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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 107

Chapter 107: I’m afraid of you.

Chapter 107

Hearing the words.

Black Cat was suddenly shocked.



Her transformation skills can fool even the devil

“It would be bad if he was caught by bad guys.”

Hearing these words, Heige immediately relaxed.


It seems that this man just regarded her as a homeless little wild cat.

But for being so kind to take him in, it seems that he has a good heart.

Thinking of this, Heige became more and more satisfied with Bai Ming in her heart.

Although she only regarded him as a fertility tool at first, she now has some affection for Bai Ming.

Although she can’t change back to human form now, but there is no other way, so she has to do it. Let’s play with you for a while.

While thinking this, Kuroka’s eyes turned.

This man turned her around.


She made a cute cry as much as possible.

Then, the pair of orange eyes looked at the boy in front of her. There was a trace of blue eyeballs dotted in the darkness, like a black hole, there was a person who would be able to The huge attraction that sucked the girl’s soul away for 16 years.

Like falling into the abyss, Heige was captured in just an instant.

When she came back to her senses, an unbearable heat and impulse suddenly surged out of the black cat’s body.


Heige was shocked.

This feeling instantly frightened her.

This feeling…….Could this feeling be…….

In Bai Ming’s hands, the originally peaceful kitten struggled again.

So sad…what happened… ah…So hot…Can’t bear it anymore…So sad…

Kuroka, who struggled to endure the hot feeling in his body, immediately thought that it was the physical reaction period of being a monster.

But……..It shouldn’t be.

As an adult cat demon, she has already been able to use magic or magic to suppress the body’s physiological reactions.

Now, she is no longer affected by her body’s reaction.

But what’s going on now?

It was as if a torch was burning fiercely inside his body, and it was unbearably hot, and there was no response at all to the suppression of magic and magic.

Could it be…Is it because of contact with this man?

Is the feeling as if my soul was being sucked out just now the culprit that caused the magic to fail?

Moreover, Heige’s purpose is to unite with Bai Ming and have a child, and he will not resist such a thing in his heart. Over and over again, Heige, whose race is a monster, naturally cannot suppress this primitive impulse from the body.

She tried to resist this urge with her will, but she failed after only holding on for less than thirty seconds.

Heige, whose sanity was about to collapse, decided to hand herself over to Bai Ming after trying various methods to no avail.

But something more terrible happened.

Heige suddenly realized that he couldn’t even use the transformation technique now.

“Meow meow meow~”

Then, a sound that can only be made by a female cat in its puberty period broke the silence of the night.

Under the deep night, it spread far away

“Ah this……..I haven’t done anything yet.”

Listening to the sharp screams from the black hair, Bai Ming covered his ears with a headache.

That’s why he deliberately called Asia from behind to talk about things related to kittens.

As early as when Heige was eavesdropping outside, he sensed the existence of the other party.

Then while the other party was in a trance, he caught the eavesdropping wild cat.

However, the current development was beyond his expectation.

Although Bai Ming knew that Heige was a cat demon, but logically speaking, as an adult monster, it is easy to control the impulses in the body.

But now………..

This harsh call has no intention of stopping.

“Meow, meow, meow~”

Heige used the last bit of reason to suppress her heat and impulse, and looked at Bai Ming as if asking for help, hoping that the other party could find a way to save her and get her out of her current horny situation.

After all, this feeling If this continues, people will really die.

Bai Ming picked up the black cat and felt that the aura in Heige’s body was quite disordered.

As soon as he touched him, the black cat’s cry became even sharper.

“The qi in the body is too chaotic, and it can usually turn back into a human being.”

Bai Ming has a headache.

Although Heige is currently a member of the Disaster Group, she is also Kitty’s sister after all. Judging from her character and behavior, she is not a bad person.

Besides, Bai Ming’s attitude towards the beautiful girl who caught his eye is Anyone who comes is welcome.

If the black cat can change back into a human form, he will reluctantly dedicate himself.

He knows that the way to solve this problem is to satisfy the impulse of the little wild cat.

However, the current situation is that Heige cannot change back into a human form. Can only maintain cat posture temporarily

“I’m scared of you.”

Bai Ming sighed.

Then he put the black cat on the sofa, opened the drawer and took out a pack of medical supplies.

Heige looked at Bai Ming’s actions with his remaining consciousness, and was suddenly surprised.

Has he found a solution??


Heige felt the nape of his neck being picked up again. Black Cat, who was inexplicably worried but somewhat expectant, was placed on his lap.

The next second,

Black Cat was stunned. What was that??

What is this?

What on earth is this?

After a brief pause in thinking, Heige finally reacted.

She struggled desperately, but Bai Ming’s hand was firmly pressed on the black cat’s back, and he could not move at all. No.

So, the kitten, unable to resist, could only lie on Bai Ming’s lap.

Bai Ming took the black cat and threw it on the sofa.

Then he threw away the rubber gloves and cotton swabs and sat on the sofa directly opposite., looking at the black cat in front of me, slowly changing back.

“Take care of the rest yourself.”

After transforming back into human form, Heige, who was lying on the sofa, heard Bai Ming’s voice.

These words immediately made her extremely ashamed, angry and ashamed.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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