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Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat — Chapter 118

Chapter 118: The three realms are silent [please vote].

Chapter 118

This is the result of Bai Ming deliberately stopping.

Otherwise, the power of this blow alone would be enough to make the entire underworld riddled with holes.

“Thinking that after eating the snake, you can sit back and relax, how come this kind of brain is the descendant of the devil.”

Bai Ming looked at the small bottle in his hand, and his blood-red eyes narrowed slightly.

Although these three descendants of the Demon King do not have high IQs, it is just a little bit of power that Ophis randomly distributed, which can make the highest level demon leap. He has the strength of a demon king.

From this point of view alone, it is enough to be called”infinite”. If Ophis can also be absorbed…

Bai Ming quickly dismissed this thought from his mind.

Regarding the attitude of infinitely cute dragons, it is better to keep them at home. Then, he turned his head and looked at another part of the underworld

“Sirzechs and the others should have discovered me, after all, there was such a big movement.”

And the facts are exactly as Bai Ming guessed.

Just when Bai Ming came to the earth in the form of a giant god soldier, all the four demon kings in the underworld sensed an aura that almost expanded to the limit of perception.

This huge aura suddenly appeared. The aura made all four demon kings feel extremely strong pressure.

Using the teleportation magic, the four people who were doing their own things gathered in the sky above the royal city, looking solemnly towards the border.

“Sirzechs, what happened? Serafall, who had changed into a magical girl costume, looked worried. Even she who used to be so cute and talkative was quite serious.

“Over there is the direction of the border, where the descendants of the old devil live. Sirzechs thought.

“Are you saying that the old Demon King sect rioted? But…Why…”

Hearing this, Seraph showed an expression of disbelief on her face.

“Serafuru, the descendants of the old demon king have actually been restless recently, and some clansmen have even been secretly instigated. 1.”

“instigate…Do they want…Take back the throne?”

Seraph showed an ugly expression on her face.

“But they are obviously living very well, including the people in the underworld, so why do they still want to do this?”

“..This matter is difficult to explain, but I have obtained certain evidence. I will explain the details later. The most important thing right now is what happened at the border.”

Sergex was worried and uneasy.

Although privately he has always been known as the strongest Lucifer Demon King in history, even he can feel the oppressive feeling that makes people’s hair stand on end at this moment.

“Sirzechs, Seraphulu, you two go, Beelzebub and I will stay here. If anything happens, call us immediately.”

In the case of uncertainty about whether he is attacking in the east or in the west, the Demon King City needs at least one or two demon kings to sit in.

Sirzechs nodded, without hesitation, directly activated the teleportation magic set up at the border, and Seraphulu and the two Together they were teleported to the border station where the Demon King’s army was stationed.

Then, they saw a scene they would never forget. The sky in the underworld was false.

Both the clouds and the sun were just illusions created by the Demon King using magic. But now, as if ink had been splashed on them Dark clouds gathered in the sky over the underworld. The pale thunder loomed in the clouds like a giant dragon. The scorching wind roared and blew on the earth, turning the originally green jungle into scorched earth and being trampled underfoot.

The existence that caused all this, it is this burly blue giant in the eyes of Seraflu and Serzechs. It stands like a mountain, towering above the sky, and its scarlet eyes seem to contain endless rage. It seems that it will turn into a scorching storm at any time and destroy all opponents.!

For a time, all the demons lost their voices.

Ordinary creatures, even just looking at the giant in front of them, will have their rationality affected.

Shrouded by its sacred and huge coercion, under the constant oppression, they become Prisoners of God. Only Sirzechs and Seraphulu could still maintain their sanity.

But even so, their bodies and hearts were still under strong impact. They subconsciously wanted to resist this pressure, but found that they were active in the past. The magic power was as difficult to mobilize as mud.

Sirzechs looked at the giant in front of him and fell into thinking.

Then he quickly recalled the blurry video that was circulating on the human network at that time. The man who fought against the Great Red at that time The existence was also a giant with a blue and black body.

However, since that incident, the world has never found traces of that giant. It was not until Bai Ming, who easily eliminated Kokabiel, appeared that Sirzechs I have doubts about the existence of the young man. Of course.

Just doubts.

After all, until now, there is no evidence that the other party is related to the blue-black giant.


The footsteps echoing throughout the underworld are in the distance. There was a sound.

The demons followed the sound and saw that the giant who was originally facing the other side was turning around. Crimson eyes as big as searchlights were looking down at him.

It was just a brief glance.

Sirzechs and Seraphru felt like a light on their backs, and a spiritual pressure severely ravaged their consciousness. This terrifying pressure was enough to awaken every demon imprinted in the depths of their souls. The memory of the Three Realms is undoubtedly the only god! However, the God of the Bible has long since died in the oldest three-party war.

Therefore, the giant in front of him cannot be the Bible that all demons and fallen angels fear. God!

“Sirzechs, what should we do? It seems that even if we join forces, we can’t defeat this big guy in front of us. Seraflu whispered.

There was no doubt about the answer.

The double shock from her soul and body made her unable to find a way to win. Hearing this sentence, Sirzechs smiled bitterly.

Seraflu One thing is wrong.

That is, not only are they invincible, but even the two demon kings guarding the home are not the opponent of the giant. And at this moment, several gorgeous teleportation arrays lit up in the air one after another.

Then., the rich aura of holy light hit their faces.

The fallen angel cadres headed by Azazel hurried to the scene. After seeing the giant standing on the ground in front of them, they all showed the same expressions as Sirzechs and the others…


Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Just entered Zongman: Start the giant soldier, join the chat

Status: Ongoing Author:


Bai Ming, who had traveled to the Zongman world, obtained the power of the Giant God Soldier bestowed by the system, but before he could react, the system canceled his existence.

After understanding the traversal information left by the system, I realized what kind of world I came to.

Just when he was about to leave the dimensional gap, he was unexpectedly attacked by the great red.

After reasoning (physics) with the other party, he was finally able to escape, but unexpectedly received an invitation from the chat **.

Discharge girl: “The photos of the newcomer exploded!”

Nightmare Elf: “Where is the newcomer, let me be healthy?”

Lamorna: “Want to play games together?”

Butterfly Chana Hui: “Newcomers, don’t be afraid, we are decent people, and the one you joined is also a decent girl.”

This book does not include any original CP, all the girls that appear are the protagonists.

Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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