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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 109

Chapter 109: The Old Demon King.

Chapter 109


Kuroka came to a wooden house on the outskirts of Kuoh Town.

The girl pushed open the door and entered, bringing with her a gust of fragrant wind.

There were other figures in the house.

A young man named Vali Lucifer with short silver hair and a cool appearance.

The other was a young man with short hair who was dressed like ancient soft armor, with a golden hoop on his head and an iron rod in his hand.

Seeing the person coming, the young man smiled and said,”I thought you wouldn’t come back today. It’s over so soon?” The young man’s answer reminded Heige of embarrassing himself in front of Bai Ming, and he suddenly raised his eyebrows and glared. He glanced at

“……..What a scary look. It seems like you were defeated in the hands of that man. Let me just say, how could such a strong man… possibly get close to women casually?”

The young man laughed even louder

“You are a monk, so don’t treat all men in the world as monks. I’m just a monk.……..I just didn’t do that today.”

After all, he couldn’t tell about his embarrassment, so Heige vented his resentment on his teammates.

Sun Wukong.

Although his name is this, he is actually the descendant of that one. He has a cheerful personality, but he is very friendly to him. Vali is also a man who doesn’t understand amorous feelings, which is far from Master Bai Ming.

Although he did something like that to him…433 Thinking of this, Heige couldn’t help but feel relieved.

If she could recover her body at that time, maybe she wouldn’t have to come back tonight.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Sun Wukong laughed even louder.

Heige usually looked like he had everything under control, but now he must be frustrated.

At this time, Vali Lucifer opened his eyes and asked lightly:”Heige, how is he now?”

“…….Well, I didn’t deliberately test his strength. I only knew that he could suppress all the spiritual energy in my body in an instant.”

Looking back at the beginning, Heige still has lingering fears.

If she went there with malicious intent, there would be no cat demon named Heige in this world.

“Really…he is still so strong.”

Hearing what she said, Vali’s tone was still calm, but both Heige and Sun Wukong could detect the surging fighting spirit hidden in Vali’s heart.

Because that’s the kind of person he is.

Constantly tempering himself is to compete with others. Fight with the stronger one.

Even if it is the original intention of joining the Disaster Group

“I really want to see you soon. Vali said with excitement.

In order to be able to fight with that man, he has practiced so far. Under the current situation, he has been able to exert the power of the Extreme Tyrannosaurus in a short time.

If he could release that power, he would not be able to do it at that time. It would be so embarrassing

“A sneeze.”

Sitting on the sofa, playing with the fidget spinner, Bai Ming sneezed.

“Is someone thinking of me?”

He was in a happy mood tonight.

After all, Heige’s arrival added a lot of fun to him.

And judging from her final reaction, Heige also listened to his suggestions.

Maybe not long after, there will be more children in his family. Two cute kittens are charming

“Master, I thought I heard a cat meowing before.”

Linali’s body was stained with water vapor, and her beautiful figure was wrapped in close-fitting pajamas.

It has to be said that although she was a supporting role in the original work, it is the DXD world after all. Basically, the characters with names and surnames are not in shape. Too bad

“It’s just a wild cat, it’s gone. Bai

Ming said with a smile.

“Come over here.”

Then, waving towards Linali


Linali, who knew what she was going to welcome next, walked slowly and respectfully with a rosy face, and then knelt down in front of Bai Ming consciously and obediently.

And tonight, someone is destined to have insomnia again.

Feeling the pain As the warmth passed through her hair, Linali’s delicate body trembled slightly, and her eyes gradually became blurred…Ten thousand words are omitted here……

Different from the peace and tranquility here in Bai Ming, the world in the shadows is still undercurrent.

Just as Heige reminded Bai Ming.

Although the recent news about the tripartite summit meeting is confidential, it is not a secret compared to some organizations. The border of the underworld.

The dim moonlight splashed on the dim earth, but different from the silvery light in reality, the moonlight in the underworld had a slight light purple color.

In the past, the descendants of the old demon king and his supporters, who had been huddled in this place for hundreds of years because of their failure in the civil war in the underworld, were prohibited from entering the cities of the new underworld. Compared with the luxurious life in the past, Like a pauper’s life.

But for demons with simple folk customs, the fact that they are still alive after losing the war is the greatest kindness of the current demon kings.

Of course, for the losers, the mercy of the winner will only make them feel humiliated.

As the legitimate descendants of the Demon King, every time they stand on the mountain and look at the noisy and prosperous city in the distance, the resentment in their hearts will grow day by day.

Over hundreds of years, they have accumulated countless grievances.

In order to one day return to the throne of the Demon King, the descendants of the old Demon King sect have already secretly made various preparations.

And not long ago.

The battle between the Great Red and the Cyan Giant shocked the world.

This also gave the descendants of the old demon king the idea to advance their plans.

The summit meeting between the three parties is the time for them to take action

“Is the news confirmed?”

The young man in black robes, who looked like an ancient vagabond, spoke.

Cruzel Asmode.

He is a descendant of the first demon king Asmode.

“The time and place for the talks between the three parties have been determined. If the meeting place is in the human world, it will be more conducive for those guys to take action.”

The person who answered was a charming woman with brown skin.

Katerea Leviathan.

She is a descendant of the first generation demon king Leviathan.

“Are those guys really worth trusting?”

The one with a disdainful tone was a man with long brown hair.

Sherpa Beelzebub.

He is a descendant of the first generation of demon king Beelzebub.

“Of course it is not worthy of belief, but since their purpose is to create chaos, it has the same interests as ours, and if we succeed, it will also be good for them.”


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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