towards Fang Ju’s bathroom.

Behind the frosted door is a hazy but beautiful figure.

Perhaps realizing that someone had come in, the sound of running water stopped, and Linali’s voice came from inside:”Yes…Master?”

She could feel Bai Ming’s breath, but she wasn’t very sure.

Bai Ming didn’t answer, but took off his clothes skillfully and walked in.

An exclamation sounded, and after a while, there was a faint sound different from the previous sound of water.

Rubbing. The sleepy Asia came out of the bedroom, ready to take a rest, but the sound from inside made the girl who was approaching wake up. After a pause for a few seconds, Asia’s pretty face became extremely rosy. The saint who realized what was going on inside, after a fierce After a mental struggle, he retreated quietly.

Bai Ming naturally felt Asia’s approach.

However, if they live together, this kind of thing will inevitably happen in the future, and being secretive will make it more obvious.

What’s more, Bai Ming originally regarded Asia as My own woman.

If the time comes for harvesting, there will be no need to act coyly, and it will be natural.

But no matter what,

Asia Argento is destined to have insomnia tonight…


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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