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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 102

Chapter 102: The gap returns to the line.

Chapter 102

Discharge Girl:”Huh? Why?”

Bai Ming:”You should know very well about the lottery. There is no guarantee for this kind of lottery. If you just draw randomly, you will easily die.”

Discharge Girl:”You It seems that this is true! If there is no guarantee, you have to be prepared for a shipwreck.”

The first genius of the Red Devil clan:”What is a shipwreck?”

Lao Mo Na:”It means that you didn’t draw anything., or the items drawn are all junk items.”

The first genius of the Red Demon Clan:”In this case, doesn’t it mean that it is very likely that you will not be able to draw something that enhances the power of explosion magic!”

Nightmare Elf:”It is very possible.”

Butterfly Kanae:”It turns out that there is such a profound problem in the lottery.”

Bai Ming:”So don’t worry about the lottery in advance. After all, as far as I am concerned, there is nothing special that I need. And I speculate that when the number of people in the lottery is larger, When the time comes, the 16-day chat group will also open more new functions simultaneously.”

Bai Ming:”For example, it is easier to obtain points, or other functions that are beneficial to group members.”

Nightmare Elf:”Indeed, get points now The difficulty is a bit high. In comparison, the lottery seems too precious. The shipment is okay, but if it doesn’t, it’s a big loss.”

Lao Mo Na said:”The points are too precious, especially for someone like me who has no strength at all. For a little transparent person, cock.”

She was not even qualified to participate in the last mission.

Although the ghost is not strong, it is still compared to Bai Ming and others.

A rich lady like Yusei Asuna, who goes in just to deliver food to ghosts.

Butterfly Kanae:”That’s true. If the group members are ordinary people, from the current point of view, they can only rely on signing in to get points.”

Bai Ming:”That’s why I said that after the new function is opened, there may be more Ways to get points.”

Discharge Girl:”Wait! Can I regard this sentence as an announcement from the GM?”

“Bai Ming:?”

Nightmare Elf:”That does make sense. After all, after Mr. Baek Ming finished speaking last time, the chat group updated the relevant content.”

Lao Mo Na:”Mr. Baek Ming is the GM! Will you give me points if you act cute?! Ogle.jpg.

Bai Ming:”Come to my house, first come, first served.””

Nightmare Elf:”Ah la la? Mr. Bai Ming, have you got some evil idea?”

Lao Mo Na:”Yeah! Mr. Bai Ming, you are actually this kind of person! The policeman is him.jpg.”

Discharge girl:”Oh, if it is true, then update it quickly. After what happened yesterday, I am a little afraid to take on tasks casually.”

After all, you are still a student, and you are still a Tokiwadai Academy with a strict school ethos. There is even a terrifying dormitory.

Bai Ming:”Misaka-san, if it is not necessary, it may be best not to take on the task in the near future. If you definitely want to take it in the future, If the mission leaves Academy City, it is best to find a private place that is secluded.”

Discharge girl:” Huh? Why?”

Nightmare Elf:”I know, it’s a spoiler!”

Lao Mo Na:”Yeah! Is Misaka-san in danger?!”

Am I going to be in danger?

Seeing this, Misaka Mikoto remembered that Bai Ming had said before that she would tell them in advance about the future that would be unfavorable to them, so that she would have time to take countermeasures.

Now seeing Bai Ming’s suggestion, she felt in her heart Suddenly I was a little on edge, and I lowered my head and looked around furtively, ha!

For a moment, the girls who were listening carefully to the class all looked like wolves and tigers in the eyes of Sister Pao. Which unruly person wanted to harm me!

Bai Ming:”Currently Looking at it, I can’t tell if it’s dangerous. Do you know Aleister Crowley?”

Discharge Girl:”Of course I know, this name is the chairman of our Academy City.”

It is impossible that there are people who don’t know him in the entire Academy City, but what is puzzling is that until now, this chairman has never appeared in public.

Bai Ming:”He lives in the Seventh School District, inside that windowless building, a sky loop was built that can monitor the entire city. As the third person, you are also within the monitoring range of the loop.”

Discharge Girl:” The empty return line…….Spy on me?! However, I have never felt that way! If there is an electronic device monitoring me, there is no way I can’t detect it!”

As the controller of electromagnetic force.

The electromagnetic gun is just one of her own unique skills. Her abilities in other aspects are far more extensive than destructive power.

The most typical one is the”thought hacker”.

For ordinary hackers For example, even a genius hacker needs a computer as a tool.

But Misaka Mikoto can directly manipulate electrons to perform hacking behaviors.

And all she needs is a visual screen to control the behavior path of electrons..

It’s like playing a game.

At the same time, the reason why Misaka Mikoto said that no monitor can monitor her is because she will deliberately disable electronic cameras and sensors when using her abilities. What

Bai Ming said about her It’s also within the surveillance range, so naturally I don’t believe it.

Bai Ming:”There is a special structure outside the air loop that can resist the electromagnetic field you emit.”

Discharge girl:” But I didn’t see anything.

Bai Ming:”The stagnation loop is only seventy nanometers in size, so of course you can’t see it.”

Lao Mo Na:”Seventy nanometers?” How small that is!”

Discharge Girl:”So, what exactly is going on?”

Bai Ming:”I told you, it is a tool used by your chairman to monitor Academy City. The total number is at least 50 million.”

Discharge Girl:”???”

Discharge Girl:”Fifty million? Did I hear wrongly? Those things are monitoring me?”

Bai Ming:”If I’m monitoring you, one is enough.”

Discharge Girl:”Then don’t I monitor you twenty-four hours a day? Are you being monitored?!”

Nightmare Elf:”So, you can even go to the toilet and take a shower?”

Discharge Girl:”!!!!”

Lao Mo Na:”Super pervert!”

Bai Ming:”Don’t worry about privacy issues. The air loops are mainly distributed on the main roads and will not enter private areas, let alone bathrooms and the like.”


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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