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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 114

Chapter 114 Tokisaki Kurumi: This is a bonus.

Chapter 114

It’s not because he has any scruples, but because Bai Ming is worried that if he does that, he may become another person in the end. This persistence will not make Bai Ming a bad person.

The flexible moral standards unique to time travellers are also quite suitable for Bai Ming.

He can do whatever he wants, or he can do nothing if he doesn’t want to. certainly.

It is still one of Bai Ming’s goals to have close contact with more beautiful girls.

He sank into the sofa and began to think about what would happen next.

After the leaders of the three biblical forces met and reached a peace agreement, the influence gradually radiated to other pantheons.

The gods with peaceful thoughts, the gods with chaotic thoughts, and the gods who have nothing to do with themselves will all surface one after another.

The first to arrive was Odin, the main god of the Nordic pantheon.

However, his arrival also caused a chain reaction, making Loki, who wanted Ragnarok to come, dissatisfied. He used the excuse to launch a rebellion, hoping to kill Odin and make Ragnarok come early.

Regardless of Odin, Loki, as one of the main gods, should be able to provide him with a lot of souls.

507 Of course, we have to get through the drama of the peace talks first.

After all, he was going to go to town.

At this moment, Bai Ming received another notification that someone was chatting privately.

Clicking on the group chat, it was Tokisaki Kurumi again.

Nightmare Elf:”Picture.jpg.”

In the picture, there is a beautiful black-haired girl holding a cat.

The black and white maid uniform complements the white and tender skin, the black hair is tied with a red ribbon, and there is a white maid wreath on the top of her head. The absolute realm of the skirt and black stockings is even more dazzling.

Bai Ming:”Is this?”

Nightmare Elf:”Well, you have answered so many questions for me before, and I feel very sorry. How about this photo?”

Bai Ming:”The black stockings are good, I suggest you increase your efforts.”

Nightmare Elf:”Even black stockings need someone to decorate them. So Mr. Bai Ming, I will give you some other benefits next time.”

Bai Ming:”Then I’m looking forward to it.”

After the chat, Bai Ming had to sigh. Kurumi Saki is indeed an adult.

She is much more mature than other girls in the group.

They have all learned to bribe themselves with welfare photos.

Bai Ming’s idea is that if he takes a few more pictures in the future, it would be better if his clothes can be cooler.

Better not to wear it. certainly.

With the current favorability, it will take a long time to develop to this level.


Ravel Phoenix.

As the daughter and youngest daughter of the Phoenix family, she was in a very happy mood during this time.

In the past, she had always been regarded as the apple of her family’s eye, and they were afraid that she would be harmed, so they never let her interfere in matters related to the family.

Although she understands her parents’ painstaking efforts, Ravel also wants to share the worries for her family.

But when she proposed that she wanted to become a high-level demon in her own right, like the daughter of the Sidi family or the Gremory family, and went out to train in the human world, she was assigned to be a vassal under her brother Lessa.

It is said that he is familiar with the composition of his family, but in fact he is protecting her in disguise.

But after meeting Bai Ming that day.

Her life changed drastically.

Although there were some minor frictions during the process, her efforts saved the day and successfully reduced her parents’ worries.

He even received a precious gift from Bai Ming. That pale blue, gem-like item.

Although its value is unclear, it is quite precious to Ravel.

This is the first time she has received a gift from an outsider.

Moreover, he is still the opposite sex he likes.

The young man admires her, and the girl’s thoughts are almost the same.

At this age, Ravel is curious about the opposite sex.

In addition, his brother Lesa, who is nominally collecting dependents, is actually just collecting beautiful women to form his own harem.

Under the influence of what she heard and saw, Ravel naturally also wanted to meet the opposite sex.

Of course, unlike her brother, Ravel is not as philanthropic as Lysa.

Falling in love with Bai Ming at first sight makes the young girl fall into fantasy.

The successive encounters made her fall in love with that man.

The gifted gem was decorated with the most expensive pendant by the girl, and hung in front of the moon in a cherished way.

Not only that.

Her parents also seemed to want her to have more contact with Bai Ming.

This naturally made Ravel even more happy.

Having said that, the girl didn’t expect any reason to see Bai Ming.

However, thinking that Rias from the Gremory family also lived in Kuoh Town, Ravel also had a plan in mind. If she could become Rias’s dependent, she might be able to see Bai Ming many times.

Thinking of this, Ravel went back to tell her parents what she thought.

But just at this moment………………..

“It’s really rare to meet a pure-blooded high-level demon here.”

The sudden voice startled Ravel.

When she turned around, she only saw a figure covered in black robes.

It was also covered up with magic, and its voice and appearance were all blurred.

“who are you?!”

Level reacted.

The package was so airtight that he couldn’t be a normal person.

“Haha, does it matter who I am? But I didn’t expect that a descendant of the Phoenix family would actually come to this place alone.”

The voice was high-pitched, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a boy or a girl.

Ravel looked a little ugly, and hid the pendant under her clothes.

This was a private place she found when she was a child. She would use the portal when she was in a good or bad mood. Stay here for a while.

But this place is very close to the border.

And I heard from my family that the old-era demons living on the border have been uneasy recently.

But Ravel didn’t take it to heart.

The past civil war in the underworld has affected more than a dozen people. She was born just a few years ago and had no influence at all.

But what she was experiencing now made Ravel feel terrified.

Could it be that she was really unlucky enough to meet a demon from the old generation?

“Ha… In this case, let’s just use you as a puppet, Phoenix’s daughter, and blame your lackey father who refuses to cooperate with us.”

As soon as the words fell, Ravel saw several dark chains appear out of thin air and tie themselves up.


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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