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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 106

Chapter 106: The disobedient little wild cat.

Chapter 106

Of course.

In addition, Heige has a second purpose in coming to Kuoh Town.

That is when he learned that his sister Baiyin, whom he had abandoned in the past, also lived in Kuoh Town and had become a dependent of Demon King Lucifer’s sister.

Therefore, Kuroka wants to take Shirayone away and reunite the sisters.

Now, she came to Juwang Town.

And while lurking in the dark, he saw his sister.

At that time, Kuroka resisted the urge to show up and take Shirone away.

Because she knew that it was impossible to take away Baiyin from the hands of someone who could even defeat Vali with her own strength.

For this reason, she kept observing their every move in the dark until Rias and her group left.

Of course, considering that the Disaster Group would take action next, Heige still suppressed his temper.

After that, Heige continued to stay, wanting to see what the man he chose would do on a daily basis.

But the thought that Soliloquy suddenly said to Bai Yin made Kuroka’s eyes suddenly widen.

This man mentioned Baiyin?!

What is his purpose?

To Kuroka, Shirone is her most important sister.

The reason why the demon master was killed back then was because the demon broke its promise and wanted to experiment on Bai Yin.

Baiyin was not taken away later because Heige knew that if he took his sister with him, the final result would be that neither of them could escape from the pursuit of the underworld, so he took all the responsibilities on his own and left his young sister in the underworld..

And Heige, who left, never forgot Baiyin’s existence.

While searching for Bai Yin’s traces, she also continued to practice immortal skills. She only hoped that the sisters would be reunited in the future and she would have the strength to protect Bai Yin without having to abandon her sister again.

Heige was impulsive. She didn’t want to see anyone hurt Baiyin again.

She continued to eavesdrop.

I didn’t notice anything strange about Bai Ming at all.


Bai Ming saw the girl who had tidied up the room speak.

“How have you been getting along with the kitten during this time?”

“Kitty classmate?……..She is very nice. She not only goes to and from school with me every day, but also takes me to visit many facilities in the school. She also wants to invite me to go shopping on weekends….ah…Mr. Bai Ming, you…Do you agree to let me go?”

The girl in question was a little nervous.

In her impression, Bai Ming is the head of the family, and everything needs his permission before she can do it.

“Of course there is no problem, but Asia, since you are a good friend of Kitty, have you ever heard her talk about her sister?”

Asia had a puzzled expression on her face:”Konet’s classmate’s sister? She never said she had a sister.”

Hearing Asia’s words, Heige, who was eavesdropping outside the house, felt as if his heart was being tugged hard.

“I heard from Rias that Koneko once had a sister, but she escaped from the underworld because of a crime and abandoned Koneko who was very young at the time and almost died. It was she who used her privileges to help Koneko clean up. suspected.”

Bai Ming explained

“Original…Is there such a thing? Kitty-san is so pitiful…”

A sympathetic expression appeared on Asia’s face.

The kind-hearted girl couldn’t help but pity the kitten’s plight.

“Her sister was so heartless that she abandoned such a young sister.”

Hearing this,

Heige outside the house couldn’t help but blame herself and feel sad.

She didn’t expect that so many things would happen to her after she left Bai Yin to escape alone.

But she clearly didn’t think that way.

Yes I wanted to leave a way for Bai Yin to survive, so I didn’t take her away.

But when I recalled the time I saw Bai Yin’s face when I was peeping, there was never a smile on her face.

Did I really do something wrong before?

“Yes, what she did back then was indeed ruthless, but if her sister had taken Bai Yin away, the outcome might have been even worse.”

“…….So Mr. Bai Ming, do you know where Kitty Classmate’s sister is? Asia asked innocently.

Bai Ming nodded:”Maybe in a very far away place, maybe in a very close place.””

“Very close?”

“Of course, for example, because he wanted to make up for his past mistakes and take away the kitten, he came to Kuoh Town. In this way, it would not be too difficult to find her now.”

Bai Ming’s voice continued to come.

And Hei Ge was also surprised by Bai Ming’s guess at this moment…

I didn’t expect that this man was not only strong in force, but also had a good brain.

After a few seconds,

Hei Ge was a little enlightened.

Why was there suddenly no sound??

Then, the dim moonlight was blocked.

Heige subconsciously looked up at the opened window.

The figure that suddenly appeared on the balcony made her tremble with shock, and the hair on her back stood on end, but as a cat demon, her reaction It can’t be said to be unhappy.

The transformation was completed in an instant, from the human form to a black cat with beautiful black hair.

The girl who turned into a black cat raised her cat eyes and looked at the balcony with lingering fear.

I didn’t know when, Bai Ming is already standing there

“I thought someone was outside, but it turned out to be a black cat.”

What a risk, what a risk!

Fortunately, I didn’t get discovered.

Heige is quite proud of her transformation skills.

In addition, fairy magic is very convenient in masking her aura, and she is a cat demon.

She is confident that even if she is the Demon King, I can’t even see my identity


Seeing the man looking over, Heige called out to him.


If anything happens in the future, come to me, and don’t attack Baiyin, meow!

After speaking in cat language, Heige walked on cat steps and prepared to leave..

But before that, a pair of big hands pressed down from the top of the head, and then picked up the black cat from the waist.

“Meow Meow 2.6 Meow?”

The black cat began to struggle, but he did not dare to use too much force for fear that he would not be able to hide his evil spirit.

“Mr. Bai Ming, why is there a black cat outside? Asia asked in surprise.

“I don’t know, maybe it’s a wild cat, but it looks good.”

Bai Ming lifted the black cat up

“And it’s still a female cat.”

The black cat struggled even harder.

Don’t look there!

Don’t look there!”

“Asia, you go and rest, you have to go to school tomorrow.”

Bai Ming said

“Yes, then I’m going to take a shower.”

Asia nodded and then left.

Seeing this, Bai Ming turned the direction of the black cat, faced the black cat and said with a chuckle

“It’s not a good thing for a disobedient little wild cat to sneak into other people’s homes.”


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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